GTA IV PC details and screenshots emerge

By Chris | 20th Aug 2008 at 22:50 GMT in GTA IV | 86 Comments

The PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV was shown off at the Leipzig Games Convention today by PR man Steve Hahnel. New features are detailed below:

  • Much improved visuals, they'll be "polished well beyond what they were on the 360 and PS3".
  • The number of multiplayer slots may be expanded for the PC version.
  • The maximum resolution is 2560x1600.
  • The replay feature has been improved. Players can record 30 second clips and they can now add filters and adjust the camera angle using the replay editor. They can also make a montage of clips and upload them to the R* Social Club for others to view.
  • Players can finally filter multiplayer games more specifically (e.g. a deathmatches using a particular weapon).
  • The Xbox 360 controller is compatible with the PC version.
  • It looks like fingerless gloves have finally been added! Much to the delight of pretty much every player of the game! See this shot

10 new screenshots have been released, click the thumbnails below to see the large versions. These have also been added to our new GTA IV PC screenshot gallery.

gta-iv-pc-screenshot_001.jpg gta-iv-pc-screenshot_002.jpg gta-iv-pc-screenshot_003.jpg gta-iv-pc-screenshot_004.jpg gta-iv-pc-screenshot_005.jpg gta-iv-pc-screenshot_006.jpg gta-iv-pc-screenshot_007.jpg gta-iv-pc-screenshot_008.jpg gta-iv-pc-screenshot_009.jpg gta-iv-pc-screenshot_010.jpg

Related articles: Eurogamer and IGN previews

Mike356's photo
Mike356 20th August, 2008 @ 22:55 - Permalink

It looks like fingerless gloves have finally been added!

What are fingerless gloves. Guess will have to wait and see I guess

Chris's photo
Chris 20th August, 2008 @ 23:05 - Permalink

Dude you're kidding right? It's been like the main feature request ever since we found out Niko couldn't wear fingerless gloves in the console versions, despite being shown in artwork. Makes him look badass etc. Come out from under your rock, fool.

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 20th August, 2008 @ 23:12 - Permalink

The gallery isn't working, by the way.

Nice too see news emerging, though... can't wait to actually play this properly.

Chris's photo
Chris 20th August, 2008 @ 23:14 - Permalink

Just realised that. Woops, fixed now :)

But yeah it's great to see they've been busy making improvements to the game.

hunter88888's photo
hunter88888 21st August, 2008 @ 04:46 - Permalink

Man! I just bought a controller for the PC, and chances are it won't work/good with the PC version of GTA IV. Well, I'll be buying an Xbox 360 controller...

tilly's photo
tilly 21st August, 2008 @ 05:38 - Permalink

Hopefully they won't just port the gameplay and physics either. They need a full cleansing of problems and weird things included in the platform version.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 21st August, 2008 @ 06:02 - Permalink

I think this just needs a few bug fixes and a healthy dose of AA. Good news though.

tilly's photo
tilly 21st August, 2008 @ 06:17 - Permalink

Alcoholics Anonymous?

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 21st August, 2008 @ 06:43 - Permalink

Maybe for when Niko gets drunk. *coughanti-aliasingcough*

azn's photo
azn 21st August, 2008 @ 06:44 - Permalink

Nice...Imagine playing with the 360 controller! ^_^

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 21st August, 2008 @ 06:55 - Permalink

If it has support for PS3 controllers, I might just go out and buy a Dualshock 3. Doubt it will though. f off microsoft.

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 21st August, 2008 @ 14:03 - Permalink

I'm a bit dissapointed with the graphics.

I mean, they're not as realistic as consoles, people's fingers are "squared" and explosions seem fucked. This is just my opinion.

NotYouHaha's photo
NotYouHaha 21st August, 2008 @ 16:16 - Permalink

Looks like R* really listened to the fans. I bet they even browsed through our forums. ;)

This is good for the PC version but I feel sorry for the console versions, since they won't get these improvements and FINGERLESS GLOVES.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 21st August, 2008 @ 17:44 - Permalink
I'm a bit dissapointed with the graphics.

I mean, they're not as realistic as consoles, people's fingers are "squared" and explosions seem fucked. This is just my opinion.

The game is still in early development, meaning it's a work in progress. Of course the graphics won't be as realistic YET, trust me, when they've finished, it will look soooooo much better. And also; graphics < gameplay.

Looks like R* really listened to the fans. I bet they even browsed through our forums. ;)

This is good for the PC version but I feel sorry for the console versions, since they won't get these improvements and FINGERLESS GLOVES.

el oh el. They probably just got millions of e-mails from impatient people asking for fingerless gloves and pc verzan of gta ivy! Fingerless gloves might come as DLC to the 360. And there's always time for a quick patch to improve stuff, but they probably won't.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 21st August, 2008 @ 21:16 - Permalink
I'm a bit dissapointed with the graphics.

