Chinatown Wars rated 18 by BBFC

By Chris | 10th Jan 2009 at 04:34 GMT in Chinatown Wars | 5 Comments

The BBFC have given Chinatown Wars an 18 rating, making it the first game on the Nintendo DS to receive such a rating. The game's content is said to include "very strong language and drug references" as well as that it contains "168 minutes worth of in-game cut scenes". No cuts were needed to obtain a UK release.

Source: MCV

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 10th January, 2009 @ 04:55 - Permalink
The BBFC have given Chinatown Wars an 18 rating, making it the first game on the Nintendo DS to receive such a rating. The game's content is said to include "very strong language and drug references" as well as that it contains "168 minutes worth of in-game cut scenes". No cuts were needed to obtain a UK release.

Source: MCV

How do you think the cut scenes are gonna look? Do you think they'll be any better than the in-game graphics?

Husky's photo
Husky 10th January, 2009 @ 05:11 - Permalink
The BBFC have given Chinatown Wars an 18 rating, making it the first game on the Nintendo DS to receive such a rating. The game's content is said to include "very strong language and drug references" as well as that it contains "168 minutes worth of in-game cut scenes". No cuts were needed to obtain a UK release.

Source: MCV

How do you think the cut scenes are gonna look? Do you think they'll be any better than the in-game graphics?


Artur's photo
Artur 10th January, 2009 @ 07:04 - Permalink

Oh yeah and I wonder how much or if any dialogue they will have. Reading the lines isn't too fun or 'dramatic' but I'd prefer it over really bad voice acting.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 10th January, 2009 @ 22:29 - Permalink

No surprise here, but I actually expected a 15, because the DS has crappy graphics. I doubt there would be much dialogue, I think it'll mostly be text, but if there's over 2 HOURS of cut-scenes, then there has to be some sort of voiceover. I think it might operate like MGS Portable Ops, with the animated comic scenes.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 12th January, 2009 @ 13:07 - Permalink

for 256MB storage i dont think there will be much voiceovers & the cutscens will probably look like GH: On Tour, but if R* can fit GTA IV onto a 9 GB disc they can do anything, right?

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