GTA IV DLC delayed until 2009?

By Chris | 12th Nov 2008 at 00:53 GMT in GTA IV | 3 Comments

danhouser_th.jpgIt seems everyone missed a bit of news that broke last week regarding downloadable content for GTA IV on the Xbox 360. As you were probably aware, a tentative release date for the DLC was before the end of 2008. According to the Gamespot article that brought this up, Microsoft said last month that the content would be ready before December 31 - nothing like leaving things til the last minute, though I'm not sure they meant actually releasing it then. Rockstar's Creative VP Dan Houser recently gave an interview to Variety, and the following is an excerpt from that, regarding the downloadable content.

Variety: On another topic, I have to ask you about the "GTA IV" downloadable content you're doing. Do you still expect that to come out this year?

DH: I'm not sure. It's going well. But we don’t know a date. We hope to be announcing that in the next few weeks. We're still figuring out a few things. We're more focused on quality than dates, always have been. But the development is going really good. It's shaping up to be something we're very proud of. That was our goal

Variety: Do you think you'll talk at all about what the DLC will be and how it will fit into "GTA IV's" story?

DH: We want to give people a rough idea so their expectations are roughly in line. We don't want them to imagine it's this enormous thing that it can never be...

Doing a big digital launch is something we've never done before. It's virgin territory, but at the same time, we feel very exposed because there's no case history. No one ever came out with major DLC for a major game like this before.

It's new territory for everybody. We're making it up a little bit as we go along. That's always fun, but it makes you nervous.

Good to hear they're focused on quality, which is always the case with Rockstar. The main point of the interview is discussing GTA IV's release in Japan, if you're interested (and it is actually quite interesting reading about the challenges R* face when releasing the GTA games there) you can read it in full over at Variety.

Deji's photo
Deji 12th November, 2008 @ 01:41 - Permalink

Not the end of the world really. I'm sure people will just be playing it to 100% anyway so they are prepared to get the DLC :)

josef8's photo
josef8 12th November, 2008 @ 02:17 - Permalink

sooo whats the price :whistle:

Artur's photo
Artur 12th November, 2008 @ 05:01 - Permalink

This is kind of a bummer cause we still don't know anything about the DLC and it was supposed to come out sometime soon but now they just delay it? I haven't played IV for a while and I've been waiting for this DLC to come out so there was a good reason to go and start playing again. Just don't feel like doing 100% or playing online because it isn't too fun and I have already spent hours playing and messing around with friends.

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