The Lost and Damned previews and screenshots out

By Chris | 22nd Jan 2009 at 22:54 GMT in GTA IV | 9 Comments

The large gaming sites have all posted their first previews of The Lost and Damned, along with a plethora of new screenshots. Check out the following sites for all the juciy new details.

From these previews, the following information has also surfaced:

  • The length of the episodic content is, according to Rockstar, more or less the same as that of the original storyline.
  • Johnny (Our new main character) helps head the notorious motorcycle gang 'The Lost' with his brother Billy, who has recently been sent to rehab to avoid imprisonment.
  • The storyline relates closely to that of the original game's. It's reported that we'll meet Niko, Playbox X and Elizabeta, and actually re-play some of the missions from the original story, from Johnny's perspective, instead of Niko's.
  • The Lost are currently in a gang rivalry with another motorcycle gang, 'The Angels of Death'.
  • There is a lot of friction between Johnny and his brother, mainly regarding leadership of the gang.
  • The first mission previewed was called "Angels of America." This mission saw Johnny hunting down members of the opposing gang, using the sawn-off shotgun to kill them off before they can let their gang members know that the war is back on.
  • Several new vehicles have been added, including some motorbikes which are specific to The Lost. Your starting bike is unique to you and cannot be retrieved if destroyed.
  • A new feature added to the episode is formation driving, where you can interestingly initiate dialogue with other gang members. This is done "by keeping yourself inside of a floating Lost emblem, which trails behind the convoy leader's ride at all times." Also, "pressing down on the d-pad displays a whole list of bar-graph stats for your gang members."[CVG] Talking to your fellow gang members, defending them and saving them during battle will boost their Ability and effectiveness in combat. If a gang member is killed, he gets replaced by a rookie, so it's important to look out for your most hardened members.
  • One of a few new weapons is the grenade launcher, grenades "pop out of the nozzle with an ever-so-satisfying sound effect, arch into the air with a trail of smoke and bounce around a corner before blowing enemies sky-high." More new weapons include an automatic 9mm, a sawn-off shotgun, an assault shotgun, and pipe bombs, which can be dropped from your motorcycle.
  • The Lost and Damned features new building interiors which aren't available in the original game.
  • Mini-games become available at the safehouse - a hi-low card game, an arm wrestling game, as well as additional TV material. You can now also get Little Jacob to deliver weapons there. New Internet sites have also been added.
  • The radio stations remain the same, but with the addition of lots of new music to Liberty City Hardcore, including a new (as of yet unnamed) DJ.
  • A redesigned pause menu now carries a stamped rubber effect to it's lettering, the health and armour bars now being white and blue respectively. Johnny's phone also has a different , more worn appearance to Niko's.
  • A new grain filter background effect has been added, but Rockstar aren't sure if it will remain in the final version.
  • Rockstar have introduced a new feature which was the main game lacked, mid-mission checkpoints. In long missions, reaching checkpoints will save your progress, so if you are killed, or another important person is, you don't have to redo the entire mission.

Slyde's photo
Slyde 23rd January, 2009 @ 01:30 - Permalink
# The length of the episodic content is, according to Rockstar, more or less the same as that of the original storyline.


vice's photo
vice 23rd January, 2009 @ 04:37 - Permalink

Those are great reviews!! So many cool new screenies! Too bad they didn't cover the multipayer, but that doesn't matter.

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 23rd January, 2009 @ 04:38 - Permalink

I'm thinking the next game will have to do something with Kenny Petrovic... they mention he's one of the biggest thugs in LC and in one of faustin's mission you kill his son...

Artur's photo
Artur 23rd January, 2009 @ 04:51 - Permalink

Wow all this news is suddenly making the game look a lot more fun. The formation driving sounds sweet and I kinda predicted that one. All the new weapons they're adding sound like the old fun and crazy GTA weapons we know and love. Story sounds pretty interesting, especially since we'll be able to replay the ones with Niko in Johnny's perspective. Getting Jacob to deliver weapons to the safehouse sounds really useful and I'm glad it was implemented from CW. And the mid-mission checkpoints sound good too, a nice feature SR2 had and now GTA has it.

Edit: And yes Victor Vance that sounds like a pretty good guess. In the story it was mentioned how huge Petrovic was but you never got to meet him/see him (except in Hang Man's NOOSE) and it would be cool working for the Russian Mafia.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 23rd January, 2009 @ 19:13 - Permalink

Looking forward to it, have XBL points saved up for it. Any word on a release date yet?

Blur's photo
Blur 23rd January, 2009 @ 22:33 - Permalink
Looking forward to it, have XBL points saved up for it. Any word on a release date yet?

February 17th.

This is looking to be the most epic DLC yet. Great job. :R*:

Wolf-Tomorrow's photo
Wolf-Tomorrow 23rd January, 2009 @ 23:34 - Permalink

I think one of the new vehicles is a prison bus, an old one, judging by the front of the vehicle. It's shown in the screen where Johnny's holding an RPG or grenade launcher. BTW, the bus is blowing up and there's a guy in an orange jumpsuit getting flung by the explosion.

Artur's photo
Artur 24th January, 2009 @ 02:43 - Permalink
I think one of the new vehicles is a prison bus, an old one, judging by the front of the vehicle. It's shown in the screen where Johnny's holding an RPG or grenade launcher. BTW, the bus is blowing up and there's a guy in an orange jumpsuit getting flung by the explosion.

Haha yeah I saw that screenshot, made me laugh at the poor prison guys flying through the air. :whistle:

Wolf-Tomorrow's photo
Wolf-Tomorrow 24th January, 2009 @ 03:45 - Permalink
I think one of the new vehicles is a prison bus, an old one, judging by the front of the vehicle. It's shown in the screen where Johnny's holding an RPG or grenade launcher. BTW, the bus is blowing up and there's a guy in an orange jumpsuit getting flung by the explosion.

Haha yeah I saw that screenshot, made me laugh at the poor prison guys flying through the air. :whistle:

"The bus crashed! We're gonna be free-OH FUCK! *

Can't wait to take that bus on rampages. Go through the Pay 'N' Spray until I get a yellow bus, and pretend I'm a psycho bus driver XDD

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