Nintendo announces GTA: Chinatown Wars for the DS

By Chris | 15th Jul 2008 at 17:24 GMT in Chinatown Wars | 67 Comments


This news coming somewhat as a surprise to me, and I'm sure many others. But no this isn't April Fool's, Nintendo have indeed just announced GTA: Chinatown Wars for the DS at this years E3 event. It's expected to be released this winter. Once again we'll see a GTA game taking place in Liberty City, though this one of course (presumably) focusing just on the Chinatown district.

From the press release:

"This is a game that will deliver a rich, fast-paced and intense 'Grand Theft Auto' experience that will be truly unique to Nintendo's handheld platform," said Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games. "Rockstar Leeds, along with the team at Rockstar North, has built upon a decade of progressive design on Grand Theft Auto, and has created something fundamentally fresh and immersive."

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is an entirely original entry into the critically acclaimed Grand Theft Auto series, and brings a new level of interactivity to its sprawling open environments. With the use of the DS touch screen, players will navigate their way through the streets as they uncover the truth behind an epic tale of crime and corruption within the Triad crime syndicate, delivering the unprecedented amount of depth that has become a true trademark of the franchise.

Let's hope it improves upon GTA Advance!

This news post is being updated with more info as it becomes known.


press release [via kotaku]

Official website

Sherman's photo
Sherman 15th July, 2008 @ 17:28 - Permalink

Sweet. Chances are I'll be picking this up; I recently found my DS ;D

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 15th July, 2008 @ 17:33 - Permalink

I'm so lucky that I bought a DS Lite last year, will definitely be picking this up. Judging by the name, I wonder if it will be set in Liberty City or a new location. Just hope it won't be as suckish as normal DS games.

Sherman's photo
Sherman 15th July, 2008 @ 17:34 - Permalink

^^ Modern day Liberty City

Chris's photo
Chris 15th July, 2008 @ 17:40 - Permalink

Yeah just updated the post for about the 6th time already. It's Liberty City again.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 15th July, 2008 @ 17:48 - Permalink

C'mon, again?! I don't think that they'll even need to change the map since it will probably be set in modern day Liberty City.

Chris's photo
Chris 15th July, 2008 @ 17:50 - Permalink

For a game map this small I don't really think they needed to design something new though.

Patty-T's photo
Patty-T 15th July, 2008 @ 17:58 - Permalink

Holy crap! This is seems so unreal.... I can hardly believe it. I never thought the day would come when I would actually want a DS. Well now I know what I want for christmas.....

Dirty Harry's photo
Dirty Harry 15th July, 2008 @ 18:09 - Permalink

Not too excited. Hope it turns out a fun game.

Should a subforum be made for this?

Chris's photo
Chris 15th July, 2008 @ 18:26 - Permalink

Well we have one for GTA Advance so I guess we should, I'll make it later.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 15th July, 2008 @ 18:26 - Permalink

Website is now officially online!

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 15th July, 2008 @ 19:28 - Permalink

So frickin' awesome of DS owners. Hopefully, this will be a GOOD GTA portable game.

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 15th July, 2008 @ 20:15 - Permalink

Ahhhh, another GTA?

Chris's photo
Chris 15th July, 2008 @ 20:20 - Permalink

Yes, you happy or disappointed or surprised... or what? :/

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 15th July, 2008 @ 20:21 - Permalink

I'm surprised.

I thought Rockstar left GTA's for a while, BTW I hope this is good.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 15th July, 2008 @ 20:26 - Permalink

It's pretty cool now that they're now starting on another portable console (Excluding GTA Advance). This, I supposedly hope will be more entertaining than the stories' series. I mean, being it on DS, it should be alot more fun, especially with the DS features. I believe this could bring GTA high again from GTA Advance.

Let's just see where it heads to...

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 15th July, 2008 @ 20:28 - Permalink

Playing GTA with a pen can be funny :P

NotYouHaha's photo
NotYouHaha 15th July, 2008 @ 20:35 - Permalink

I hope it has GTA IV gameplay, but I was hoping for another GTA on PS3/360 that would have airplanes and all that wonderful various amount of stuff like on GTA:SA.

Oh well. <_< Just hope it isn't a top-down GTA and that it isn't set in the GTA 3 Liberty City.

Ivan's photo
Ivan 15th July, 2008 @ 20:38 - Permalink

This should be an okay game, but I kinda hate Chinatown, lol.

