New Stunt Vid - Animosity

By Chris | 31st Mar 2005 at 23:44 GMT in Vice City | 31 Comments

We have a new Vice City stunt video hosted here at The GTA Place, this is the debut video from new stunting clan Terror Squad. Consisting of ZeroX, Matt and Urban Legend.

ZeroX writes:

Debut stunt video of the new Vice City stunting clan Terror Squad, in this you will see the latest stunts from ZeroX, Matt and Urban Legend. Editing by ZeroX. A must download for any stunter.

It's an excellent video in my opinion, lots of quality grinds and innovative stunts are performed, with some of the GTA LC mod being used too. Overall one of the best videos I've seen so far. It's in .wmv format but brilliant 640x480 high resolution so go and download it now! It's just over 56MB. Oh and you'll need WinRAR to extract it.


Download Animosity - by Terror Squad

Vincent Valentino's photo
Vincent Valentino 31st March, 2005 @ 23:53 - Permalink

I just saw the vid and I luv it ^_^

-BELiEVER-'s photo
-BELiEVER- 1st April, 2005 @ 00:53 - Permalink

Wow that video was pure ownage :D hope to see more good vids like that from Terror Squad.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 1st April, 2005 @ 01:12 - Permalink

Holy shit. That was fuckin' awesome. :dribble:

Oscar's photo
Oscar 1st April, 2005 @ 02:51 - Permalink

So this is a good video, if urban legend is that guy formerly known as yoman, then I can expect some great video, I am getting it right now, but I have 56k, it will take a while.

ZeroX's photo
ZeroX 1st April, 2005 @ 03:07 - Permalink

just thought i'd drop by and say thanks for the kind comments :) im really glad people are enjoying this video, after all, thats why i put so much time into editing it

oscar just to answer your question, yes, urban legend is y0man. Unfortunately he couldn't get many stunts in this video but don't worry I assure you matt and I are also very good stunters ;)

sorry for bragging lol and thanks for the comments

and a big thanks to pyr0xide for hosting the video for us :thumbsup:

Oscar's photo
Oscar 1st April, 2005 @ 06:44 - Permalink

Thats what I am talking about, great video, great stunts, editing, the music was the right, this is by far the best stunt video hosted here.

This video has all the style of the DA (former Urban Legend crew) and some other stunt crews.

Truly orginal stunts, some very creative, those spins to a big grind parts were awsome and you used the bike stuck metod to make some of the best stunts in the video.

Congratulations for a great video.

Chris's photo
Chris 1st April, 2005 @ 15:53 - Permalink

Wow how many hours did that take on 56K?

I wish I had time for stunting again, I will in the summer.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 1st April, 2005 @ 16:27 - Permalink
just thought i'd drop by and say thanks for the kind comments :) im really glad people are enjoying this video, after all, thats why i put so much time into editing it

oscar just to answer your question, yes, urban legend is y0man. Unfortunately he couldn't get many stunts in this video but don't worry I assure you matt and I are also very good stunters ;)

sorry for bragging lol and thanks for the comments

and a big thanks to pyr0xide for hosting the video for us :thumbsup:

Since we like your video so much, stay a while and be active. ^_^

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 1st April, 2005 @ 22:04 - Permalink

what have there kids been smoking!?

wicked stunts, and no mods used!

Oscar's photo
Oscar 2nd April, 2005 @ 03:08 - Permalink
Wow how many hours did that take on 56K?

I wish I had time for stunting again, I will in the summer.

Around 3 hours, I dont care about the time, I have more than 2gb and over 60 good stunts videos, if its worth it, I will get it.

I got your videos too, some good stuff there, I like them, if you make another I think it will be great.

I want to make one, I have more than 100 stunts in replay files, some are good, some are shit, but I think I have some potential there, maybe this summer I will make a VC stunt video, and if I do right, I might make a SA stunt video too.

Bryzed's photo
Bryzed 2nd April, 2005 @ 04:25 - Permalink

I will give that video a 6/10, because everything has been done already, but the 6 comes from the fact that they used others pcj for the stunts (originality), but every stunt or 99.99% of them had pcj, so it loses 4 points. Feel me?

Anyways, i've started my second one, but for some reason my adobe premiere isnt working, since i reinstalled it.

