New San Andreas PC Previews

By Chris | 21st Apr 2005 at 12:53 GMT in San Andreas | 3 Comments

Rockstar have given us a heads up with a list of smaller gaming sites who are putting up San Andreas PC previews in the coming days, some of those websites already have. Rockstar seem to have invited representitives from all the gaming sites and treated to them to the same preview, as they all talk about much the same things.

Game Revolution's Article has nothing that differ's from previous articles. They mention they can't wait for the mod community to get their hands on it, and they do make a nice bulleted list of the PC enhancements which I shall echo here:

* Polished Graphics and New Visual Effects take full advantage of more powerful hardware, offering even more impressive visuals.

* An MP3 Radio Station and Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound deliver an immersive aural experience and allow the player to customize the radio of San Andreas.

* Relive incredible action sequences, an Instant Replay feature repeats the last 30 seconds of gameplay complete with cinematic camera effects.

* The customizable PC version supports Player Modifications, giving players the opportunity to create their own world within San Andreas.

GameZone's and Adrenaline Vault's articles are also similar to others, with the same screenshots you've no doubt already seen, although AVault did put up the high resolution ones which we will be able to show you later this week. AVault also suggest that the replay mode has had a few revisions mde to it. They say:

It is now possible to replay your insane trick jumps, killing sprees, or showdowns with the fuzz with 4 stars via a camera control

We can also see the return of being able to save your stats to an html file.

Other sites we are told to expect previews from are Gaming-Age, Worth Playing, Game Daily and Games Domain

Righty's photo
Righty 21st April, 2005 @ 13:38 - Permalink

I like the ability to mod, it looks like they are building a feature in to make it easier to mod. Any idea on specs?

Chris's photo
Chris 21st April, 2005 @ 14:08 - Permalink

Well there is some confusion as to whether Rockstar have actually done anything in support for modders, some articles suggest they have whereas other either don't mention it or just state they are looking forward to what modders can produce.

Oscar's photo
Oscar 22nd April, 2005 @ 03:18 - Permalink

Checking the gamespot article, says they have no plan of releasing any mod tools, but they expect the mod crews to make more than what they did for VC, they think the bigger and better places to mod, will give a great chance to modders.

You should check it here

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