I mean, they're not as realistic as consoles, people's fingers are "squared" and explosions seem fucked. This is just my opinion.

The game is still in early development, meaning it's a work in progress. Of course the graphics won't be as realistic YET, trust me, when they've finished, it will look soooooo much better. And also; graphics < gameplay.

Looks like R* really listened to the fans. I bet they even browsed through our forums. ;)

This is good for the PC version but I feel sorry for the console versions, since they won't get these improvements and FINGERLESS GLOVES.

el oh el. They probably just got millions of e-mails from impatient people asking for fingerless gloves and pc verzan of gta ivy! Fingerless gloves might come as DLC to the 360. And there's always time for a quick patch to improve stuff, but they probably won't.

I'm really dissapointed at R* for not patching trophies in or fixing the "Connection Lost" problem. I'd get GTA for PC but not only do I hate the controls for PC I also have a rubbish computer. Ah well the game looks pretty good and I'm impressed that they have managed to surpass the graphics of that on PS3 and Xbox.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 21st August, 2008 @ 21:38 - Permalink

Just google 'How to use your PS3 controller for PC' and it should work. If they don't add support for normal SIXAXIS or DS3 controllers by just connecting the controller to your PC, I'll be mad. It didn't work for me because there's something wrong with my controller.

It started happening after I dropped it accidentally... from the top bunk. PC graphics will definitely be better and you could always turn some shiz off in the options. I really hope you can turn off the blurry oil painting effect but I doubt it. Maybe some kind modder will do it.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 21st August, 2008 @ 21:53 - Permalink

Would a laptop with 1.59GHz and 512mb of RAM, an Intel® Pentium® 1.60 GHz be able to run it? I don't think so... But this is going off-topic now.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 21st August, 2008 @ 21:57 - Permalink

You might be able to run it on lowest settings. It's unlikely though.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 21st August, 2008 @ 22:03 - Permalink

that explosion looks AWESOME compared to X360, i feel left out cuz my pc cant, cuz this crappy thing wont be able to run it :lolbounce:

Pandora's photo
Pandora 22nd August, 2008 @ 10:37 - Permalink
I'm a bit dissapointed with the graphics.

I mean, they're not as realistic as consoles, people's fingers are "squared" and explosions seem fucked. This is just my opinion.

Yeah, it just looks like a 100 times better than the console version.. Console version was extreemly blurry and that really was annoying. I am genuinly impressed with these graphics (compared to consoles that is).

I hope they've tweaked the physics though. IMO they were slightly off...

Would a laptop with 1.59GHz and 512mb of RAM, an Intel® Pentium® 1.60 GHz be able to run it? I don't think so... But this is going off-topic now.

No. But their's a topic about this in the GTA IV section of the forums, you might want to check it out.

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 22nd August, 2008 @ 13:10 - Permalink


I was dissapointed with the PC graphics. They seem low-res but it would be their GFX card...

DeAtH's photo
DeAtH 22nd August, 2008 @ 14:22 - Permalink

I can't wait for PC version. D:

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 22nd August, 2008 @ 16:48 - Permalink

I was dissapointed with the PC graphics. They seem low-res but it would be their GFX card...

How can you be disappointed? It's still a work in progress, give it time and I can guarantee you that the graphics will be way better than the console graphics. And for the love of God, please make an option to turn off the oil painting effect! It would just make the game appear more sharper in general.

vicsrealms's photo
vicsrealms 22nd August, 2008 @ 17:36 - Permalink

The only thing I'm not looking forward too, is the the system requirements. I'm having all holy hell getting Mass Effect to work on my couple year old PC w/an 8800GT. I don't want to know what GTA4 will require. ~sigh~ Other than that, I can't wait.

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 22nd August, 2008 @ 17:41 - Permalink

I was dissapointed with the PC graphics. They seem low-res but it would be their GFX card...

How can you be disappointed? It's still a work in progress, give it time and I can guarantee you that the graphics will be way better than the console graphics. And for the love of God, please make an option to turn off the oil painting effect! It would just make the game appear more sharper in general.


I hope they introduce that.

chris82's photo
chris82 22nd August, 2008 @ 18:50 - Permalink

lol envidya


What a load of shit.

Of course anti-aliasing will be an option, even if they don't put it in the menu, you can force AA on in any game through ATi's CCC and nVidia's control panel.

Also I hate the oil effect as well, either they will add the option to disable it or a mod will be made doing the same.

For all the people worried about it taking an arm and a leg worth of parts to play properly, Sam Houser said that it looked and played beautifully on PC. Of course they're not going to make it so only 1% of PC owners can play. The requirements will be taxing, but they shouldn't be impossible.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 22nd August, 2008 @ 19:05 - Permalink
I was dissapointed with the PC graphics. They seem low-res but it would be their GFX card...

Ok, it isn't Crysis. We know that...

But if you call these sceens low res, what do you call the console version?