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 15th July, 2008 @ 20:41 - Permalink

Is this game going to look like GTA Liberty City Stories?? or like the GTA 2?

mvi's photo
mvi 15th July, 2008 @ 23:08 - Permalink

On an obscure and completely unrelated note, any decent DS emulators out there?

chris82's photo
chris82 16th July, 2008 @ 00:37 - Permalink

If this game appears to be good I might have to pick up a DS.

Slyde's photo
Slyde 16th July, 2008 @ 03:37 - Permalink

Lol i thought this was a joke. I don't really enjoy my DS but hopefully this will change my mind.

There must be a reason why Rockstar chose the DS platform. I'm going to expect something good.

Oh and, Chinatown FTW. Seriously.

Shortbus's photo
Shortbus 16th July, 2008 @ 03:53 - Permalink

GTA on handheld? :|

Doesn't sound very good.

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 16th July, 2008 @ 04:06 - Permalink

Are you serious dude? There's already been 2 GTA games on a handheld system for the last past 3 years

Slyde's photo
Slyde 16th July, 2008 @ 04:20 - Permalink

Chris you gonna make a new section so we can post our wishlists?

Chris's photo
Chris 16th July, 2008 @ 15:07 - Permalink

Eventually. Not much need for it yet because nothing is known except this press release. Also if it's going to be released this winter it means it's pretty much done, no time for wishes. Plus we have no idea of the scale of the game and what sort of things to expect.

We'll make a forum when there's a little more demand for it.

EDIT: never mind, I'll make one now.

neoblade77's photo
neoblade77 16th July, 2008 @ 16:36 - Permalink

I thought it was a joke at first, lol. I can't get it anyway because I don't have a DS, but if it looks good enough, I'll buy one.

TNF's photo
TNF 16th July, 2008 @ 18:27 - Permalink

Liberty City again?

Ans how will it look on a DS screen?

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 16th July, 2008 @ 21:45 - Permalink
I hope it has GTA IV gameplay, but I was hoping for another GTA on PS3/360 that would have airplanes and all that wonderful various amount of stuff like on GTA:SA.

Oh well. <_< Just hope it isn't a top-down GTA and that it isn't set in the GTA 3 Liberty City.

It won't have GTA IV gameplay... They wouldn't use those advanced engines for a portable GTA. And hoping for another big GTA release... Already? We JUST got GTA IV....

GTA on handheld? :|

Doesn't sound very good.

There's been three of them to date that I know of. Where have you been?

GTA LEGAND's photo
GTA LEGAND 17th July, 2008 @ 05:53 - Permalink

GTA Chinatown Wars sounds like good game but i can't get it when it comes out unless i get a DS for christmas.

sibraa5's photo
sibraa5 17th July, 2008 @ 07:33 - Permalink


I'll get it :D!

NotYouHaha's photo
NotYouHaha 17th July, 2008 @ 16:01 - Permalink
I hope it has GTA IV gameplay, but I was hoping for another GTA on PS3/360 that would have airplanes and all that wonderful various amount of stuff like on GTA:SA.

Oh well. <_< Just hope it isn't a top-down GTA and that it isn't set in the GTA 3 Liberty City.

It won't have GTA IV gameplay... They wouldn't use those advanced engines for a portable GTA. And hoping for another big GTA release... Already? We JUST got GTA IV....

I just didn't think they would have a smaller-GTA release since they wouldn't have any smaller GTAs or "Stories" to do.

BULL's photo
BULL 17th July, 2008 @ 17:50 - Permalink

Thinking ahead here I wonder if they will do little havana wars or soming like that

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 17th July, 2008 @ 18:14 - Permalink
I hope it has GTA IV gameplay, but I was hoping for another GTA on PS3/360 that would have airplanes and all that wonderful various amount of stuff like on GTA:SA.

Oh well. <_< Just hope it isn't a top-down GTA and that it isn't set in the GTA 3 Liberty City.

It won't have GTA IV gameplay... They wouldn't use those advanced engines for a portable GTA. And hoping for another big GTA release... Already? We JUST got GTA IV....

I just didn't think they would have a smaller-GTA release since they wouldn't have any smaller GTAs or "Stories" to do.

Why not? It's something unique and fun to do. And this isn't a "Stories" game.

NotYouHaha's photo
NotYouHaha 17th July, 2008 @ 19:32 - Permalink
I hope it has GTA IV gameplay, but I was hoping for another GTA on PS3/360 that would have airplanes and all that wonderful various amount of stuff like on GTA:SA.

