Chinatown Wars gets a release date

By Chris | 15th Dec 2008 at 15:46 GMT in Chinatown Wars | 3 Comments

Rockstar have announced the release dates of Chinatown Wars for the Nintendo DS by way of press release earlier. The game will launch on 17th March in North America and 20th March in Europe.

Artur's photo
Artur 15th December, 2008 @ 15:50 - Permalink

Hopefully that date won't be pushed back either hehe :P Well my little brother is gonna be getting a DS for Christmas probably so I might get this for my self when it comes out.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 15th December, 2008 @ 18:22 - Permalink

Good, looking forward to this game.

Claude-Speed's photo
Claude-Speed 20th January, 2009 @ 02:32 - Permalink
Rockstar have announced the release dates of Chinatown Wars for the Nintendo DS by way of press release earlier. The game will launch on 17th March in North America and 20th March in Europe.

PRE ORDER IT AT GAME STOP that means you get it right when they get it in stock! w00t...

also its 34.99+tax

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