Oscar's photo
Oscar 2nd April, 2005 @ 04:38 - Permalink

Most of them are new, might look like some used one, but I can tell you from my collection that most of them are new, the only thing thing that is not new is the PCJ´s, they are the new thing for stunts, but they´ve been for a while now (at least a couple of months), but they look so great and is not that hard to make, the most difficult thing is to put the damn bike in place.

Is your opinion, so I respect it, but IMO the video desserves at least 8/10, I can give it 9/10 or so just because I have a few others that I preffer, most of them from the DA crew

ZeroX's photo
ZeroX 2nd April, 2005 @ 06:35 - Permalink
I will give that video a 6/10, because everything has been done already, but the 6 comes from the fact that they used others pcj for the stunts (originality), but every stunt or 99.99% of them had pcj, so it loses 4 points. Feel me?

Anyways, i've started my second one, but for some reason my adobe premiere isnt working, since i reinstalled it.

i am very active in the stunting community and download all the latest crew vids and solo vids of good stunters, i assure you most of the stunts havnt been done before, such as my corkscrew to grind, krail to grind (both done at the airport) and matt's roof to roof grind.

when there are so many good crews pumping out vids it is very hard to have all stunts that have never been seen before, i dont really care for doing stunts that other people havnt done i just ride around and do what i havnt done.

the act of sticking a PCJ600 to a wall or pole or what have you, is what needed to be done for this video to keep the pace of the other crews, its the "thing to do" right now, personally, i find them too easy the hardest part is setting the bike up properly. Turning a PCJ600 is known as a BSM (Bike Stuck Method)

thanks to everyone who took the time to make a comment, oh and bryzed if your releasing a stunt vid you should post it at GTAstunting aswell

also, since adobe isn't working try sony vegas 5, very good editing program IMO

Oscar's photo
Oscar 2nd April, 2005 @ 07:19 - Permalink
When there are so many good crews pumping out vids it is very hard to have all stunts that have never been seen before, i dont really care for doing stunts that other people havnt done i just ride around and do what i havnt done.

I know that, I dont make stunt videos but I have a lot and I can tell you, most of them are new and original

the act of sticking a PCJ600 to a wall or pole or what have you, is what needed to be done for this video to keep the pace of the other crews, its the "thing to do" right now, personally, i find them too easy the hardest part is setting the bike up properly. Turning a PCJ600 is known as a BSM (Bike Stuck Method)

And it also looks so good, I´ve been trying that just for fun, setting the bike is a pain in the ass, but once you put it, the stunt is easy ifyou put it in the right place, is the "in" thing and I think we will see more of it because you can make great things, and maybe another thing will come out soon.

thanks to everyone who took the time to make a comment

No problem, the video was more than worth it, I hope to see a new one soon.

Chris's photo
Chris 2nd April, 2005 @ 10:12 - Permalink
I will give that video a 6/10, because everything has been done already, but the 6 comes from the fact that they used others pcj for the stunts (originality), but every stunt or 99.99% of them had pcj, so it loses 4 points. Feel me?

Anyways, i've started my second one, but for some reason my adobe premiere isnt working, since i reinstalled it.

WTF? Give me links to videos where you claim EVERYTHING has been done already.

And what's wrong with using a PCJ for every stunt, most people do, for a start my own videos, Psy's videos, and countless others, all use solely the PCJ.

I think the video deserves more than a 6.

SanAndreas1829's photo
SanAndreas1829 3rd April, 2005 @ 18:00 - Permalink

more then a 8, without a dout

ZeroX's photo
ZeroX 3rd April, 2005 @ 23:05 - Permalink

Hmm, the smallest vote this got in the stunting community was 8/10 and thats with crews such as ATS, ZS and DA rating it, I don't see why this would get a 6/10

Those crews are the best crews around and TS is on their level with our first video.

Chris's photo
Chris 4th April, 2005 @ 10:43 - Permalink

Personally I rated it 10/10 :)

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 4th April, 2005 @ 23:05 - Permalink

anyone here seen the ATS crew stunt!?

No handling of vehicles were changed

and i see them use fraggios and pizzaboys! (WOW)

Oscar's photo
Oscar 4th April, 2005 @ 23:23 - Permalink

Not yet, do you have any links? I want to watch it

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 4th April, 2005 @ 23:38 - Permalink

here ya go, the ATS crew videos

thier collection

newest video:

new video

ZeroX's photo
ZeroX 5th April, 2005 @ 12:32 - Permalink

ATS are in the process of removing their forums, so I think the link to their collection probably will be useless as of the 8th of April

Oscar's photo
Oscar 6th April, 2005 @ 02:02 - Permalink

Not really, since the links are there, we will just have to check for their new forums

ZeroX's photo
ZeroX 6th April, 2005 @ 04:31 - Permalink

They will be using their section on thats why they are removing their forums.