Oh well. <_< Just hope it isn't a top-down GTA and that it isn't set in the GTA 3 Liberty City.

It won't have GTA IV gameplay... They wouldn't use those advanced engines for a portable GTA. And hoping for another big GTA release... Already? We JUST got GTA IV....

I just didn't think they would have a smaller-GTA release since they wouldn't have any smaller GTAs or "Stories" to do.

Why not? It's something unique and fun to do. And this isn't a "Stories" game.

I wasn't thinking outside-the-box. Like Chris and others said, they were surprised to see another GTA located in Liberty City and who would've thought a GTA would be on the DS?

Anyways, I wonder if you'll be able to fire via the touchscreen. :) That'll be sick.

EDIT: Fixing Grammar. :)

Artur's photo
Artur 17th July, 2008 @ 19:32 - Permalink

This is pretty surprising but seems like it might be fun. We'll have to wait for more news and I might get have to get a DS haha.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 17th July, 2008 @ 20:25 - Permalink
I hope it has GTA IV gameplay, but I was hoping for another GTA on PS3/360 that would have airplanes and all that wonderful various amount of stuff like on GTA:SA.

Oh well. <_< Just hope it isn't a top-down GTA and that it isn't set in the GTA 3 Liberty City.

It won't have GTA IV gameplay... They wouldn't use those advanced engines for a portable GTA. And hoping for another big GTA release... Already? We JUST got GTA IV....

I just didn't think they would have a smaller-GTA release since they wouldn't have any smaller GTAs or "Stories" to do.

Why not? It's something unique and fun to do. And this isn't a "Stories" game.

I wasn't thinking outside-the-box. Like Chris and others said, they were surprised to see another GTA located in Liberty City and who would've thought a GTA would be on the DS?

Anyways, I wonder if you'll be able to fire via the touchscreen. :) That'll be sick.

EDIT: Fixing Grammar. :)

No, it would be really annoying. I'd much rather use R.

NotYouHaha's photo
NotYouHaha 17th July, 2008 @ 21:13 - Permalink
No, it would be really annoying. I'd much rather use R.

Yes, I agree using R on peds would be better, but how about when doing drivebys, blind-firing, shooting vehicles and etc?

IMO, it would be new and unique and doing the items listed above using an analog is different and not the best but now imagine using the DS' control pad.

I personally would enjoy using the touchscreen to fire.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 18th July, 2008 @ 12:16 - Permalink

I don't know if I said this, but this is also good news to some of us because it's sort of like higher odds that we could get a GTA on Wii. Maybe, that is, if this actually succeeds and people like it.

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 18th July, 2008 @ 19:09 - Permalink

^ And, if R* are more likely to make an 'experimental' (if you will) DS release, it shows promise for a PC version, which will definitely sell well.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 19th July, 2008 @ 19:40 - Permalink
^ And, if R* are more likely to make an 'experimental' (if you will) DS release, it shows promise for a PC version, which will definitely sell well.

How does that show promise of a PC version? It wouldn't exactly port all that great.

Shortbus's photo
Shortbus 22nd July, 2008 @ 17:53 - Permalink
GTA on handheld? :|

Doesn't sound very good.

There's been three of them to date that I know of. Where have you been?

my mom's basement :D

nah but seriously, I've seen GTA3 on PSP, it ran pretty good actually. I just wasn't expecting GTA on a nintindo system.

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 23rd July, 2008 @ 00:02 - Permalink
^ And, if R* are more likely to make an 'experimental' (if you will) DS release, it shows promise for a PC version, which will definitely sell well.

How does that show promise of a PC version? It wouldn't exactly port all that great.

I meant a PC version of IV, not CTW, probably my wording, but yeah. PC vers. of IV would sell better than CTW, IMO, so.... yeah... self explanatory....

Acronyms FTW.

azn's photo
azn 23rd July, 2008 @ 07:14 - Permalink

Chinatown wars sounds good, my friend has a Ds lite and I use it sometimes..He uses an R4, which is basically an empty cartridge that allows you to store multiple games on one cartridge, use it to view photos, videos, listen to music etc. Like a little computer..

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 23rd July, 2008 @ 20:41 - Permalink
GTA on handheld? :|

Doesn't sound very good.

There's been three of them to date that I know of. Where have you been?

my mom's basement :D

nah but seriously, I've seen GTA3 on PSP, it ran pretty good actually. I just wasn't expecting GTA on a nintindo system.

