San Andreas now available for download on Xbox Originals

By Chris | 20th Oct 2008 at 16:19 GMT in San Andreas | 13 Comments

IPB ImageFollowing on from last week's announcement, GTA: San Andreas is now available for download through the Xbox Originals service on the Xbox Live Marketplace, priced at 1200 points - currently equal to £10.20 (or USD).

Originally announced for North America only, the download is actually available in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 20th October, 2008 @ 16:26 - Permalink

awesome!, have u downloaded it? is there any emulation problems?

Deji's photo
Deji 20th October, 2008 @ 16:37 - Permalink

North America only? :( doesn't really matter to me. Just offends me a bit. I can't have something cause I was born in a certain country!?

claude-5's photo
claude-5 20th October, 2008 @ 16:40 - Permalink
I can at least personally confirm it is available in the UK.

-.- read

Deji's photo
Deji 20th October, 2008 @ 16:47 - Permalink
I can at least personally confirm it is available in the UK.

-.- read

I meant what about the other countries? And that alot of things were available only in America. Like the sweepstakes and stuff...

Chris's photo
Chris 20th October, 2008 @ 16:54 - Permalink
awesome!, have u downloaded it? is there any emulation problems?

I haven't. I already own the PS2 and PC versions so there's no point. I don't do too much gaming anymore, and when I do it's with new games that are coming out in the next 2 months.

I can at least personally confirm it is available in the UK.

-.- read

I meant what about the other countries? And that alot of things were available only in America. Like the sweepstakes and stuff...

I'm just about to update the post with a list of countries this is available in.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 20th October, 2008 @ 16:54 - Permalink

oh well, there are UK exclusive stuff

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 21st October, 2008 @ 02:34 - Permalink

out of all the countries it has come out, no Australia what the hell!!!!

WRX22B1998's photo
WRX22B1998 21st October, 2008 @ 10:09 - Permalink

does that surprise you XD

australia always gets fked over in many things lol

1. cars

2. games

3. ummm just general electronics

claude-5's photo
claude-5 21st October, 2008 @ 14:03 - Permalink

the decent hooker system on IV haha,

on topic: suprisingly only takes 2.9 GB, ivw got it on download now :D

TehNoobShow's photo
TehNoobShow 23rd January, 2010 @ 23:06 - Permalink

Nice, I might just get it.

Meshy's photo
Meshy 3rd March, 2012 @ 00:27 - Permalink

Well, I've got it, either way sometimes the sound skips or doesn't match the lips (lips synch).

But I didn't get it from the marketplace, I have the Xbox Orginal disk around :).

MrLanceVanceDance's photo
MrLanceVanceDance 3rd March, 2012 @ 02:06 - Permalink

I hope the download becomes avaliable to Australia.

Meshy's photo
Meshy 4th March, 2012 @ 22:19 - Permalink

I hope the download becomes avaliable to Australia.

Sorry, but it isn't.

The download on the Xbox Live Marketplace has been here since 2008. Not new news, probably for you if you haven't seen it before. If you have any people who sell Xbox games your luck is there. But there probably will be 2nd hand and scratched *ooch*

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