Happy New Year, and a new TGTAP!

By Chris | 1st Jan 2009 at 01:44 GMT in General | 38 Comments

First of all, a happy new year to all our visitors, hope 2009 is a great year for you ignoring all the economic problems and whatnot!

If you're reading this, you're now viewing version 4 of The GTA Place. At the moment the changes you'll see are purely aesthetic ones. We will be adding numerous new features and content over the coming weeks. We hope you like the new design. It should be working perfectly on the vast majority of modern browsers we were able to test, though if you spot any issues or bugs with any part of the site then let us know in the forums.

Our forums remain unchanged for now, they'll be undergoing upgrades in the next couple of months along with some other exciting changes, not just a matching skin, but also changes we're planning on making to the gang scene to name one. Not a member on our forums, why not register now? Signing up only takes a few moments, and you'll be able to make your own topics and posts, and discuss GTA among other things with over 20,000 other people.

If you have any feedback then let us know. Enjoy the year ahead!

Connor's photo
Connor 1st January, 2009 @ 01:48 - Permalink

It's beautiful man, good work, it looks even better than the early one I saw, and that one was awesome.


Husky's photo
Husky 1st January, 2009 @ 01:48 - Permalink

I noticed the home page change! Anyway Happy New Years TGTAP! (and some Birthdays)

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 1st January, 2009 @ 01:49 - Permalink
discuss GTA among other things with over 20,000 other people.

Lol, 20001 members.

And yeah, happy new year to all you other internetz peopl, :D

WRX22B1998's photo
WRX22B1998 1st January, 2009 @ 01:51 - Permalink

yeah looks nice :) happy new year all

Blur's photo
Blur 1st January, 2009 @ 02:07 - Permalink

Sweet. :D

Hansui's photo
Hansui 1st January, 2009 @ 03:04 - Permalink

the homepage looks better :)

azn's photo
azn 1st January, 2009 @ 03:07 - Permalink

The new banner is Sexy. Who made it? :P

Chris's photo
Chris 1st January, 2009 @ 03:16 - Permalink

Everything was designed/made by me with the exception of the footer logo which is designed by TM.

Patty-T's photo
Patty-T 1st January, 2009 @ 03:18 - Permalink

Timezones are weird. It's 2009 in some places, but in where I am there's still another two hours before the new year.

Alvas.'s photo
Alvas. 1st January, 2009 @ 05:39 - Permalink

Really like the new cool design !

Happy new year !

Artur's photo
Artur 1st January, 2009 @ 05:46 - Permalink

Yeah still not New Year here either another 2 hours and a bit. Nice banned and updates on the site, happy new year to everyone :D

Lonewᶲlf's photo
Lonewᶲlf 1st January, 2009 @ 07:31 - Permalink

Happy New Year TGTAP :thumbsup:

the new home page looks pretty slick, i like the new banner :)

Thomas.'s photo
Thomas. 1st January, 2009 @ 07:57 - Permalink

I got nervous when i saw my username in big bold writing as soon as I clicked on home. I wasn't really expecting it. After seeing so many previews - that looked awesome, including the GTA Vice City one - I wouldn't have thought any less of the quality it would come out. It looks like brilliance at it's finest. I think you shall be getting much more members in the following months.

Artur's photo
Artur 1st January, 2009 @ 08:13 - Permalink

Just turned 2009 like 10 mins ago so officially Happy New Year everyone! :cigar:

Nate10's photo
Nate10 1st January, 2009 @ 09:02 - Permalink

It's been officially an hour into 2009 for me. Sucks, this years just goin to a be a little quicker then the last. Anywho, currently enjoying the look of the new home page, nice work TM and Chris. Looking forward to the other new installments to the site. :)

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 1st January, 2009 @ 09:32 - Permalink

Very nice design Chris, looking forward to the new enhancements coming in the next few months.

hunter88888's photo
hunter88888 1st January, 2009 @ 09:58 - Permalink

Looking forward to the changes :)

Scott.'s photo
Scott. 1st January, 2009 @ 10:31 - Permalink

Happy new year everyone!