No, you seen GTA LCS.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 23rd July, 2008 @ 21:10 - Permalink

You sure about that? It's definitely possible, people are already playing San Andreas on the PSP thanks to all these crazy methods etc.

Alkali64's photo
Alkali64 24th July, 2008 @ 13:16 - Permalink
You sure about that? It's definitely possible, people are already playing San Andreas on the PSP thanks to all these crazy methods etc.


Are you serious?

yanko693's photo
yanko693 25th July, 2008 @ 00:11 - Permalink
You sure about that? It's definitely possible, people are already playing San Andreas on the PSP thanks to all these crazy methods etc.


Are you serious?

no. ps2 and older can not be emulated on the psp. not enough processor. ps1 and older can be though. including nintendos. no xbox though

Shortbus's photo
Shortbus 25th July, 2008 @ 01:35 - Permalink

You're probably right, the screen is so damn small. Tony looks a lot like Claude anyway.

I wasn't playing the game, was watching over a shoulder.

Cursed's photo
Cursed 26th July, 2008 @ 22:06 - Permalink

I was hoping for something rather more like "GTAIV PC release due soon" from Rockstar. I don't have a DS and don't intend getting one, so I doubt I'll play it.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 30th July, 2008 @ 13:29 - Permalink
GTA on handheld? :|

Doesn't sound very good.

There's been three of them to date that I know of. Where have you been?

my mom's basement :D

nah but seriously, I've seen GTA3 on PSP, it ran pretty good actually. I just wasn't expecting GTA on a nintindo system.

Um, GTA Advanced? The FIRST handheld GTA? Seriously man, you really don't know much about the GTA series.

You sure about that? It's definitely possible, people are already playing San Andreas on the PSP thanks to all these crazy methods etc.

No, it's definitely not. I call total BS on that. Is there even a stable PS2 emulator out for the PC yet? The PSP can't emulate the last gen's hardware.

Holster's photo
Holster 2nd August, 2008 @ 11:34 - Permalink

I think it's a bit stupid releasing this game for the DS, as it's a bit like a girl's type console, I can't see it selling much. They should have released it for PSP instead.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 3rd August, 2008 @ 03:34 - Permalink
I think it's a bit stupid releasing this game for the DS, as it's a bit like a girl's type console, I can't see it selling much. They should have released it for PSP instead.

Males buy and play the DS, too. And females play GTA, also. Quit being a little sexist.

Furthermore, the whole point to the game is for the DS gameplay. That's why it's being developed.

Aes's photo
Aes 3rd August, 2008 @ 08:59 - Permalink
I think it's a bit stupid releasing this game for the DS, as it's a bit like a girl's type console, I can't see it selling much. They should have released it for PSP instead.

Males buy and play the DS, too. And females play GTA, also. Quit being a little sexist.

Furthermore, the whole point to the game is for the DS gameplay. That's why it's being developed.

But DS gameplay is usually crap..... I thought Chinatown Wars was a bad joke someone had made up on the net..... But it's something much worse.... They should spend less time making things i'm not going to buy and more on the decent games... I think Rockstar should get as far away from Nintendo as is humanly possible. Before they make a Wii version >.<

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 4th August, 2008 @ 01:19 - Permalink

First off, just because you played some games you didn't like doesn't mean they all suck. Secondly, just because YOU don't like it doesn't make it a bad game. And finally, I'm quite wanting a Wii version. I'd like to see how they pull it off and how it turns out. I'd buy it, and I'd probably enjoy it, too. So long as Leeds stays the hell away from it. <3North.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 4th August, 2008 @ 23:05 - Permalink

Holy Crap. Yes, that did indeed take me by surprise lol.

Well, now I'll be playing something else besides Pokemon Diamond on my DS Lite now...

Edit: Spaz, you're pretty much. Right. By pretty much I mean completely... I lol'd at the person saying DS's is a girl type console. DS gameplay isn't crap..

And yeah, I am most definitley buying a Wii version if it ever comes out.

Aes's photo
Aes 6th August, 2008 @ 04:55 - Permalink
First off, just because you played some games you didn't like doesn't mean they all suck. Secondly, just because YOU don't like it doesn't make it a bad game. And finally, I'm quite wanting a Wii version. I'd like to see how they pull it off and how it turns out. I'd buy it, and I'd probably enjoy it, too. So long as Leeds stays the hell away from it. <3North.

