New GTA IV PC details

By Chris | 30th Sep 2008 at 16:43 GMT in GTA IV | 3 Comments

Italian magazine The Game Machine have brought to light some minor new details on the PC version of GTA IV:

  • The replay editor can record, save and edit the last 30 seconds of the game. Once you have saved your video, you can open another piece of internal software in order to change the point of view and add special effects. The montage editor allows you to edit various replays into a single sequence, add audio tracks from the official soundtrack of the game and add effects like transition from a sequence to another. You can then upload and publish your videos to the Rockstar Social Club to share them with the world.
  • The GPS map has been improved. You can now point and click with the mouse on a specific location and make notes or add images to personalize it.
  • Improved streaming will be possible with the power of todays processors. If you have seen cars on the road that matched the car you are driving, this has been somewhat fixed. More pedestrians and vehicles will be visible.

Thanks to for the news.

Husky's photo
Husky 30th September, 2008 @ 17:12 - Permalink

The second and the last one would be awsome on the consul games. Jesus rockstar should think of a Remix for the systems.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 30th September, 2008 @ 20:46 - Permalink

ima have fun making movies with the montage editor, i cant wait :D

Shortbus's photo
Shortbus 30th September, 2008 @ 21:36 - Permalink

The point and click map with annotations and pictures sounds awesome

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