Bizarre GTA2 rumor circulating the internet

By Chris | 2nd May 2008 at 08:28 GMT in Classics | 0 Comments

Taking a quick break from GTA IV mayhem with a news story we feel should have been posted about 10 years ago... and probably was...

I originally had no intention of making this post, but due to the rising number of websites covering the story I thought it would be a good idea. A number of respectable gaming sites have over the past couple of days posted up reports of a bizarre rumour regarding GTA2 and it's alleged impending release on to the Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation Store, and I just wanted to put it out there as fact that there is no truth in this so called rumour.

The rumour itself centres around the official GTA2 website and the flash countdown shown upon skipping the intro. The top part of the countdown always shows today's date, and a time which always starts at 09:38:00. Below this is a date in the future, always 21 days later, with the time exactly 2 hours ahead of the top one. The clocks both reset every 60 seconds.

Apparently, this has never been spotted by the rumor starter, whomever it was, who believed that the site had been updated and intended to be a clue towards a release of some kind by Rockstar Games. This was despite the fact the website has been online almost 10 years and as far as I know has always had this on the website. The fact that professional gaming websites are reporting this now is both amusing and slightly worrying.

For those not in the know, GTA2 (and earlier, GTA1) was made freely available for the PC over 3 years ago - Because of this I'm not sure that many people would even bother with an XBLA or PSN version, since presumably you'd need to pay for it.

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