Quite wanting a Wii version?! It's going to be like to walk stand on the board and move your arms about and look like a complete idiot and after about 5mins of playing your going to be as tired as balls and all the characters will have huge bobble heads an there won't be blood coming out of them it will just be flowers. O.k maybe not to those extremes but never mind. Usually NDS games aren't about gameplay it's about the technology. Sometimes the technology works with the gameplay sometimes it is a huge fail and has tried to over do itself, tripped up and landed in it's own arse. O.k if CW is a success I'll eat my hat and rethink some of my opinions but until then I am staying firmly with what I believe.

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 6th August, 2008 @ 14:00 - Permalink
GTA on handheld? :|

Doesn't sound very good.

There's been three of them to date that I know of. Where have you been?

my mom's basement :D

nah but seriously, I've seen GTA3 on PSP, it ran pretty good actually. I just wasn't expecting GTA on a nintindo system.

Um, GTA Advanced? The FIRST handheld GTA? Seriously man, you really don't know much about the GTA series.

You forgot about the first GTA, which was ported to the Game Boy Color.

Aes's photo
Aes 6th August, 2008 @ 18:04 - Permalink
GTA on handheld? :|

Doesn't sound very good.

There's been three of them to date that I know of. Where have you been?

my mom's basement :D

nah but seriously, I've seen GTA3 on PSP, it ran pretty good actually. I just wasn't expecting GTA on a nintindo system.

Um, GTA Advanced? The FIRST handheld GTA? Seriously man, you really don't know much about the GTA series.

You forgot about the first GTA, which was ported to the Game Boy Color.

You learn something new everyday.... (even if what you learn is as useless as a 2 legged lion)

Nate10's photo
Nate10 7th August, 2008 @ 00:19 - Permalink
GTA on handheld? :|

Doesn't sound very good.

There's been three of them to date that I know of. Where have you been?

my mom's basement :D

nah but seriously, I've seen GTA3 on PSP, it ran pretty good actually. I just wasn't expecting GTA on a nintindo system.

Um, GTA Advanced? The FIRST handheld GTA? Seriously man, you really don't know much about the GTA series.

You forgot about the first GTA, which was ported to the Game Boy Color.

You learn something new everyday.... (even if what you learn is as useless as a 2 legged lion)

Two legged lions are worth lots of money. Duhh.

So... any actual new news coming from the game?

Aes's photo
Aes 7th August, 2008 @ 15:04 - Permalink
GTA on handheld? :|

Doesn't sound very good.

There's been three of them to date that I know of. Where have you been?

my mom's basement :D

nah but seriously, I've seen GTA3 on PSP, it ran pretty good actually. I just wasn't expecting GTA on a nintindo system.

Um, GTA Advanced? The FIRST handheld GTA? Seriously man, you really don't know much about the GTA series.

You forgot about the first GTA, which was ported to the Game Boy Color.

You learn something new everyday.... (even if what you learn is as useless as a 2 legged lion)

Two legged lions are worth lots of money. Duhh.

So... any actual new news coming from the game?

Damn I should really start selling them then... EBAY!

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 13th August, 2008 @ 03:32 - Permalink
First off, just because you played some games you didn't like doesn't mean they all suck. Secondly, just because YOU don't like it doesn't make it a bad game. And finally, I'm quite wanting a Wii version. I'd like to see how they pull it off and how it turns out. I'd buy it, and I'd probably enjoy it, too. So long as Leeds stays the hell away from it. <3North.

Quite wanting a Wii version?! It's going to be like to walk stand on the board and move your arms about and look like a complete idiot and after about 5mins of playing your going to be as tired as balls and all the characters will have huge bobble heads an there won't be blood coming out of them it will just be flowers. O.k maybe not to those extremes but never mind. Usually NDS games aren't about gameplay it's about the technology. Sometimes the technology works with the gameplay sometimes it is a huge fail and has tried to over do itself, tripped up and landed in it's own arse. O.k if CW is a success I'll eat my hat and rethink some of my opinions but until then I am staying firmly with what I believe.

Yes, because everytime they release a new attachment EVERY game uses it. That's why we all use dance pads, light guns, and Power Gloves for ALL of our games, right?

And you'd walk with the joystick.... Like any other game with character movement....

Aes's photo
Aes 13th August, 2008 @ 13:57 - Permalink
First off, just because you played some games you didn't like doesn't mean they all suck. Secondly, just because YOU don't like it doesn't make it a bad game. And finally, I'm quite wanting a Wii version. I'd like to see how they pull it off and how it turns out. I'd buy it, and I'd probably enjoy it, too. So long as Leeds stays the hell away from it. <3North.