And I must have missed something, what do you guys mean with the oil effects?

@Chris82: GTA IV is going to be a TWIMTBP title? I know SA was, but I don't know if all R* PC titles are..

In general I'm happy when a game is a TWIMTBP title, but that's because I'm an Nvidia user. Probably would hate if I had an AMD card.

Edit: well, decided to look at the picture at full reso. (

That shit looks horrible.

Could also just be the quality of screenshots. I mean, looking at this: "1920x1200 pixels - 332.55Kb" I'd guess that that might be the problem.

AA doesn't seem to be enabled either. I hope GTA DON is right at that it's just like that because it's still in progress..

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 22nd August, 2008 @ 20:08 - Permalink

Alright, I'll just wait.

But SA Beta wasn't so horrible.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 22nd August, 2008 @ 20:09 - Permalink

Please say it won't be a TWIMTBP game. It's really not fair on the ATI owners. I just saw that picture too, I think the PC version could do with a great deal more detail on buildings and cars.

chris82's photo
chris82 22nd August, 2008 @ 20:15 - Permalink
@Chris82: GTA IV is going to be a TWIMTBP title? I know SA was, but I don't know if all R* PC titles are..

In general I'm happy when a game is a TWIMTBP title, but that's because I'm an Nvidia user. Probably would hate if I had an AMD card.

Could also just be the quality of screenshots. I mean, looking at this: "1920x1200 pixels - 332.55Kb" I'd guess that that might be the problem.

It makes no difference in performance lol, envidya just pays people to do that.

Those screenshots were upsized, the ones provided were smaller for some reason, so those are lower quality.

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 22nd August, 2008 @ 20:26 - Permalink

And they look like 16bit, the screenshots.

Also, I think nVidia is better than ATi. In graphics quality.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 22nd August, 2008 @ 20:29 - Permalink

TWIMTBP means Nvidia also gives them support for optimization.

Just look at Crysis, it just works better on Nvidia cards en CF does jack in Crysis and SLI helps quite a lot.

The Way It's Meant To Be Played (TWIMTBP) is a program that helps game developers to optimize and incorporate exclusive features in their games and applications exclusively for NVIDIA's graphics cards. The deal also adds a splash screen to "the way it's meant to be played" games as well as branding within the game; this is widely considered as a promotion campaign for NVIDIA.

So there ;)

chris82's photo
chris82 22nd August, 2008 @ 20:55 - Permalink
Just look at Crysis, it just works better on Nvidia cards en CF does jack in Crysis and SLI helps quite a lot.
The Way It's Meant To Be Played (TWIMTBP) is a program that helps game developers to optimize and incorporate exclusive features in their games and applications exclusively for NVIDIA's graphics cards. The deal also adds a splash screen to "the way it's meant to be played" games as well as branding within the game; this is widely considered as a promotion campaign for NVIDIA.

So there ;)

And it's working!


Crysis is primarily used as a benchmarking game. If what you said is true, it shouldn't be because that would mean ATi's cards will show as performing badly in that game, but not others, and therefore the game would be flawed as a benchmark utility.

4870 Crysis benchmarks

The GTX 260 and 4870 are around 0 including rebates. The 260 was originally much more expensive? Why? I think you know the reason.

Sure, some games are optimized for certain graphics chipsets. The 280 has a ~5fps lead on the 4870 in Crysis but in BioShock, the 4870 has a 10fps lead on the 280...the 280, which costs around 0!

Slightly better performance in some games, worse in others, either way you'd be spending 0-0 extra for abysmal gains, and only some of the time. Why would you get an envidya card again?

As far as crossfire/SLI goes, I wouldn't recommend either one of them. Not nearly enough performance gain to justify buying the graphics card twice.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 22nd August, 2008 @ 21:22 - Permalink

Nvidia underestimated ATi.

Even I would have never expected them to come with such a great GPU (R770). I'd actually say AMD struck gold with it. If I didn't have my GTX I would get a 4870(X2).

Q2 has also been the first time in 5 years that Nvidia has had losses.

I'd do SLI if my mobo could, but Intel chipsets (got X38) don't support it :(

But you're right. Under normal circumstances AMD now is the best way to go. Or a GTX260, which now is priced pretty friendly too (for it's performance).

Anyway, TWIMTBP has been very, very succesfull. But now Nvidia has sort of messed up. They should have gone to 55nm much earlier and not base their succes on AMD's failing. Expect them to have come with a new GPU like the G80 was when DX11 arrives.

But I'd have to agree. If you're not planning to set a WR, you'd be better of with ATi now (unless you've got an nVidia board).

