No GTA V in 2009 say Rockstar

By Chris | 17th Jan 2009 at 06:41 GMT in General | 19 Comments

Over the past few days rumours have been flying around about a new GTA game (presumably GTAV) set in Tokyo, due for release at the end of 2009. The original quote actually came from the latest issue of Game Informer, and was in their "Loose Talk" section - a section where they guess stuff, basically...

The original quote:

"We're not talking about new DLC or a collection of previously available DLC, we're talking about a full retail game. We expect this title to follow the suit of previous GTAs and use a subtitle such as GTA: San Andreas, etc. Tokyo might be a possible setting for the game, but details are non-existent at this time." - Game Informer Issue 190

Quite why GI thought this is a realistic scenario is beyond us, luckily, R* today cleared up the rumour (via Kotaku) saying:

there is "no truth" to reports that a wholly new retail game, one on par with the scope of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, will arrive before the holidays.

With DLC keeping GTA players engaged until late 2009, we can't see a new, full GTA game being released until at least 2010, in all likelihood I personally think we're looking at 2011 as the best guess for now. That's of course assuming GTA V is coming...

Sources: R* say no GTAV [Kotaku], original rumour [PSU]

WRX22B1998's photo
WRX22B1998 17th January, 2009 @ 06:46 - Permalink

Hmm yeah i wouldnt expect that there'd be another gta.

hell i still have to get gta4 (and a console to play it with)

Husky's photo
Husky 17th January, 2009 @ 06:48 - Permalink

About time, now they have to confirm that the " Niko wearing a bra " thing is all a myth.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 17th January, 2009 @ 07:05 - Permalink

Can't forget about what X-play said. :awesome:

Husky's photo
Husky 17th January, 2009 @ 07:10 - Permalink

Harwood you are the only guy I know who watches X-Play.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 17th January, 2009 @ 07:17 - Permalink
Harwood you are the only guy I know who watches X-Play.

AWESOME! I'm special! :awesome:

Husky's photo
Husky 17th January, 2009 @ 07:18 - Permalink
Harwood you are the only guy I know who watches X-Play.

AWESOME! I'm special! :awesome:

No, lol I watch it too. Morgan is hot.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 17th January, 2009 @ 07:21 - Permalink
No, lol I watch it too. Morgan is hot.

I don't know...she's ok, but I like Olivia Munn and Layla Kayleigh from Attack of the Show a little more. :thumbsup:

Husky's photo
Husky 17th January, 2009 @ 09:18 - Permalink

I am horny. :)

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 17th January, 2009 @ 09:19 - Permalink

I didn't see the rumours but I knew it wouldn't be coming out in 2009. The amount of time it took them to do GTAIV I'm guessing a new one will be out in either 2011 or early 2012.

azn's photo
azn 17th January, 2009 @ 10:38 - Permalink

Good. Quality over Quantity (In terms of games)

surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 17th January, 2009 @ 17:49 - Permalink

shit, i hope i'm not tired of playing games by then because i'll be around 20 in 2011

i hope they extend the gameplay by then, not just the story. well i guess it's a good call by R*, they should wait for chinatown wars and L.A noire to come out first to increase their profit, after that they should make GTA V with an expensive budget to increase the game's quality

Blur's photo
Blur 17th January, 2009 @ 19:55 - Permalink
Good. Quality over Quantity (In terms of games)

Thats the opposite of what Volition is doing already announcing a third Saints Row. Would like to see how that would turn out.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 17th January, 2009 @ 20:04 - Permalink

It would have been a miracle if a completely new GTA, with all the features from SA would come out this year. I knew it wasn't true, because Tokyo was mentioned as a setting previously for both SA and GTA4, I think. Definitely GTA4.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 17th January, 2009 @ 20:13 - Permalink

I don't see why everyone thinks that GTAIV won't have a sequel.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 17th January, 2009 @ 21:37 - Permalink

To be exactly honest, I never saw this rumour before.