Quite wanting a Wii version?! It's going to be like to walk stand on the board and move your arms about and look like a complete idiot and after about 5mins of playing your going to be as tired as balls and all the characters will have huge bobble heads an there won't be blood coming out of them it will just be flowers. O.k maybe not to those extremes but never mind. Usually NDS games aren't about gameplay it's about the technology. Sometimes the technology works with the gameplay sometimes it is a huge fail and has tried to over do itself, tripped up and landed in it's own arse. O.k if CW is a success I'll eat my hat and rethink some of my opinions but until then I am staying firmly with what I believe.

Yes, because everytime they release a new attachment EVERY game uses it. That's why we all use dance pads, light guns, and Power Gloves for ALL of our games, right?

And you'd walk with the joystick.... Like any other game with character movement....

I just think a Wii version of GTA would have the gameplay totally watered down by the technology.

Ivan's photo
Ivan 13th August, 2008 @ 14:48 - Permalink
First off, just because you played some games you didn't like doesn't mean they all suck. Secondly, just because YOU don't like it doesn't make it a bad game. And finally, I'm quite wanting a Wii version. I'd like to see how they pull it off and how it turns out. I'd buy it, and I'd probably enjoy it, too. So long as Leeds stays the hell away from it. <3North.

Quite wanting a Wii version?! It's going to be like to walk stand on the board and move your arms about and look like a complete idiot and after about 5mins of playing your going to be as tired as balls and all the characters will have huge bobble heads an there won't be blood coming out of them it will just be flowers. O.k maybe not to those extremes but never mind. Usually NDS games aren't about gameplay it's about the technology. Sometimes the technology works with the gameplay sometimes it is a huge fail and has tried to over do itself, tripped up and landed in it's own arse. O.k if CW is a success I'll eat my hat and rethink some of my opinions but until then I am staying firmly with what I believe.

Yes, because everytime they release a new attachment EVERY game uses it. That's why we all use dance pads, light guns, and Power Gloves for ALL of our games, right?

And you'd walk with the joystick.... Like any other game with character movement....

I just think a Wii version of GTA would have the gameplay totally watered down by the technology.

Just to shut you up, you could even this use this wii_shell.jpg

Happy now? GTA on the Wii would be tottally possible, sure it wouldn't have the fancy IV graphics but it could really inovate the series.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 15th August, 2008 @ 00:42 - Permalink
I just think a Wii version of GTA would have the gameplay totally watered down by the technology.

Don't worry, Rockstar aren't Sony. They won't use/abuse technology just to try and sell something >.O

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 15th August, 2008 @ 06:29 - Permalink
I just think a Wii version of GTA would have the gameplay totally watered down by the technology.

Don't worry, Rockstar aren't Sony. They won't use/abuse technology just to try and sell something >.O

Agreed... I guess GTA on the Wii would be the first GTA for a Nintendo home console.

Aes's photo
Aes 15th August, 2008 @ 09:10 - Permalink
First off, just because you played some games you didn't like doesn't mean they all suck. Secondly, just because YOU don't like it doesn't make it a bad game. And finally, I'm quite wanting a Wii version. I'd like to see how they pull it off and how it turns out. I'd buy it, and I'd probably enjoy it, too. So long as Leeds stays the hell away from it. <3North.

Quite wanting a Wii version?! It's going to be like to walk stand on the board and move your arms about and look like a complete idiot and after about 5mins of playing your going to be as tired as balls and all the characters will have huge bobble heads an there won't be blood coming out of them it will just be flowers. O.k maybe not to those extremes but never mind. Usually NDS games aren't about gameplay it's about the technology. Sometimes the technology works with the gameplay sometimes it is a huge fail and has tried to over do itself, tripped up and landed in it's own arse. O.k if CW is a success I'll eat my hat and rethink some of my opinions but until then I am staying firmly with what I believe.

Yes, because everytime they release a new attachment EVERY game uses it. That's why we all use dance pads, light guns, and Power Gloves for ALL of our games, right?

And you'd walk with the joystick.... Like any other game with character movement....

I just think a Wii version of GTA would have the gameplay totally watered down by the technology.

Just to shut you up, you could even this use this wii_shell.jpg

Happy now? GTA on the Wii would be tottally possible, sure it wouldn't have the fancy IV graphics but it could really inovate the series.

I think that if you did use a normal controller it would somewhat defeat the purpose of the Wii but you never know. And about the graphics.... Well.... Enough on the Wii anyways. (It's still a Chinatown Wars topic. Believe it or not.)

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