New Chinatown Wars information

By Chris | 17th Nov 2008 at 16:14 GMT in Chinatown Wars | 12 Comments

Spanish magazine Hispana has an array of new details regarding GTA Chinatown Wars. This is the same magazine that gave us details that the map would comprise of something similar to GTA IV - Dukes, Bohan, Broker, and Algonquin would be included, but Alderney would be left out. More details have arisen today following further translations of the magazine.

  • Camera can swivel 360 degrees
  • Trains will pass overhead in the city, cars will circle, pedestrians will be walking, etc.
  • GPS seen on the touch screen while you move through the city
  • PDA allows you to gain access to the map with more details as well as the goals of missions
  • You can mark points that you want and the GPS will always tell you the shortest legal route to the destination with yellow or blue arrows
  • New discoveries (such as gas stations) are added to the map
  • Top screen brings you all the action, while the lower screen will let you control elements like the PDA, GPS, the radio, access to the people on the map, or using Motolov cocktails and grenades.
  • Drugs have a big importance in the game
  • Drug system can be compared to Drugwars
  • You have to control the stock of drugs, buy them in one neighborhood and sell them in another - Good way to make money in the game
  • You are given a map so that you know what people demand and at what prices
  • Like other GTA games, in Chinatown Wars, you can catch a taxi - whistle into the microphone so the taxi will stop

On a related note that I forgot to mention in the GTA IV DLC delay news, Chinatown Wars has in fact been delayed as well and will not be out in time for Christmas. Instead, we can expect to see it released by the first half of the fiscal year, which ends in April.

Our Chinatown Wars section is now open. You can now browse the latest news, features, screenshots and artwork.

Source: Nintendo Everything

Thanks Evo for the heads up.

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 17th November, 2008 @ 18:17 - Permalink
  • Like other GTA games, in Chinatown Wars, you can catch a taxi - whistle into the microphone so the taxi will stop

I wouldn't say "Like other GTA Games", AFAIK only in GTA IV you can call a taxi.

But nice to see new info! :D

Bulletproofboy's photo
Bulletproofboy 17th November, 2008 @ 18:53 - Permalink

In GTA 3,GTA VC LCS, VCS , SA etc Taxi's come to pick you up sometimes iv you can call anytime u want

good news

cant wait till cheats

and my ds mic aint good , ill haveto scream

i wish this was on psp,

psp > ds lol

my psp dont have built in mic tho << offtopic

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 17th November, 2008 @ 18:56 - Permalink

PSP wouldn't have such graphics...

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 17th November, 2008 @ 20:06 - Permalink
In GTA 3,GTA VC LCS, VCS , SA etc Taxi's come to pick you up sometimes iv you can call anytime u want

good news

cant wait till cheats

and my ds mic aint good , ill haveto scream

i wish this was on psp,

psp > ds lol

my psp dont have built in mic tho << offtopic

It would be LCS on PSP.... They point of the game was to play it on DS....

claude-5's photo
claude-5 17th November, 2008 @ 21:19 - Permalink
[*]Like other GTA games, in Chinatown Wars, you can catch a taxi - whistle into the microphone so the taxi will stop

umm, i cant whistle, how will i catch a taxi :S, that plays a big importance 2 me in IV

EvoLuTioN's photo
EvoLuTioN 18th November, 2008 @ 15:26 - Permalink
You can mark points that you want and the GPS will always tell you the shortest legal route to the destination with yellow or blue arrows
Somewhere deep inside I always wanted that, I don't know if its been done in Gta4. Its good that Rockstar are concentrating on the quality of the game and not on the release date and giving out a rushed version even though its not a major title.
Thanks Evo for the heads up.
Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 18th November, 2008 @ 16:55 - Permalink

Yeah it was first done in IV

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 18th November, 2008 @ 17:48 - Permalink
[*]Like other GTA games, in Chinatown Wars, you can catch a taxi - whistle into the microphone so the taxi will stop

umm, i cant whistle, how will i catch a taxi :S, that plays a big importance 2 me in IV

I'm sorry but that made me laugh! No taxi for you :)

Can't wait for this, looks fun. Thanks for posting Evo!

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 18th November, 2008 @ 21:37 - Permalink
[*]Like other GTA games, in Chinatown Wars, you can catch a taxi - whistle into the microphone so the taxi will stop

umm, i cant whistle, how will i catch a taxi :S, that plays a big importance 2 me in IV

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I can't either.

Earthbound's photo
Earthbound 18th November, 2008 @ 21:40 - Permalink
[*]Like other GTA games, in Chinatown Wars, you can catch a taxi - whistle into the microphone so the taxi will stop

umm, i cant whistle, how will i catch a taxi :S, that plays a big importance 2 me in IV

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I can't either.

Ouch lol. I'm sure there will be an alternate button to trigger this function. Or at least I would hope so. I can whistle, but not very well. :P

GTAspotter's photo
GTAspotter 30th November, 2008 @ 15:42 - Permalink

Woot i cant wait for Chinatown wars shame its delayed tho :bashhead:

Shortbus's photo
Shortbus 30th November, 2008 @ 19:56 - Permalink

I can't whistle so I'd be fucked if I wanted a taxi :lol:

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