New fansite exclusive TLAD screenshot

By Chris | 16th Feb 2009 at 23:29 GMT in GTA IV | 8 Comments

Rockstar have just sent the fansites an exclusive Lost and Damned screenshot of Johnny and the gang. Take a look in full by clicking on the thumbnail below, you may notice a familiar face in the background.


rappo's photo
rappo 16th February, 2009 @ 23:39 - Permalink

Heh, Rockstar makes me laugh everytime.

Chris's photo
Chris 17th February, 2009 @ 00:01 - Permalink

I know, it's awesome they did that.

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 17th February, 2009 @ 03:51 - Permalink

there are 3 new videos of the lost and damned in

Noru's photo
Noru 17th February, 2009 @ 04:01 - Permalink

In that screen shot you posted. Is that Niko on the far left side?

Edit: I just re-read what you wrote, I must of missed that part :P. It is Niko lol

Blur's photo
Blur 17th February, 2009 @ 04:18 - Permalink

Thats so awesome for Rockstar to do that. :coolthumbup: OMG, a few more hours until TLAD is out. And

sadly enough I still dont have a Xbox. Guess I'll wait to hear on the forums of how much fun it is.

Artur's photo
Artur 17th February, 2009 @ 06:43 - Permalink

Oh wow didn't even notice Niko in the screenie, probably should've read the first post better. An hour and a bit left until it comes out, I'll probably download it play a few missions and then go to sleep because it comes out at midnight over here.

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 17th February, 2009 @ 08:45 - Permalink

Chris, Iv'e gotta tell you that the download size for the 'TLaD' is not 994 MB its actually 1.78GB, because Im currently downloading it from the marketplace now.

Plus if it hasn't arrived on MP with you yet, go to then the marketplace and download from there its the easiest and fastest way to get it first.

claude-5's photo
claude-5 17th February, 2009 @ 09:00 - Permalink

hey! suuuuupppp! niko!!!!! lol, i love it when R* make us laugh

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