Less than 3000 accept Hot Coffee refund

By Gerard | 26th Jun 2008 at 11:25 GMT in San Andreas | 22 Comments

IPB ImageOut of the millions of people eligible for a refund of GTA San Andreas after the Hot Coffee scandal, less than 3000 people have come forward to collect their money.

After disabled, inaccessible sex scenes were found to be able to be reactivated by a third-party modification a couple of years ago, this resulted in public outrage, widespread condemnation and a handful of lawsuits being thrown at Rockstar's parent company Take Two. In 2007 they agreed to exchange any v1 copy of GTA San Andreas for a 'fixed' v2, or offer a refund of if they have proof that they purchased v1.

Now months later, only 2,676 people have claimed their refund, in spite of millions of individuals having the right to a payout. Take Two were shocked at that result, and the plaintiffs' lawyer is "disappointed", and doesn't understand why people don't care. This has prompted people to claim that the case was blown out of proportion, and shouldn't have been brought to court at all.

So it turns out that people perhaps are more tolerant of sexual content after all, or realised the effort you had to go through to access the content. Perhaps the all that controversy, outrage and hysteria was just some lawyers trying to cash in on the most successful game franchise ever.

Source: NYTimes

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 26th June, 2008 @ 11:31 - Permalink

All that bullshit over nothing. Thanks a lot, Jack Thompson, Hilary Clinton, etc.

hunter88888's photo
hunter88888 26th June, 2008 @ 13:06 - Permalink
So it turns out that people perhaps are more tolerant of sexual content after all, or realised the effort you had to go through to access the content. Perhaps the all that controversy, outrage and hysteria was just some lawyers trying to cash in on the most successful game franchise ever.

Can you blame them? Who doesn't want a piece of GTA?

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 26th June, 2008 @ 14:15 - Permalink

Know something?

Fuck you JT.

josef8's photo
josef8 26th June, 2008 @ 15:40 - Permalink

i didnt expect this... i guess nobody did :lolbounce:

Chris's photo
Chris 26th June, 2008 @ 15:46 - Permalink

When R* actually announced the GTA Settlement website I was wondering just how many people were actually "affected" by the pixel porn fiasco.

I'm guessing the 2,676 are all angry over-protective parents whose children are too young to play the game anyway. Anyone over 17/18 is surely mature enough to not give a shit about content like this in games, right?

Shortbus's photo
Shortbus 26th June, 2008 @ 22:05 - Permalink

People are still complaining about this?

I wonder how Jacky feels with half the nation fucking hating him.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 26th June, 2008 @ 23:17 - Permalink

I don't care about the porn/R-18 content in GTA, nor do I engage in coffee, and since the mod only involves an SCM hack, I wasn't willing to "brew a scandal", even if I have v1; R* may had made a costly mistake by leaving the coffee script intact (which may explain why v2 is immune to mods), but it seems as though the lawyers are just taking advantage of GTA's mainstream popularity...

tilly's photo
tilly 27th June, 2008 @ 01:37 - Permalink

I'm sure the late, Jack Thompson, is rolling over in his grave.

Or at least I hope he's dead.

WRX22B1998's photo
WRX22B1998 27th June, 2008 @ 02:12 - Permalink

^ lol

for some reason this doesnt surprise me in the least. who would honestly care.

Mike356's photo
Mike356 27th June, 2008 @ 02:15 - Permalink

most of them are just for the money probably

tilly's photo
tilly 27th June, 2008 @ 05:02 - Permalink

People like 13 year old girls that don't even play the game that got it from their inbred uncle who doesn't know what else to give them for their birthday.

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 27th June, 2008 @ 13:21 - Permalink

I'd like to kill JT myself

Who joins me? :P

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 27th June, 2008 @ 13:56 - Permalink

Nah, I'd rather him be tied up while I shit in his mouth. An equivalent of what he's been doing to our ears for years, isn't it?

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 28th June, 2008 @ 17:12 - Permalink

Catch him standing on a curb & nail him w/ the Saint's Row 2 sewage truck. :thumbsup:

I hope R* keeps these numbers handy for the next time some dildo gets "traumatized" by a video game.

FnB's photo
FnB 28th June, 2008 @ 18:19 - Permalink
I'd like to kill JT myself

Who joins me? :P

I would do the same thing Toni Cipriani did to Casa in LCS. Get him out of breathe with a fire axe, then hack his body into meatballs and sell it :P

Deji's photo
Deji 28th June, 2008 @ 18:24 - Permalink

lol... The thing that gets me... You need to download/mod the game to get hot coffee which means you are practically accepting what is there. Why do the parents go mad at the game when their kid is the one who downloaded the abillity to have hot coffee. They should be taking the kids game off them anyway. I personally think the mod is just really weird. I don't really want it in my game but still don't care if that stuff is in it. R* made the effort to disable hot coffee...