Dopeman 00420's photo
Dopeman 00420 23rd August, 2008 @ 15:41 - Permalink

Good to see it coming to PC. But, its gonna have some competition from the likes of FarCry2, which alot of PC gamers are probably waiting for. I'll be buying PC version of GTA4 on release though. Keyboard/Mouse owns for run n gun in gta games, whereas I do prefer controller for vehicles. Hopefully they give that option, to use controller for driving, and everything else keyboard/mouse or in my case a trackball. :) Mouse look is gonna change the multiplayer bigtime.

Metall Predator's photo
Metall Predator 27th August, 2008 @ 18:39 - Permalink

What is the GTA IV PC system requirements? system is : 1GB RAM, Procesor AMD Sempron 3000+, 1600Mhz~ ,nVIDIA GeForce Video Card 7200 GS will works????...please answer me

Pandora's photo
Pandora 27th August, 2008 @ 18:57 - Permalink

It won't. But there's a topic about this here.

Patty-T's photo
Patty-T 28th August, 2008 @ 02:36 - Permalink

What's up with that picture of Niko in jail? The one where a guys in handcuffs in the background.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 28th August, 2008 @ 13:18 - Permalink
The gallery isn't working, by the way.

Nice too see news emerging, though... can't wait to actually play this properly.

I STILL don't understand how it's more proper to play it on PC. You just don't have the same control over the game. Will SOMEONE explain this to me?

If it has support for PS3 controllers, I might just go out and buy a Dualshock 3. Doubt it will though. f off microsoft.

The 360 controller is more comfortable and easier to use, anyways.

Good to see it coming to PC. But, its gonna have some competition from the likes of FarCry2, which alot of PC gamers are probably waiting for. I'll be buying PC version of GTA4 on release though. Keyboard/Mouse owns for run n gun in gta games, whereas I do prefer controller for vehicles. Hopefully they give that option, to use controller for driving, and everything else keyboard/mouse or in my case a trackball. :) Mouse look is gonna change the multiplayer bigtime.

FarCry2? How is that competition? They aren't even the same genre of game....

And trackball? Dude.... Trackballs are so insanely annoying.... I'd kill myself trying to play a fast-paced game with one.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 28th August, 2008 @ 15:20 - Permalink
If it has support for PS3 controllers, I might just go out and buy a Dualshock 3. Doubt it will though. f off microsoft.

The 360 controller is more comfortable and easier to use, anyways.

That's a matter of opinion, I personally find the 360 controller too big and I prefer the layout of the Playstation controller.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 28th August, 2008 @ 16:58 - Permalink

^ Yeah, I've always been used to the Playstation style controllers, though I am getting a 360 Elite in a few months, I'll have to see which one feels more comfortable.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 28th August, 2008 @ 19:35 - Permalink
FarCry2? How is that competition? They aren't even the same genre of game....

If Far Cry2 wasn't coming at the same time (European release) I would buy GTA IV at it's release.

In a way you can see it as competition. I don't think there are many people who will buy a game and buy another the very next day. I'll get Far Cry 2 first and when I've finished that, I'll get GTA IV.

But GTA has quite a solid fanbase. Everyone who likes the game will eventually pick it up (most will..).

And playing any game with a trackball is hell. I tried it once, words can't explain how much that sucked.

I STILL don't understand how it's more proper to play it on PC. You just don't have the same control over the game. Will SOMEONE explain this to me?

PC Gamers (like Llama) see consoles as a bad thing. You'll have a better experience on a PC. More power --> better graphics (textures, polygons, shaders ect.) + higher resolution. Consoles could play GTA with a very small FPS margin and that's with it's low res textures and stuff. So yeah, you could see it as proper. Also could just see it as better (as being the superior version of the game (which it is)).

And about the controller.. I do not own a 360 and neither do I own a PS3 (though if I were to buy a console tomorrow, it would be the PS3. Just for the Blu-Ray drive. I wouldn't even get a game for it until LA Noire is released.)

I play on both system and I can tell you that the 360 controller is quite bit more comfortable. Sony's solution just doesn't work right IMO.. those triggers don't feel right, at all. No good grip, not ergonomically shaped ect. I just can't see why people like it

Dopeman 00420's photo
Dopeman 00420 29th August, 2008 @ 02:11 - Permalink

Yea, Trackball man. It has not failed me yet. Awesome for FPS's

As for gta4 PC getting comp from FarCry2, was meant by release time, not genre.

use the logitech universal trackball / marble mouse

Shortbus's photo
Shortbus 29th August, 2008 @ 02:19 - Permalink

woo this is awesome.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 29th August, 2008 @ 02:33 - Permalink
If it has support for PS3 controllers, I might just go out and buy a Dualshock 3. Doubt it will though. f off microsoft.

The 360 controller is more comfortable and easier to use, anyways.

That's a matter of opinion, I personally find the 360 controller too big and I prefer the layout of the Playstation controller.

Too big? Are you still using the original Duke for the original Xbox? The 360 controller can hardly be considered big. In fact, I have a slightly hard time holding it because of it's small size. It's not really much bigger than the PS3 controller.

