The Lost and Damned DLC to premiere on SpikeTV

By Chris | 6th Dec 2008 at 03:52 GMT in GTA IV | 2 Comments

Today, Rockstar Games and Spike TV announced that the downloadable content for Xbox 360 users of GTA IV, The Lost and Damned, will premiere at the 2008 Video Game Awards, live Sunday December 14 at 9:00pm on Spike TV.

No further details were given in the press release, however we can be pretty sure we'll be seeing previews of some of the new content the DLC has to offer. This episode is due to be released on February 17th.

Source: PRNewsWire

Husky's photo
Husky 6th December, 2008 @ 15:59 - Permalink

I hope this is the Real America time. Not like that time that made me miss the GTA4 countdown.

Chris's photo
Chris 6th December, 2008 @ 16:06 - Permalink

It's EST, says something about a tape delay for West Coast... so presumably the same time but it won't be live because of the timezone difference it will have happened several hours before.

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