Rockstar announces special online events

By Chris | 3rd Dec 2008 at 03:36 GMT in GTA IV | 2 Comments

Rockstar Games has announced three special online events in honour of Grand Theft Auto IV and Midnight Club Los Angeles.

GAMES FOR WINDOWS LIVE EVENT - Saturday, December 13th

Jump into Games for Windows LIVEĀ® next Saturday, December 13th from noon until 4 PM EST for your chance to mess with the best. Representatives from Rockstar North, Rockstar Toronto, and Rockstar Games NYC will be online - with automatic weaponry drawn - ready to take you on in all of Grand Theft Auto IV's multiplayer modes. Remember, the PC version supports up to 32-person multiplayer - ie. 128 limbs. Full list of Gamertags to be announced next week.


For players of both Grand Theft Auto IV and Midnight Club Los Angeles - Social Club is opening its doors. Game with Rockstars across all platforms on both titles. Log in to Social Club to be entered into hourly and daily sweepstakes. Be among the first to participate in Midnight Club Los Angeles online race Tournaments. Upload your Midnight Club Los Angeles Rate My Ride cars to be judged by Rockstar for special prizing. Upload your Grand Theft Auto IV PC Video Editor clips for the chance to be Rockstar's featured Video of the Week. Full details and schedule to be announced next week.

SOCIAL CLUB TV VIDEO EDITOR - Videogame Journalist All-Star Competition Event

Vote and rate your favorite user-created clips posted by writers and editors from IGN, GameTrailers and other gaming sites. At the end of the event period on December 12th, only one journalist's clip will be crowned king. Check out for more info and look for clips to be posted there starting this week.

Kikizo actually mentioned a bit about that last competition for journalists in an article yesterday, saying "the winning magazine or website gets ,000 from Rockstar to donate to the charity of its choosing". Good stuff.


Social Club

Social Club TV

Damjan's photo
Damjan 3rd December, 2008 @ 08:28 - Permalink

W00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000T.I might get into the social club,and for the windows live events,well,we'll see.

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 3rd December, 2008 @ 14:19 - Permalink

Woot, excellent. I'm buying the game this night (Yes, the retailers on my town suck), may look forward to it.

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