Grand Theft Auto IV out now in stores!

By Chris | 28th Apr 2008 at 23:53 GMT in GTA IV | 27 Comments

After a six month delay and years of waiting for most fans, Grand Theft Auto IV is now finally out in stores across the world. Australia and New Zealand were the first countries to enter April 29th and have GTA IV available to them, and around 12 hours later, the UK and the rest of Europe can now get the game. People living in the Americas still have a few more hours to wait. Also remember that the Social Club will shortly be opening its doors. So keep an eye on that for lots of cool features and stats.

As you're probably aware, many lucky people have already got their hands on a copy of the game. We've now made subforums in our main GTA IV forum to accommodate all the new topics, and depending on the amount of discussion going on we may well add a couple more to help organise the inevitable chaos. If you're not already a member of our forums, you can easily register an account which will only take a few moments and is completely free. This will give you full access to the forums, allowing you to post your own topics and reply to others, as well as join clans set up by other members for GTA4 - you could even set up your own! So, come on in and join nearly 15,000 other members!

We're aware that at this time, we'll most likely be losing a few members (at least for a while), mainly because people are spending all their time playing GTA IV and wish to avoid spoilers and such. But we're also aware that we're going to get a lot of new members too, many of you will probably need help at some point in the game, and the forums are an excellent place to seek and receive that help. Additionally, TGTAP aims to have it's own guides and maps up for GTA IV, so stay tuned for more updates.

Thank you all for visiting

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 28th April, 2008 @ 23:56 - Permalink

That's nice; I guess we Filipinos, as well as Australians and other people are fortunate enough to get IV first... :coolthumbup:

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 28th April, 2008 @ 23:57 - Permalink

Yay for everybody! Unfortunately, I'm not getting my copy until maybe tomorrow, so I'll just watch the GTA IV special on X-Play a few times to tide me over until then. :lol:

MishoM's photo
MishoM 29th April, 2008 @ 00:14 - Permalink
Yay for everybody! Unfortunately, I'm not getting my copy until maybe tomorrow, so I'll just watch the GTA IV special on X-Play a few times to tide me over until then. :lol:

I thought you weren't getting it until June... Anyway, I'll be getting it after school tomorrow, I'm shitting myself with anticipation!

Blur's photo
Blur 29th April, 2008 @ 00:33 - Permalink

Yes, I'm getting my copy tommorow! :):clapping: GTA IV! :worship:

Same here. MUST finish H.W.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 29th April, 2008 @ 01:20 - Permalink

I bet I'll be seeing the Plaza there...

It's nice! High-five for IV!

Rablo's photo
Rablo 29th April, 2008 @ 01:42 - Permalink

Que bien finally the game is realease I reserve mine on store here on honduras I will receive mine on 31 yeah good for me :clapping::clapping::clapping::lolbounce::lolbounce:

Hansui's photo
Hansui 29th April, 2008 @ 01:47 - Permalink
That's nice; I guess we Filipinos, as well as Australians and other people are fortunate enough to get IV first... :coolthumbup:

dude, where i could buy GTA IV here? sorry, i never go too far from my town...

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 29th April, 2008 @ 01:48 - Permalink
Yay for everybody! Unfortunately, I'm not getting my copy until maybe tomorrow, so I'll just watch the GTA IV special on X-Play a few times to tide me over until then. :lol:

I thought you weren't getting it until June... Anyway, I'll be getting it after school tomorrow, I'm shitting myself with anticipation!

The gaming gods work in mysterious ways. Don't ask me to explain it.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 29th April, 2008 @ 01:55 - Permalink

I watched that X-Play special and I have to say what a waste of fucking time. The only good part was hearing what the critics though and what Kakuza or whatever the fuck that gaming website is thought. They had a commercial every five minutes and they all lasted for 60 seconds. The "Cheat" part of it was actually not that bad IMO, they gave you a tip where you can hang up, accept the social invitation and then call them back and cancel without losing any friendship status (I think). I saw the special edition box for the 360 on there too, was really pleased.

Oh yeah, I would fuck the fuck out of that girl on there. Morgan I think?

fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 29th April, 2008 @ 02:21 - Permalink
I watched that X-Play special and I have to say what a waste of fucking time. The only good part was hearing what the critics though and what Kakuza or whatever the fuck that gaming website is thought. They had a commercial every five minutes and they all lasted for 60 seconds. The "Cheat" part of it was actually not that bad IMO, they gave you a tip where you can hang up, accept the social invitation and then call them back and cancel without losing any friendship status (I think). I saw the special edition box for the 360 on there too, was really pleased.

Oh yeah, I would fuck the fuck out of that girl on there. Morgan I think?

Why do you guys just drool over her? She is not that hot. She is pretty, but not that hot. No, Kristan Holt, oh my god, she is a totally different story man. She is the host of the Cheat! section of the show.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 29th April, 2008 @ 02:23 - Permalink
I watched that X-Play special and I have to say what a waste of fucking time. The only good part was hearing what the critics though and what Kakuza or whatever the fuck that gaming website is thought. They had a commercial every five minutes and they all lasted for 60 seconds. The "Cheat" part of it was actually not that bad IMO, they gave you a tip where you can hang up, accept the social invitation and then call them back and cancel without losing any friendship status (I think). I saw the special edition box for the 360 on there too, was really pleased.

Oh yeah, I would fuck the fuck out of that girl on there. Morgan I think?

