Interview with Little Jacob's voice actor

By Chris | 13th Aug 2008 at 13:56 GMT in GTA IV | 8 Comments recently managed to score an interview with Coolie Ranx, best known among GTA fans for playing the part of Little Jacob in Grand Theft Auto IV. There's a number of good questions that were asked, and some interesting answers from Ranx.

On how he got the part of Little Jacob:

I'm still wondering about that feat. My audition I thought was horrible. For me it was about the art because I really wanted to do acting. I didn't have a clue what I was auditioning for, all I knew was that it was an acting job. I wanted to do it so bad that I crumbled at the audition and asked to come back again the next day and try it again. They said yes but to be honest the next day wasn't that much better lol. So I'm still wondering what they saw in me.

Read the rest of the Q&A over at

Thanks to Alan for the heads up.

NotYouHaha's photo
NotYouHaha 13th August, 2008 @ 17:39 - Permalink

Wow, there are a lot of stupid questions in there, I guess that's why there's that "We are very sorry if your question did not apear in this final version of the interview."

I don't really get it though... Their site isn't very big nor popular in my eyes... so how could they've scored an interview?

Connor's photo
Connor 13th August, 2008 @ 17:49 - Permalink

The guy who wrote that out, can't even spell correctly...He even confused words for other words. I'm not really sure about this.

Chris's photo
Chris 13th August, 2008 @ 17:56 - Permalink

Through his official website most likely. Interview was done by email.

I was talking to their webmasters about it because it just looks so unprofessional for him to do that. He allegedly answered the questions in the middle of the night which is why he says "lol" a lot and has spelled a hell of a lot of words wrong, grammar is poor and as Connor pointed out, used wrong words such as "feet" instead of "feat" (which I lol'd at) and "seen" instead of "scene" which for an actor is a pretty basic word to know.

Perhaps he was under the influence of drugs whilst answering? :lol:

I agree they selected a lot of poor questions, asking him stuff he obviously wouldn't know. PC version differences? WTF, why would he know that.

There's some good ones though. Also unlike some other fansites we do like to support the community.

And to give GTA4Mods some credit, unlike other new fansites they are actually trying to be a little different, e.g. getting interviews and such.

Ivan's photo
Ivan 13th August, 2008 @ 17:58 - Permalink

I lol'd when he asked if he signed a contract :lol:

Chris's photo
Chris 13th August, 2008 @ 18:02 - Permalink

Lol yeah that was a stupid question. He must've signed multiple contracts as anyone would doing his sort of job. Including the infamous NDA's.

I think when we do our interviews we'll probably stick to prolific modders and other members of the GTA community, as opposed to voice actors and such. We'll also select only relevant and interesting questions which the interviewee will actually be able to answer. It makes for a better interview and provides a much more fulfilling and interesting read for the readers, in my experience.

Connor's photo
Connor 13th August, 2008 @ 18:05 - Permalink

"Oh no, I just turned up, spoke into a microphone a couple of times, then left. I didn't even have to tell them my name."

Shortbus's photo
Shortbus 14th August, 2008 @ 07:42 - Permalink

I know DJBOI personally, he pretended to be working at Rockstar when I first met him :<

He did use his webcam to show me his home, and he was in a massive apartment overlooking new york, with a wall-sized-plasma TV and many electronics. This was very long ago. He also claimed to be in the Crip gang. Maybe he wasn't pretending to work at rockstar. He disappeared for a year and now he's back, he started GTA4mods, and he told me that he had trouble with police.

Go figure.

Connor's photo
Connor 14th August, 2008 @ 10:04 - Permalink

I have serious doubts about this now. :P

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