^ Yeah, I've always been used to the Playstation style controllers, though I am getting a 360 Elite in a few months, I'll have to see which one feels more comfortable.

I've always been a DualShock kid. However...... The PS3 controller...... Doesn't do it for me.

FarCry2? How is that competition? They aren't even the same genre of game....

If Far Cry2 wasn't coming at the same time (European release) I would buy GTA IV at it's release.

In a way you can see it as competition. I don't think there are many people who will buy a game and buy another the very next day. I'll get Far Cry 2 first and when I've finished that, I'll get GTA IV.

But GTA has quite a solid fanbase. Everyone who likes the game will eventually pick it up (most will..).

And playing any game with a trackball is hell. I tried it once, words can't explain how much that sucked.


I STILL don't understand how it's more proper to play it on PC. You just don't have the same control over the game. Will SOMEONE explain this to me?

PC Gamers (like Llama) see consoles as a bad thing. You'll have a better experience on a PC. More power --> better graphics (textures, polygons, shaders ect.) + higher resolution. Consoles could play GTA with a very small FPS margin and that's with it's low res textures and stuff. So yeah, you could see it as proper. Also could just see it as better (as being the superior version of the game (which it is)).

.... So you're putting GRAPHICS over GAMEPLAY for GTA? I could not care any less about the graphics, I think it looks brilliant enough on 360. And the fingerless gloves? I couldn't think of a less trivial thing. That's possibly less trivial than the collision issues.

And about the controller.. I do not own a 360 and neither do I own a PS3 (though if I were to buy a console tomorrow, it would be the PS3. Just for the Blu-Ray drive. I wouldn't even get a game for it until LA Noire is released.)

I play on both system and I can tell you that the 360 controller is quite bit more comfortable. Sony's solution just doesn't work right IMO.. those triggers don't feel right, at all. No good grip, not ergonomically shaped ect. I just can't see why people like it

Definitely don't like the triggers as well. But that's obviously because they took their original design and just made two buttons into triggers. So it's just not natural.

Yea, Trackball man. It has not failed me yet. Awesome for FPS's

As for gta4 PC getting comp from FarCry2, was meant by release time, not genre.

use the logitech universal trackball / marble mouse

Awesome for FPS? More like confusing, frustrating, and pissy...... I had a hell of a time using it.... None the less playing FLASH games with it...... An FPS? Forget that......

-.- I just forgot I wasn't in the DS private board......

chris82's photo
chris82 29th August, 2008 @ 03:28 - Permalink
Yea, Trackball man. It has not failed me yet. Awesome for FPS's
(Insinuation that a trackball is good for anything)


Also graphics are not preferred over gameplay, it's just that if they can be better while still maintaining the same quality of gameplay, so much the better.

Shortbus's photo
Shortbus 29th August, 2008 @ 04:30 - Permalink
Also graphics are not preferred over gameplay, it's just that if they can be better while still maintaining the same quality of gameplay, so much the better.

Agreed 100%.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 29th August, 2008 @ 13:19 - Permalink
Also graphics are not preferred over gameplay, it's just that if they can be better while still maintaining the same quality of gameplay, so much the better.

Agreed 100%.

.... Control is part of the gameplay to me. It's easier to PLAY THE GAME with analog controls that aren't massive((like keyboards)).

chris82's photo
chris82 29th August, 2008 @ 20:05 - Permalink

Yeah, it is, as far as movement.

Shooting is different.

Hence me using my Xbox 360 controller, but it's still better on PC in every way. Potentially better performance, better graphics, mods, replays, etc...

Shortbus's photo
Shortbus 29th August, 2008 @ 21:54 - Permalink
Also graphics are not preferred over gameplay, it's just that if they can be better while still maintaining the same quality of gameplay, so much the better.

Agreed 100%.

.... Control is part of the gameplay to me. It's easier to PLAY THE GAME with analog controls that aren't massive((like keyboards)).

full spherical movement with a mouse that you cant get without having to use 2 analog sticks at once, which is hard for me.

8 directions to move with WASD

More buttons! 16 keys around WASD that are easily reachable, plug the 3 mouse buttons and mouse wheel. I have 5 buttons on my mouse, so thats 21 buttons with an easy reach while PC gaming. 14 on a PS2 controller (including the D-pad rocker) so really only 10 buttons on a PS2 controller. (not including start/select)

This is just for me, maybe you are better with analog sticks, more power to you.

Deji's photo
Deji 29th August, 2008 @ 23:23 - Permalink

I NEVER care about graphics in games. Im still not really liking this game much and the only thing I can find to do is crash on a bike, so I'm not that bothered if the game is above my PC's speed. I'd be interested in having it to try it a bit more but it is prob gonna be about 14 GB! I have an 80GB HD with only 5GB ATM...

