GTA IV PC patch released

By Chris | 24th Jan 2009 at 06:58 GMT in GTA IV | 9 Comments

Rockstar have released the second patch for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV, and it contains a lot of fixes. You'll be prompted to download the update next time you're signed in and playing the game on GFWL, though you can also head over to the GTA IV patch page and download and install it manually.


  • Graphics Menu:
    • Added "Water Quality", "Shadow Quality" and "Reflection Resolution" sliders in graphics menu.
    • Added "Definition" and "VSync" toggles in graphics menu.

    [*]Rendering optimizations.

    [*]VSync optimizations.

    [*]Nvidia 7000 series

    • Mirrors fixed


  • Direct input device support is now disabled by default and can only be enabled with the commandline: "-usedirectinput"
  • Supported Controllers:
    • Logitech Dual Action
    • Logitech RumblePad 2
    • Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2
    • Saitek P2500

    [*]Supported Wheels:

    [*]Note: Controls are unmapped, user must map controls using Manufacturer's mapping software.

    • Logitech G25 Racing Wheel
    • Logitech Wingman Formula GP Wheel
    • Logitech MOMO Racing
    • MOMO Force
    • Driving Force Pro
    • Driving Force
    • Formula Force

    [*]Added Commandline "-notimefix" which will help some users who are experiencing the fast/slow gameplay issue after patch 1 was applied.

    [*]Fixed a bug that caused some users to experience endless looping audio effects after Patch 1 was applied.

    [*]Benchmark was disabling sounds after Patch 1 was applied, this is now fixed.


  • Unable to load game fixed - For some users, a DOS window would open and close immediately upon Game Launch, GTA IV would never launch.
  • Hang on Initial Game Loading Screen fixed - Some users experienced Character Art Loading screens in an endless loop.
  • Certain causes of the RESC10 error have been fixed (Alt-Tab, change resolution). If you experience an RESC10 error, you must restart.
  • Certain Instances of the "GRAND THEFT AUTO IV has encountered a problem and needs to close" error have been fixed.


  • Naming clips is now mandatory on Export


  • Legitimate players being kicked from Multiplayer matches has been fixed.


  • Wireless 360 controllers not functioning - Triggers were full on/off, fixed.
  • In the Options menu accessed from the Title Screen a Game section has been added with the ability to turn Clip capture on/off.

Joelzaar's photo
Joelzaar 24th January, 2009 @ 07:39 - Permalink

Brilliant iv been waiting for this!

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 24th January, 2009 @ 14:47 - Permalink

I've been waiting for this one, but will it give my game a performance boost?

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 24th January, 2009 @ 14:52 - Permalink

Not a chance. This patch just made my game worse, at one I am full of graphical corruptions, at two sometimes my GFX card refuses to render even if I have the textures at low, water at low, reflections at low...

I'm very disappointed with this patch.

Joelzaar's photo
Joelzaar 25th January, 2009 @ 00:33 - Permalink

Un lucky S-V but i think it will vary with everybody. I havent tried it yet since i have to reinstall it.

EDIT: Just gave it a go and i dont see much difference in my fps. But it has helped a few bugs.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 25th January, 2009 @ 18:03 - Permalink

ive noticed an improvement when settings on high, nothing more

Franswurst's photo
Franswurst 25th January, 2009 @ 20:33 - Permalink
Not a chance. This patch just made my game worse, at one I am full of graphical corruptions, at two sometimes my GFX card refuses to render even if I have the textures at low, water at low, reflections at low...

I'm very disappointed with this patch.

Same for me, ironic thing is before the patch I didn't have these problems...

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 26th January, 2009 @ 03:55 - Permalink

Works on mine, although I have to add more RAM and some upgrades, since I'm running on Windows 7...

Joelzaar's photo
Joelzaar 26th January, 2009 @ 06:23 - Permalink

It also screwed with some settings. I cant put textures to high anymore, it just keeps putting it to low! very disappointed.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 26th January, 2009 @ 13:44 - Permalink

Unless you have a HD4870X2 or a GT200 based card you aren't suppossed to.

Try the nomemrestriction parameters.

Not applying this until I'm sure it works on my 'modified' version. As damned Rockstar won't let me activate mine (bought on vacation, doesn't activate in Europe. And I refuse to buy the legitly bought game twice).

Powermanagement might be what is making me get framedrops (like from 60fps to suddenly 15, during which my CPU almost idles).

Edit: Bundled with the game came some nice GTA IV lolipop girl poster, so I'm still actually happy I bought it.

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