Why do you guys just drool over her? She is not that hot. She is pretty, but not that hot. No, Kristan Holt, oh my god, she is a totally different story man. She is the host of the Cheat! section of the show.

I don't "drool" over her I just think she's hot. And yes I would drill that girl too, harder.

fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 29th April, 2008 @ 02:37 - Permalink
I watched that X-Play special and I have to say what a waste of fucking time. The only good part was hearing what the critics though and what Kakuza or whatever the fuck that gaming website is thought. They had a commercial every five minutes and they all lasted for 60 seconds. The "Cheat" part of it was actually not that bad IMO, they gave you a tip where you can hang up, accept the social invitation and then call them back and cancel without losing any friendship status (I think). I saw the special edition box for the 360 on there too, was really pleased.

Oh yeah, I would fuck the fuck out of that girl on there. Morgan I think?

Why do you guys just drool over her? She is not that hot. She is pretty, but not that hot. No, Kristan Holt, oh my god, she is a totally different story man. She is the host of the Cheat! section of the show.

I don't "drool" over her I just think she's hot. And yes I would drill that girl too, harder.

Thats the spirit buddy! Anyways, yeah I gots to wait till tomorrow to get my GTA IV Special Edition too. It sucks so bad. I haven't been able to eat all day, my stomach is churning. I won't be able to eat tomorrow either. In fact I vowed not to eat till after I get GTA IV. Its fasting, nothing like two days of fasting to get ready for a big game launch. I'm the biggest GTA fan ever, you can't argue with me. I'm crazy, I'll cut you, hell I'll cut myself for a GTA game, for a Rockstar game. I love Rockstar.

tjg50311's photo
tjg50311 29th April, 2008 @ 02:37 - Permalink

Woo Hoo! Now the forums need an update, like in your profile where it asks your favorite GTA, IV needs to be added.

Deji's photo
Deji 29th April, 2008 @ 03:28 - Permalink

my friend pre-released and got it early! i nailed it in a day!!!

MeL's photo
MeL 29th April, 2008 @ 04:02 - Permalink

Well im about to head out with some friends to get it it, only 1 hour left!

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 29th April, 2008 @ 05:43 - Permalink

I got it about 2 hours ago and it's such a kick ass game. I waited 2 hours to get it and was around the 10th person to get it out of the 100 people that were at the midnight release.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 29th April, 2008 @ 06:54 - Permalink

I got mine today but I haven't played it. I'm too scared to open the packaging, it looks so fuckin' sexy.

Deji's photo
Deji 29th April, 2008 @ 10:11 - Permalink

no one else got it 2 days before release? cool, i was the first to complete it! lol. but my friend is the first to play it... i wish I had PS3 or 360... :(

Muffinman701's photo
Muffinman701 29th April, 2008 @ 11:36 - Permalink
Yay for everybody! Unfortunately, I'm not getting my copy until maybe tomorrow, so I'll just watch the GTA IV special on X-Play a few times to tide me over until then. :lol:
true that bro.
surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 29th April, 2008 @ 12:00 - Permalink

well, i guess the hunting begins huh?

for me at least, i will do whatever's necessary to get a copy of GTA IV in local stores!!!

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 29th April, 2008 @ 13:23 - Permalink

I'm currently still awaiting my copy - my mum has it ATM, she's at work and will then go shopping, so it'll be about 2 or 3 hours before I get to play it - nnnngggggh. I envy the rest of you who are playing it now. ;_:

Alberto17's photo
Alberto17 29th April, 2008 @ 13:57 - Permalink
I'm currently still awaiting my copy - my mum has it ATM, she's at work and will then go shopping, so it'll be about 2 or 3 hours before I get to play it - nnnngggggh. I envy the rest of you who are playing it now. ;_:

Its no biggie bro, the wait will only make gameplay that much sweeter lol, Personally it took some getting used to but im sure you'll love it haha

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 29th April, 2008 @ 14:04 - Permalink
I'm currently still awaiting my copy - my mum has it ATM, she's at work and will then go shopping, so it'll be about 2 or 3 hours before I get to play it - nnnngggggh. I envy the rest of you who are playing it now. ;_:

2 or 3 hours? Bah! I have to wait till Saturday for my order to get here.

Jay_Jay's photo
Jay_Jay 29th April, 2008 @ 17:45 - Permalink

i have to wait until i get money to buy a ps3 and then i have to wait after that to buy the game. and this will take longer then a few hours or a few days. lets say about 5 months maybe.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 29th April, 2008 @ 20:25 - Permalink
no one else got it 2 days before release? cool, i was the first to complete it! lol. but my friend is the first to play it... i wish I had PS3 or 360... :(

Cool, post some screens. :thumbsup:

fire boy's photo
fire boy 29th April, 2008 @ 22:02 - Permalink


Artur's photo
Artur 29th April, 2008 @ 22:55 - Permalink

Fuck, I should have mine by now. I pre-ordered and the only option was shipment and no pick-up so I pre-ordered. Now I'm not sure but the game could be in the mail but I don't have keys for the mail, my mom does. And if it's not in there the shipping company will probably deliver tomorrow which is pissing me off a lot. Well let's hope I get it by tonight...

Edit: Lol I just called them and they said it will be here on May 5th and there's no way to cancel. So I got pissed and was wondering why the hell would I pre-order it to get it like a week later. And since according to my friend there's tons of copies at Best Buy right now, my mom is gonna buy it now and we'll return the one that comes on the 5th. So good news is I'm getting the game today. And yeah fuck Best Buy :)

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