Oscar's photo
Oscar 6th April, 2005 @ 06:12 - Permalink

Oh, I see, everyone is merging to that site right? thats better, less place to look for some good stunt videos

ZeroX's photo
ZeroX 6th April, 2005 @ 15:49 - Permalink

Yea, most of the good crews can be found there, Dark Army still has their own forums but have got a "section" on gtastunting that will redirect you to it. Theres pretty much a link to every crew video and every solo video in existance on there and if theres one your looking for but can't find you can just post and someone will know something ;)

Oscar's photo
Oscar 7th April, 2005 @ 02:30 - Permalink

I might join then, I have 56k but I am a big fan of stunt videos, doesnt matter the time, you put a lot of more effort and time to make a stunt video, than the time I download, plus, I have friends with good internet

Johnline's photo
Johnline 8th April, 2005 @ 16:00 - Permalink

Seriously........... WOW.

This video is enough to put me out of business. My Organised Chaos 2 is soon to be released, and I thought I was the first to do some of the stunts that are in mine, but nevermind I think they differenciate enough :). One thing I'm not sure of though is the modding of the games physics...... i.e the stuck bike method. Although it says no mods or cheats were used, I am left a little suspicious of the grinds. I have never heard of the stuck bike method, but im pretty sure some of the grinds weren't possible without some kind of cheat. For instance, The airport parking lot (adjacent to the airport perimeter) had a small (low) inward 360 off a ramp onto a grind all the way along the fence. I have spent hours trying to land that and seeing the collision files of the fence, its pretty much impossible. Also, you came off the ramp with medium speed (hence a low jump), yet speeded up whilst in the grind.

Modding the physics and using bike cheats is fine, but one thing I could suggest is having a list of physics/bike mods that were used at the end of the video. As that separtes the men from the boys I like to think :P. However, if I am completely wrong about cheating in the video, I bow down to you, as those stunts were innovative and to the limit. For my video series, I already had Organised Chaos 2 and 3 done, however I decided to fuse all the stunts from 2 and 3 together to form Organised Chaos 2 - containing over 50 stunts. This video will remain in my collection for a long time, I especially liked the use of PCJ's as ramps. Good work.

ZeroX's photo
ZeroX 8th April, 2005 @ 23:04 - Permalink

No cheats or modifications were used at all ;) well, except for health and armour cheats of course, but nothing effects the stunting at all.

I'm not sure what you mean about the fence, several people have grinded the fence all the way along it and i also did a krail (opposite to inward 360) to grind on the same fence in a previous video. It is actualy lucky to grind the whole fence as your bike will quite frequently stall on the fence. I grinded the fence at least 10 times before actualy landing it and it took me days to do. The low inward 360 is because I leaned forward as i hit the jump (you must hit the jump on a certain angle) and completed most of the flip pretty much as soon as i hit the ramp.

The bike stuck method is a newly discovered way of getting huge air (big thanks to neo anderson for discovering it) which everyone in the stunting community has been doing over the past 2 or 3 months. This is how I set up a BSM, I park a PCJ600 about 1- 2cm away from where I want it to get stuck, than jump on another PCJ600 and nudge it softly so it falls over, if sucessful the bike will be stuck and you can run into it as hard as you want and it won't come unstuck. There are other methods to set it up but this is the way I find easiest.

Well, I hope this all makes sense :)

Johnline's photo
Johnline 13th April, 2005 @ 19:13 - Permalink

Then I bow down to you all, cause those stunts are extremely original and hard to pull off. Im gonna have to try that "bike stuck method" cause I've been meaning to model ramps to do certain stunts and grinds, but now I can just use bikes as makeshift ramps :lol: . My Organised Chaos 2 video has been put on hold for the moment because I am desperately trying to live up to your stunts and insert newer stuff into the video. I haven't seen many "underground team" stunt videos, but yours definately set a benchmark for me. Nice work.

mr.stunter619's photo
mr.stunter619 18th August, 2010 @ 06:24 - Permalink

i loved that video its really coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool <_<

can me send me the song used at the last i need it

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