Wow... People use the WASD controls!? I switch em to the good ol' Arrow Buttons.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 30th August, 2008 @ 16:57 - Permalink
If it has support for PS3 controllers, I might just go out and buy a Dualshock 3. Doubt it will though. f off microsoft.

i play my ps3 with a SIXAXIS controller, but my hands are big, i prefer the 360 controller cuz its bigger, and my hands dont hang right over it

chris82's photo
chris82 30th August, 2008 @ 17:50 - Permalink
Wow... People use the WASD controls!? I switch em to the good ol' Arrow Buttons.

Yeah, the majority of people do, because you can reach jumping (spacebar), crouching (LCTRL), reloading, weapons switching, etc...and all other specialty keys with one hand. If you use the arrow keys it's a lot harder.

Chris's photo
Chris 30th August, 2008 @ 18:07 - Permalink

Yeah. WASD is a hell of a lot more efficient than the arrow keys, especially in FPS games. You should really try it if you're used to using the arrow keys. When I first started playing games I was like you and used to change them to the arrow keys. But then I couldn't be bothered to keep doing that whenever I got a new game. So I didn't. That's when I realised WASD pwns if you're stuck using a keyboard.

Of course if you have a controller then you'll most likely find using that better for most games.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 30th August, 2008 @ 18:17 - Permalink

I use WASD in Scarface, I could switch to WASD in SA and not get annoyed by it, it's just that I'm more used to the arrows keys since I play a lot of GTA. If my PS3 controller didn't go gay on me (not in a homosexual way, just like annoying gay), I would totally use that for my games since I'm more of a console gamer.

tilly's photo
tilly 30th August, 2008 @ 18:39 - Permalink
If my PS3 controller didn't go gay on me (not in a homosexual way, just like annoying gay)

Better watch out by saying that, I got in trouble for doing it.



I will most definately use the Xbox controller with this, and hopefully they fix a few of the physics problems instead of just making the graphics better and adding a replay feature.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 30th August, 2008 @ 20:04 - Permalink

im gonna use my xbox 360 controller for this, but on SA, i can use the triggers of the right stick, they dont dont seem functional for some weird reason

dahaka's photo
dahaka 31st August, 2008 @ 12:17 - Permalink

Can't wait....looks like the best for the year.

Alkali64's photo
Alkali64 31st August, 2008 @ 14:03 - Permalink
I STILL don't understand how it's more proper to play it on PC. You just don't have the same control over the game. Will SOMEONE explain this to me?

Maybe he only had a quick go at his friends house because he and doesn't own a console. You have no idea do you?

Hanging on to every word Llama says ftl.

GiiBz's photo
GiiBz 31st August, 2008 @ 16:49 - Permalink
If it has support for PS3 controllers, I might just go out and buy a Dualshock 3. Doubt it will though. f off microsoft.

I play nr2003 with my PS3 wheel but I havn't tried it with the controller yet

claude-5's photo
claude-5 31st August, 2008 @ 17:56 - Permalink

plug the ps3 controller in using the USB charger it works, yay!!!

Pandora's photo
Pandora 1st September, 2008 @ 13:39 - Permalink

@Alkaline: He doesn't have a console... yeah, cause he's got a system with a much higher potential. Now we can agrue about that potential being unleased or not, but a mid-range/high-end PC technically is superior, that's a fact.

About controls: I love using a keyboard. With exeption of platform games and things like flight sim and a few other genres, it does great.

I had bought a gamepad for my PC, but the only game I ever used it for was SA. For all others using a keyboard + mouse just worked better.

Oh, and those arrows suck. I once had some game from EA that had to be controlled with the arrows and that sucked hardcore. That was keyboard only though. So left hand to arrows and right hand on spacebar and the keys around it. But I didn't like it at all. As Chris said, WASD is MUCH more efficient.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 2nd September, 2008 @ 13:51 - Permalink
full spherical movement with a mouse that you cant get without having to use 2 analog sticks at once, which is hard for me.

8 directions to move with WASD

More buttons! 16 keys around WASD that are easily reachable, plug the 3 mouse buttons and mouse wheel. I have 5 buttons on my mouse, so thats 21 buttons with an easy reach while PC gaming. 14 on a PS2 controller (including the D-pad rocker) so really only 10 buttons on a PS2 controller. (not including start/select)

This is just for me, maybe you are better with analog sticks, more power to you.

More keys, but less sensitive ones. For almost any type of driving, I need the analog sensitivity. Why does everyone place shooting over driving in GTA? Even online it was nothing but those XboxLive-Kiddies and HALOFAGS.

Even doing something like walking along an edge is easier with the analog controls.

Wow... People use the WASD controls!? I switch em to the good ol' Arrow Buttons.

Yeah, which is a BITCH to use when you have your right hand on the mouse. On top of most of the control buttons being on the LEFT side of the keyboard....

I STILL don't understand how it's more proper to play it on PC. You just don't have the same control over the game. Will SOMEONE explain this to me?