But yeah, Tokyo does seem to be a very interesting place to set GTA up, but I believe they shouldn't rush. To me, that's not part Rockstar's style. It's like EA creating another NFS in like a year, if not, half a year (Although they don't create a new game in half a year). Rushing into it just makes things worse, in terms of gameplay especially, along with the storyline as well. I think with the upcoming games like Chinatown Wars and L.A. Noire, they should let those games come into account and see what people think, before they actually start thinking of creating GTA V.

SR2 from what I've seen looks horrible, people said it was a horrible port for the PC, so Rockstar should especially work on making sure it works for the PC as well.

Besides, I don't expect another GTA to be made this year, with the exception of CW.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 17th January, 2009 @ 21:44 - Permalink

R* Leeds is developing CTW and another developer is developing LA Noire, Take 2 is only funding the project. Right now, with the current economic crisis, I doubt we'll be seeing a GTA game soon. CTW is excluded from that though.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 17th January, 2009 @ 22:39 - Permalink
R* Leeds is developing CTW and another developer is developing LA Noire, Take 2 is only funding the project. Right now, with the current economic crisis, I doubt we'll be seeing a GTA game soon. CTW is excluded from that though.

I don't think TakeTwo or Rockstar were effected by the whole economic least not yet. Rockstar usually starts on the new GTA right after they finish one, but I think I remember Rockstar saying that they took a break after GTAIV, but I think they've started on a new one by now. I think they started GTAIV right after SA was released because they announced it, I think, before LCS was released...or possibly before VCS was released.

Thomas.'s photo
Thomas. 17th January, 2009 @ 23:27 - Permalink
R* Leeds is developing CTW and another developer is developing LA Noire, Take 2 is only funding the project. Right now, with the current economic crisis, I doubt we'll be seeing a GTA game soon. CTW is excluded from that though.

I don't think TakeTwo or Rockstar were effected by the whole economic least not yet. Rockstar usually starts on the new GTA right after they finish one, but I think I remember Rockstar saying that they took a break after GTAIV, but I think they've started on a new one by now. I think they started GTAIV right after SA was released because they announced it, I think, before LCS was released...or possibly before VCS was released.

You may be right. The quotes do say that a new GTA game sequel won't be released this year however, it does not mention that they haven't started developing a new game.

Tokyo seems to be an odd choice of setting for a rockstar game, but it's a good idea changing the country, culture and possibly the currency in which we use. Should be interesting. But what would R* do when it comes to language, they might use English or Japanese with English subtitles. I do want to see a non-american main character again, I don't like American main characters, I'd go for European again or a Japanese main character. If they do Tokyo, will it actually be called Tokyo or will they make something up as they did with Liberty City, Los Santos etc.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 18th January, 2009 @ 03:31 - Permalink
You may be right. The quotes do say that a new GTA game sequel won't be released this year however, it does not mention that they haven't started developing a new game.

Tokyo seems to be an odd choice of setting for a rockstar game, but it's a good idea changing the country, culture and possibly the currency in which we use. Should be interesting. But what would R* do when it comes to language, they might use English or Japanese with English subtitles. I do want to see a non-american main character again, I don't like American main characters, I'd go for European again or a Japanese main character. If they do Tokyo, will it actually be called Tokyo or will they make something up as they did with Liberty City, Los Santos etc.

Well I never said that there would be one out this least not a sequel for GTAIV (depending on if you consider the downloadable content a sequel). They didn't announce that they started a new game, but I don't see why they'd take such a long break. If they stopped because of the economy...that would be even worse for them financially. Selling games is how they get their games.... no monies.

If they do intend on using Tokyo as a location, they'd most likely make their own name for it. As for language, they'd most likely do a mixture. There would be characters that only speak English, possibly the main character, so they'd have to speak English, provided that they'd want the characters that only speak English to hear. As for currency, I'd assume they'd use Japan's, but who knows.

This goes back to my old "Radio Theory". In VCS they mentioned "Tokyo, China" instead of "Tokyo, Japan", so they might call it that for some reason...not sure why they would though, unless they want to make fun of stereotypes.

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