The Lost and Damned fansite event

By Chris | 4th Feb 2009 at 12:02 GMT in GTA IV | 13 Comments

Rockstar have given us the heads up to let you all know about an upcoming fansite event for The Lost and Damned. You may remember last April myself and some of the other fansite webmasters were invited to New York to experience GTA IV first hand. Well Rockstar have been kind enough to invite us all back again, so it looks like we'll be getting a similar experience this time round with The Lost and Damned.

I will indeed be going, and I'll try and find out some info for you but you know what R* are like! Still, if you can think of any good questions for me to ask them about the DLC then go ahead and post a comment. I'll also hopefully get some better photos this time round and will share them all with you once I get back, along with a unique fan perspective/review of the game and experience as we did last time.

P.S. If you didn't see it earlier, there's some awesome new hi res artwork for TLAD out.

Franswurst's photo
Franswurst 4th February, 2009 @ 12:38 - Permalink

This sounds good, I have a question though. How can Webmasters or people register for these type of things? Or also for getting Exclusive Screenshots and stuff?

Chris's photo
Chris 4th February, 2009 @ 12:45 - Permalink

You don't, well I guess you could ask by emailing them but we've been on the mailing list for years when Richard used to be the webmaster. They've probably changed things now because there are literally hundreds of fansites and I guess they don't exactly what hundreds of people on there.

If you're a big site you'll get recognised etc. Not really much more you can do. Pretty sure they will email updates (heads up when official site is being updated and things like that) to most fansites who ask, then the large (and I mean really big) fansites for both English speaking and foreign languages get sent exclusive screenshots and "care packages" (swag) once in a while. It seems only a select few get invited to events, understandable considering the costs involved though.

Franswurst's photo
Franswurst 4th February, 2009 @ 12:50 - Permalink

Yeah, that's true. Alright well thanks for the info. :)

Chipwich's photo
Chipwich 4th February, 2009 @ 13:49 - Permalink

Hey Chris man, can you ask Rockstar if the DLC will be coming to Australia because of the whole edited version thign? Will it be compatible.

If you can then thanks buddy

Franswurst's photo
Franswurst 4th February, 2009 @ 20:36 - Permalink

Here my question after realizing you're going back to New York:

As you said R* probably won't reveal too many things but maybe you could find out if the DLC will at least come to the PC, since it is technically Microsoft and all? That would be my main interest.

Chris's photo
Chris 4th February, 2009 @ 21:13 - Permalink

Yeah I actually planned on asking that myself. Don't expect an answer though...

I'll try my trick of engaging in casual conversation then randomly slipping in a question to catch them off guard :P

I'll also ask about the next DLC too... when it's coming, is it a new story, or will it carry on from Niko or Johnny... etc.

Franswurst's photo
Franswurst 4th February, 2009 @ 21:21 - Permalink
Yeah I actually planned on asking that myself. Don't expect an answer though...

I'll try my trick of engaging in casual conversation then randomly slipping in a question to catch them off guard :P

I'll also ask about the next DLC too... when it's coming, is it a new story, or will it carry on from Niko or Johnny... etc.

Yeah, nice hopefully catching them off guard will work.

On a side note, do you have GTA IV for the PC as well or just Xbox?

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 4th February, 2009 @ 21:23 - Permalink
Yeah I actually planned on asking that myself. Don't expect an answer though...

I'll try my trick of engaging in casual conversation then randomly slipping in a question to catch them off guard :P

Lol I'd love to do that to a game developer

Also, ask them and secretly PM/Bulk email all members with details, etc. :P

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 4th February, 2009 @ 21:27 - Permalink

No worries, I can hide in your bag like last time right you lucky bastard?

Artur's photo
Artur 4th February, 2009 @ 23:39 - Permalink

Oh shit that's what you were talking about when you said you were going NY for some reason I didn't bother clicking the link the first time. Like Don said, you lucky bastard... always getting this exclusive stuff :P But yeah have a good time (when are you going btw?) and try to get R* as drunk as possible to get all the info outta them. :drunks:

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 4th February, 2009 @ 23:50 - Permalink

They pay for webmasters to fly out, tell them not to "leak the secret information", the webmasters are arrogant and do it anyways, more people interested in product, more sales.


Chipwich's photo
Chipwich 5th February, 2009 @ 00:09 - Permalink

Fine don't ask my question. I found out it's coming to austrailia anyway.

So FUCK You, ugly motherfucker. bashahba

Chris's photo
Chris 5th February, 2009 @ 00:16 - Permalink

Lol, it always was. Also I never said I wasn't going to ask it. Chill out.

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