Maybe he only had a quick go at his friends house because he and doesn't own a console. You have no idea do you?

Hanging on to every word Llama says ftl.

But making a correct assumption... FTW.....

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 2nd September, 2008 @ 17:24 - Permalink

What the actual fuck?

When I said 'play the game properly' , I never for a second suggested that me playing it 'Improperly' was because of the control scheme. Don't go off on one over an assumption. I said what I said because I've never really had the chance to play the game for longer than 15 mins at a time, which means there's little to no immersion, or feel for the game.

I never said it was more proper to play on any medium, in fact I'd also much rather use an analogue stick for driving, as well as triggers. Keyboard sucks for driving.

Shortbus's photo
Shortbus 2nd September, 2008 @ 20:47 - Permalink
full spherical movement with a mouse that you cant get without having to use 2 analog sticks at once, which is hard for me.

8 directions to move with WASD

More buttons! 16 keys around WASD that are easily reachable, plug the 3 mouse buttons and mouse wheel. I have 5 buttons on my mouse, so thats 21 buttons with an easy reach while PC gaming. 14 on a PS2 controller (including the D-pad rocker) so really only 10 buttons on a PS2 controller. (not including start/select)

This is just for me, maybe you are better with analog sticks, more power to you.

More keys, but less sensitive ones. For almost any type of driving, I need the analog sensitivity. Why does everyone place shooting over driving in GTA? Even online it was nothing but those XboxLive-Kiddies and HALOFAGS.

Even doing something like walking along an edge is easier with the analog controls.

I was talking more about ANY game that has to do with aiming, a mouse is just better, I think most can agree on that.

About driving, I can drive fine with a keyboard :/. When driving on my PS2 on VC, I use the D-pad, which is more like WASD than the analog sticks.

walking along an edge might be easier on analog, but if you can maneuver your mouse at all, it shouldn't be a problem, especially on GTA4 where you can walk normally.

And I agree 100% with the term HALOFAGS :lol:

claude-5's photo
claude-5 2nd September, 2008 @ 22:19 - Permalink
:lolbounce: can someone define the word 'HALOFAGS' to me, although, i have a pretty good idea
MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 2nd September, 2008 @ 22:25 - Permalink
:lolbounce: can someone define the word 'HALOFAGS' to me, although, i have a pretty good idea

Someone who does nothing more than play halo online all day. A primal creature, they speak fluent leet, and often only eat/drink whilst still playing halo. They think large score = large penis and really, really need girlfriends.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 2nd September, 2008 @ 22:27 - Permalink
Someone who does nothing more than play halo online all day. A primal creature, they speak fluent leet, and often only eat/drink whilst still playing halo. They think large score = large penis and really, really need girlfriends.

thanks Llama, not quite wat i thought

Alvas.'s photo
Alvas. 3rd September, 2008 @ 11:32 - Permalink

Wow Man This Was What I Was Waiting For.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 3rd September, 2008 @ 22:41 - Permalink
They think large score = large penis and really, really need girlfriends.

Oh fuck you. Now I'm feeling sad, shitty and depressed again :(

True though. Even the GF part.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 3rd September, 2008 @ 22:58 - Permalink
Oh fuck you. Now I'm feeling sad, shitty and depressed again :(

True though. Even the GF part.

so you are a HALOFAG?

Pandora's photo
Pandora 3rd September, 2008 @ 22:59 - Permalink

No. I'm a 15 year old lad without a GF.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 3rd September, 2008 @ 23:02 - Permalink
No. I'm a 15 year old lad without a GF.

so? i fit that description, i pretty much dont care, it dont matter

Husky's photo
Husky 3rd September, 2008 @ 23:24 - Permalink
:lolbounce: can someone define the word 'HALOFAGS' to me, although, i have a pretty good idea

Someone who does nothing more than play halo online all day. A primal creature, they speak fluent leet, and often only eat/drink whilst still playing halo. They think large score = large penis and really, really need girlfriends.

Im simular to that. I play GTA IV and GTA SA online all day for 12 hours. Does that make me a GTA-Fag?

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 4th September, 2008 @ 13:02 - Permalink
:lolbounce: can someone define the word 'HALOFAGS' to me, although, i have a pretty good idea

Someone who does nothing more than play halo online all day. A primal creature, they speak fluent leet, and often only eat/drink whilst still playing halo. They think large score = large penis and really, really need girlfriends.

Couldn't have defined it better myself.

:lolbounce: can someone define the word 'HALOFAGS' to me, although, i have a pretty good idea

Someone who does nothing more than play halo online all day. A primal creature, they speak fluent leet, and often only eat/drink whilst still playing halo. They think large score = large penis and really, really need girlfriends.

Im simular to that. I play GTA IV and GTA SA online all day for 12 hours. Does that make me a GTA-Fag?

Possibly, but "GTAFAG" isn't too common yet. Sure, there's fanboys.... But the ones to that degree aren't really rampant yet.

