Polls Return

By Chris | 17th Mar 2005 at 22:32 GMT in General | 2 Comments

Back by popular demand, we now have a poll back (on the right navigation) for you to cast your vote in. We had to remove the previous polling system we had due to conflicts with our PHP coding. Over the past couple of days I decided to code my own since this was the best option available to me. It has been tested for bugs, and we fixed all that we could find. So hopefully it's bug free and you won't be able to vote more than once from the same IP address.

The Polls page will contain results of all the polls we will be running.

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 18th March, 2005 @ 14:53 - Permalink

Nice going Chris! I have a feeling that I am part of the "popular demand"

Chris's photo
Chris 18th March, 2005 @ 14:54 - Permalink

Yeah, It was also mentioned in a topic somewhere that to add further interactivity we should add the polls again.

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