Looks great so far Chris good job :P

NSanityHD's photo
NSanityHD 1st January, 2009 @ 10:41 - Permalink

Wow, just checked the homepage (my bookmark leads to the forum) and omg it looks so snazzy then before. Great job Chris with the design and nice logo on the footer TM! :)

Happy birthdays to the birthday members, happy new year to TGTAP! :D


Earthbound's photo
Earthbound 1st January, 2009 @ 10:47 - Permalink

Happy New Year to all.

Chris, the new look is fantastic. I really love it. You've out done yourself. :)

little_homer's photo
little_homer 1st January, 2009 @ 12:30 - Permalink

New banner for almost every game :D nice

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 1st January, 2009 @ 13:02 - Permalink

Oh my GOD! Chris that looks amazing! The only thing that seems weird to me is the gap in between the top banner and the news but I'm guessing an advert will soon be going there.

TGTAP looks so good, great job Chris!

Chris's photo
Chris 1st January, 2009 @ 13:52 - Permalink
Oh my GOD! Chris that looks amazing! The only thing that seems weird to me is the gap in between the top banner and the news but I'm guessing an advert will soon be going there.

TGTAP looks so good, great job Chris!

There is an advert there. Are you using AdBlock or something? It'll look ridiculous if you are :P

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 1st January, 2009 @ 14:08 - Permalink
There is an advert there. Are you using AdBlock or something? It'll look ridiculous if you are :P

Maybe I am but I don't remember putting it on here, oh well I'm not too bothered about but it looks a bit stupid on my screen :P

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 1st January, 2009 @ 14:26 - Permalink

Whoa, nice homepage! It's even better than the V4 you showed us before. :hurrhurr:

Tabrez's photo
Tabrez 1st January, 2009 @ 17:26 - Permalink

Nice work chris :thumbsup:, really like the new look....i wonder how long it took you to do all this :?: :?: :?:

TNF's photo
TNF 1st January, 2009 @ 18:08 - Permalink

Happy New Year everyone, I like the new homepage.:)

Husky's photo
Husky 1st January, 2009 @ 18:10 - Permalink

I think at the end of 2009 Chris should post up a shout box for the countdown. And take it off after the whole eart passed the sun for the 6,000 time.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 1st January, 2009 @ 18:15 - Permalink

Like always, great work Chris. It looks awesome, the default page is great, banner fits in with everything.

Also, just a question, on the top right of the banner, where it shows the population, is it made up numbers, or does it connect with how many forum members are?

Anyways, great way to start off to new year! :)

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 1st January, 2009 @ 18:59 - Permalink
Like always, great work Chris. It looks awesome, the default page is great, banner fits in with everything.

Also, just a question, on the top right of the banner, where it shows the population, is it made up numbers, or does it connect with how many forum members are?

Anyways, great way to start off to new year! :)

It's all coded up to display the actual number. Check the member number at the bottom of the page, and the one on the homepage ;)

Connor's photo
Connor 1st January, 2009 @ 19:18 - Permalink

Yeah, it's pretty simple but really cool on the homepage like that.

Charger's photo
Charger 1st January, 2009 @ 19:21 - Permalink

Looks very good, well done. btw Happy New Year!

LDoubleU's photo
LDoubleU 1st January, 2009 @ 20:31 - Permalink

I have seen the new design...

If I am perfectly honest, I came when I saw it, very sexual chris!

Happy new year to everyone at TGTAP

Chris's photo
Chris 1st January, 2009 @ 20:34 - Permalink
I came when I saw it, very sexual chris!

You're about the 3rd person who's revealed that detail to me. I'm flattered, I really am :hurrhurr:

LDoubleU's photo
LDoubleU 1st January, 2009 @ 20:44 - Permalink
I came when I saw it, very sexual chris!

You're about the 3rd person who's revealed that detail to me. I'm flattered, I really am :hurrhurr:

Lol, you certainly know how to satisfy your members ;)

ZxTWO's photo
ZxTWO 2nd January, 2009 @ 01:02 - Permalink


I've been visiting this site for at least two years downloading mods and shit and I never noticed a goddamn forum. Ah well, I'm here now and that's all I gotta say. :bashhead:

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 2nd January, 2009 @ 15:01 - Permalink

That's weird :P

But yeah, welcome!

Pandora's photo
Pandora 7th January, 2009 @ 22:05 - Permalink

Looks sexy ^.^

And a happy new year to everyone :D

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