Mike356's photo
Mike356 30th June, 2008 @ 00:34 - Permalink

no the problem is that the reason why was because they would be admitting they were stupid enough to actually got the game for their kid so being the good parents they are wouldent want anyone to know they bought that game for their kid

surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 30th June, 2008 @ 12:35 - Permalink

goddamn, most of the people who stated the word "GTA is inappropriate for children" was because they want to be called a good person where the truth is actually the other way around. they are actually destroying freedom, not only in America but also the freedom around the world, and R* actually have rights to release hot coffee as long as they rated it as 21+(which what have been the problem, SA was not rated R when hot coffee was released. and does all the ratings ever worked at all? maybe but if we look at these days, underage(including me) playing /watching/reading/looking at things that's unsuitable for them

it's not that the rating system that's failed, i think personally it's because of the morale system. but what separates us from other creatures is actually our lack of judgement, morale, respect for others, and mainly our brains that's always need satisfying things. but these things are actually good things because what makes hero a hero is the existence of the villains(that's my quote don't steal it :P ). well not that R* is the villain, R* is simply a company that makes games under the rule of law, rights and constitutions. GTA is not meant for children and it does not mean that in real life we have to be a criminal. it depends on our judgement to choose, if you think GTA IV can make you a criminal or in this case(hot coffee case) a rapist, sex maniac, or perverts, then i suggest you to go to the Psychiatrist right now. GTA is just a game that's designed to satisfy our needs and release stress, not to make us stressed and be a serial killer, rapist or whatever criminal activity it is.

our parents is a matter of concern too, but it's not that our parents are bad parents for letting us play GTA. our parents want what's best for us and i was told by my old man that playing these games couldn't make me a serial killer, but his wrong actions as a father can turn me into one. my parents only want me to have a little freedom, after all GTA can't kill me like drugs do right? JT and others should see that maybe a drug addict who wants to be cured would rather addicted to GTA game than crystal meth right?(i stole it from boston legal but what the hell)

i'm glad that people don't care about it that much, it's not JT that sickens me. it's his mind that always thinking too conservative and oppose violence in games when he should have fight violence in real life instead.

azn's photo
azn 1st July, 2008 @ 01:30 - Permalink

Rofl, I bet these 2676 owners of the game were either:

a) Overprotective parents

b.) Actually gave a shit about the ratings stickers located at the bottom left corner of the game's case

c.) Wanted their money back after GTAIV was released

JT, fuck you.

Oh and sorry for my inactiveness lately, internet was cut off

studio m-LTD's photo
studio m-LTD 26th May, 2010 @ 20:14 - Permalink

goddamn, most of the people who stated the word "GTA is inappropriate for children" was because they want to be called a good person where the truth is actually the other way around. they are actually destroying freedom, not only in America but also the freedom around the world, and R* actually have rights to release hot coffee as long as they rated it as 21+(which what have been the problem, SA was not rated R when hot coffee was released. and does all the ratings ever worked at all? maybe but if we look at these days, underage(including me) playing /watching/reading/looking at things that's unsuitable for them

it's not that the rating system that's failed, i think personally it's because of the morale system. but what separates us from other creatures is actually our lack of judgement, morale, respect for others, and mainly our brains that's always need satisfying things. but these things are actually good things because what makes hero a hero is the existence of the villains(that's my quote don't steal it :P ). well not that R* is the villain, R* is simply a company that makes games under the rule of law, rights and constitutions. GTA is not meant for children and it does not mean that in real life we have to be a criminal. it depends on our judgement to choose, if you think GTA IV can make you a criminal or in this case(hot coffee case) a rapist, sex maniac, or perverts, then i suggest you to go to the Psychiatrist right now. GTA is just a game that's designed to satisfy our needs and release stress, not to make us stressed and be a serial killer, rapist or whatever criminal activity it is.

our parents is a matter of concern too, but it's not that our parents are bad parents for letting us play GTA. our parents want what's best for us and i was told by my old man that playing these games couldn't make me a serial killer, but his wrong actions as a father can turn me into one. my parents only want me to have a little freedom, after all GTA can't kill me like drugs do right? JT and others should see that maybe a drug addict who wants to be cured would rather addicted to GTA game than crystal meth right?(i stole it from boston legal but what the hell)

i'm glad that people don't care about it that much, it's not JT that sickens me. it's his mind that always thinking too conservative and oppose violence in games when he should have fight violence in real life instead.

hmp...interesting topic here..honestly,i dont think that they should have banned the 'hot coffee' scene..when game sales started to fall bcoz of such action,who is to be blamed??

Ivan's photo
Ivan 26th May, 2010 @ 21:22 - Permalink

What the fuck man, look at the date.

WRX22B1998's photo
WRX22B1998 27th May, 2010 @ 03:28 - Permalink


well done.

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