The Lost and Damned achievements + new screenshot

By Chris | 21st Jan 2009 at 13:53 GMT in GTA IV | 9 Comments

Rockstar has released to the GTA fansites a new screenshot of Johnny from The Lost and Damned, and also the new achievements! Check them out below:


  • Get Good Wood – 50G: In the Bike Races, whack off 69 bikers with a bat.
  • Easy Rider – 100G: Finish The Story
  • Full Chat – 70G: Your backup are riding at their best!
  • The Lost Boy – 25G: All hail the leader of The Lost!
  • One Percenter – 5G: Billy is back on his bike.

More information, screens and videos will be released for TLAD on January 22 when gaming sites will be putting up their previews, so look out for updates on them.

Thanks R*!

little_homer's photo
little_homer 21st January, 2009 @ 14:47 - Permalink
  • Get Good Wood – 50G: In the Bike Races, whack off 69 bikers with a bat.


Anyway, nice news.

Chris's photo
Chris 21st January, 2009 @ 16:01 - Permalink

Gotta love the sex jokes!

Husky's photo
Husky 21st January, 2009 @ 16:47 - Permalink
Gotta love the sex jokes!

What sex jokes?

On Topic: Cool news, its probably telling us that we can recruite members like in san andreas etc. And a long storyline. Grr only if it came for the PC , PS3 , and 360 altogether. Who ever thought about just putting it for the 360 is a bitch.

Blur's photo
Blur 21st January, 2009 @ 20:42 - Permalink


  • Get Good Wood – 50G: In the Bike Races, whack off 69 bikers with a bat.


Anyway, nice news.

Rockstar seems to have an obsession with the number "69". :rofl:

Gotta love the sex jokes!

What sex jokes?

On Topic: Cool news, its probably telling us that we can recruite members like in san andreas etc. And a long storyline. Grr only if it came for the PC , PS3 , and 360 altogether. Who ever thought about just putting it for the 360 is a bitch.

True, too bad I won't be getting a 360. :'(

Chris's photo
Chris 22nd January, 2009 @ 01:36 - Permalink
Get Good Wood – 50G: In the Bike Races, whack off 69 bikers with a bat.

Wow, seriously? You can't see that there are three sex jokes in that description alone?

Getting wood = getting an erection

whack off = masturbate

69 = sexual position

None of this slang means anything to you?

The first two are double entendres, wood meaning the baseball bat and an erection, whack meaning masturbate and hitting someone.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 22nd January, 2009 @ 02:07 - Permalink

Gotta admit I only picked up 69 :P.

Artur's photo
Artur 22nd January, 2009 @ 05:01 - Permalink

Haha didn't catch the whack off part but the wood and 69 part made me laugh. Good news that using a baseball bat while on a bike is confirmed, since I saw that screenshot I was looking forward to it. The Lost Boy and One Percenter are probably story related news but I'm curious about Full Chat. Probably doing enough side missions or progressing through the story enough to unlock the best features or number of gang members similar to the gang system in SA.

Edit: Other good news is there will be more news tomorrow :P

claude-5's photo
claude-5 22nd January, 2009 @ 13:48 - Permalink

ill probz gat all of the achievements there cuz none are multiplayer,

and i did only notice the 69 joke :lolbounce:

WRX22B1998's photo
WRX22B1998 22nd January, 2009 @ 13:51 - Permalink

lol i noticed the whole joke (all parts of it)

hmm using a baseball bat on motorbike...perhaps break some mailboxes hehehe

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