Doubt I'll upgrade my PC in time to play this. And I doubt I'll find anyone else who has it... So I won't play it on PC for a while. Interested in seeing what type of mods show up at first.

Shortbus's photo
Shortbus 4th September, 2008 @ 15:12 - Permalink

I don't know if there will ever be a GTAFAG, GTA is so good and Halo is so....below basic.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 4th September, 2008 @ 15:54 - Permalink

who the hell can like halo is crappy and overrated

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 4th September, 2008 @ 16:05 - Permalink

Back on topic please people.

LDoubleU's photo
LDoubleU 6th September, 2008 @ 21:37 - Permalink
I STILL don't understand how it's more proper to play it on PC. You just don't have the same control over the game. Will SOMEONE explain this to me?

Maybe he only had a quick go at his friends house because he and doesn't own a console. You have no idea do you?

Hanging on to every word Llama says ftl.

he's right you dont have the same control over niko on pc as you do on console, however i do agree with alkaline on the fact that you shouldn't hang on every word that the mods/admins say...

@ claude: everyone who isnt a MS fanboy

claude-5's photo
claude-5 8th September, 2008 @ 23:58 - Permalink
@ claude: everyone who isnt a MS fanboy

im not any MS fanboy, i own a PS2 & PS3

LDoubleU's photo
LDoubleU 9th September, 2008 @ 19:09 - Permalink

yeah and i own windows vista, dont mean i like it

claude-5's photo
claude-5 9th September, 2008 @ 19:40 - Permalink
yeah and i own windows vista, dont mean i like it

i ask how can anybody like Halo 3, cuz its shit and i hate it, and i get called an MS fanboy, wtf i dont get it, and i love ps2 and ps3, by my ps2 more

JAB HacksouL's photo
JAB HacksouL 11th September, 2008 @ 23:19 - Permalink

Well this topic isn't about H3 it is about GTA IV. I have played this at my cousins house on his 360. It looks pretty good, but I am suspicous as to why it is being released to the PC so quickly. Are sales on the PS3 and 360 that poor? I will be waiting for the price to drop after Christmas. Also I will probably buy it used. I am impressed by the screen shots but it looks like my graphics card and memory will require an upgrade. I don't know if sinking all that money into my PC is a good idea just to play one game.

What I would like to see is a video game release to be more backwards compatible but the idea is to get people to buy the newest equipment. Look at GTA SA it has a NVidia logo as the second splash. Don't tell me they can't make it backwards compatible either. I have worked enough mesh and texture to know they do this to sell us more than we need. So for the game, to 100 for the graphics adapter and another for the memory upgrade. Might as well buy a new PC for that.

My brother said he's waiting for the linux release. >.<

LDoubleU's photo
LDoubleU 12th September, 2008 @ 11:55 - Permalink
yeah and i own windows vista, dont mean i like it

i ask how can anybody like Halo 3, cuz its shit and i hate it, and i get called an MS fanboy, wtf i dont get it, and i love ps2 and ps3, by my ps2 more

i didn't say you were, i just said that in response to your comment. i belive i never called you an Ms fanboy i simply implied that anyone who believed that playing GTA on pc is more proper than playing on a console is an pc/MS (as they are 99% likely to have windows on said pc) fanboy.

if i did offend sorry, didn't mean it to sound that way :)

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 12th September, 2008 @ 15:37 - Permalink
Well this topic isn't about H3 it is about GTA IV. I have played this at my cousins house on his 360. It looks pretty good, but I am suspicous as to why it is being released to the PC so quickly. Are sales on the PS3 and 360 that poor? I will be waiting for the price to drop after Christmas. Also I will probably buy it used. I am impressed by the screen shots but it looks like my graphics card and memory will require an upgrade. I don't know if sinking all that money into my PC is a good idea just to play one game.

What I would like to see is a video game release to be more backwards compatible but the idea is to get people to buy the newest equipment. Look at GTA SA it has a NVidia logo as the second splash. Don't tell me they can't make it backwards compatible either. I have worked enough mesh and texture to know they do this to sell us more than we need. So for the game, to 100 for the graphics adapter and another for the memory upgrade. Might as well buy a new PC for that.

My brother said he's waiting for the linux release. >.<

Actually, GTA IV was one of the best-selling games of 2008. Also, there won't be a Linux release.

chris82's photo
chris82 12th September, 2008 @ 21:16 - Permalink
i didn't say you were, i just said that in response to your comment. i belive i never called you an Ms fanboy i simply implied that anyone who believed that playing GTA on pc is more proper than playing on a console is an pc/MS (as they are 99% likely to have windows on said pc) fanboy.

Most games for PC are exclusively released on Windows, therefore PC =Windows. It also is better to play on a PC for many reasons, but Linux/OSX and gaming go together about as well as Helen Keller and deep sea diving.

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