Gamestar Get World Exclusive SA PC Preview

By Chris | 22nd Mar 2005 at 17:47 GMT in San Andreas | 4 Comments

I reported earlier on how PCGamer were expecting to have the exclusive, but it seems German magazine Gamestar have already got it, after travelling to Rockstar's NYC offices to preview the game.

The magazine which goes on sale on Wednesday 23rd March (tomorrow) all over Germany, has a massive 8 pages on the game, which includes 12 never before seen screenshots. So if your in the country be sure to pick up a copy.

Below is a summary of the main points taken from the article:

  • The draw distance is considerably higher in the PC version.
  • Real reflections on buildings can be seen in a screenshot. Real reflections will also be visible on cars and shiny floors.
  • The German version will be censored of blood, you also won't be able to mug people for money.
  • You can forget washed out textures from the PlayStation 2 version. The PC version will not be a 1:1 copy of the PS2 version, but a whole new graphical experience.
  • It is not yet confirmed how the 2-player mode will work on the PC.
  • The PC version will allow you to import your own MP3 for listening on the radio. You can even specify an MP3 folder on your hard disk, which the radio will play songs from between advertisements and DJ commentary.
  • As of writing the preview, the game is 90% complete and ready to be released in June.

Links: Gamestar Magazine Preview,

For a few of the screenshots in the mag, check out GTAReactor

mvi's photo
mvi 22nd March, 2005 @ 18:35 - Permalink

Looking good, I'll have to go on some german sites to see what's in it tommorow

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 22nd March, 2005 @ 21:40 - Permalink


:cry: poor shame, poor shame *sniff* :cry:

Chris's photo
Chris 22nd March, 2005 @ 23:22 - Permalink

you're not German though. Someone will probably make a patch for blood anyway. I bet just the blood texture is transparent, all they have to do is fill it with red, maybe.

Oscar's photo
Oscar 23rd March, 2005 @ 06:59 - Permalink

Maybe, and is good to have some official information being this close to the PC versionb release.

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