Second DLC: The Ballad of Gay Tony announced

By Chris | 26th May 2009 at 21:13 GMT in GTA IV | 43 Comments

IPB ImageRockstar have finally announced details of the second episode of downloadable content exclusive to the Xbox 360, The Ballad of Gay Tony, in which as many of us imagined, we will play as Luis Lopez.

Additionally, a disc containing both episodes entitled Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City will be released and will retail for .99.

From the press release:

Rockstar Games is proud to announce the fall release of both the second episode of Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony - exclusively for download on Xbox LIVE® online entertainment network, and Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City, which will include both episode one The Lost and Damned, and episode two The Ballad of Gay Tony together on a single disc exclusively for Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. "Liberty City is the most vibrant game world we've created yet. The episodic structure has allowed us to interweave stories, gameplay and atmosphere in a whole new way," said Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games. "The team at Rockstar North have yet again surpassed themselves, and made something that is both epic and very innovative. This episode's focus on high-end night life contrasts with the biker gangs portrayed in The Lost and Damned, whilst giving us a lot of new gameplay possibilities." Grand Theft Auto IV's second downloadable episode, The Ballad of Gay Tony injects Liberty City with an overdose of guns, glitz, and grime. As Luis Lopez, part-time hoodlum and full-time assistant to legendary nightclub impresario Tony Prince (aka "Gay Tony"), players will struggle with the competing loyalties of family and friends, and with the uncertainty about who is real and who is fake in a world in which everyone has a price.

Like the first one, this episode will cost .99 (1600 MS points). If you're planning on buying the disc version with both episodes, you'll be pleased to know that it will not require a copy of the original Grand Theft Auto IV.

We've opened a new subforum for discussion of episode two, though you can use this news post to discuss the announcement.

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 26th May, 2009 @ 21:27 - Permalink

So can we expect a Vice City-esque vibe with this pack?

Chris's photo
Chris 26th May, 2009 @ 21:28 - Permalink

Perhaps? It's an interesting scenario, I'm intrigued now as to how it will all play out.

Ivan's photo
Ivan 26th May, 2009 @ 21:34 - Permalink

To be honest, I'm really disappointed with the new character, it's not the type I like but eh, I guess the dlc could still be good.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 26th May, 2009 @ 21:39 - Permalink

Interesting logo and interesting name...


Curious to see how it folds out. Wonder when we'll get more info? Hopefully this will be presented at Microsoft's E3 too.

Husky's photo
Husky 26th May, 2009 @ 21:51 - Permalink
To be honest, I'm really disappointed with the new character, it's not the type I like but eh, I guess the dlc could still be good.


Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 26th May, 2009 @ 21:54 - Permalink

^ What the hell is up with you?

Anyway, since Luiz seems to be smaller than both Niko and Johnny, maybe he won't move like a drunk Decepticon anymore.

Husky's photo
Husky 26th May, 2009 @ 23:18 - Permalink

Fanboy's will probably think its Toni Cimpriani. Wow but I'm suprised with the CD part. Its better than waiting for HOURS to download.

BTW the name reminds me of the retarded movie: Talladega Nights The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

steveplayer's photo
steveplayer 26th May, 2009 @ 23:38 - Permalink
Fanboy's will probably think its Toni Cimpriani. Wow but I'm suprised with the CD part. Its better than waiting for HOURS to download.

BTW the name reminds me of the retarded movie: Talladega Nights The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

If they were fanboy's, wouldn't they already know who Gay Tony is from the game. You know.. seeing as they're... fanboy's? :erm:

Anyway, I'll leave it a year, and if these haven't come out on the PS3 and the rumors of a timed exclusive are officially quashed, I'll pick myself up a 360 and the bundle disc.

Artur's photo
Artur 27th May, 2009 @ 01:30 - Permalink

Sweet good news it was announced. Looks like Victor Vance from here and other people were right about the Luiz being the next protagonist. But judging from the title and style of it, the game looks like it's going to be very glamy.

Blur's photo
Blur 27th May, 2009 @ 02:01 - Permalink

Thats it I cant take it any more. I need a 360!!

"Like the first one, this episode will cost .99 (1600 MS points). If you're planning on buying the disc version with both episodes, you'll be pleased to know that it will not require a copy of the original Grand Theft Auto IV."

Thats good because I dont want to spend an extra dollars for a copy of GTA IV when I already have one for the PS3.

Edit: "Liberty City is the most vibrant game world we've created yet. The episodic structure has allowed us to interweave stories, gameplay and atmosphere in a whole new way. The team at Rockstar North have yet again surpassed themselves, and made something that is both epic and very innovative. This episode's focus on high-end night life contrasts with the biker gangs portrayed in The Lost and Damned, whilst giving us a lot of new gameplay possibilities." - Sam Houser

This is going to be awesome.

Ivan's photo
Ivan 27th May, 2009 @ 14:10 - Permalink
To be honest, I'm really disappointed with the new character, it's not the type I like but eh, I guess the dlc could still be good.


Excuse me?

Noru's photo
Noru 27th May, 2009 @ 14:22 - Permalink

Been waiting a while now since Lost and Damned was released to find out if Luis was going to be the next protagonist, now it appears he is. I also noticed that they didn't put the IV in the title like they did with Lost and Damned.

Artur's photo
Artur 27th May, 2009 @ 14:54 - Permalink

Oh yeah I didn't notice that missing IV Noru. Looks like I'll have to get MS points when this comes out, unless you wanna hook me up again eh Noru? :P

Thomas.'s photo
Thomas. 27th May, 2009 @ 16:41 - Permalink

It sounds like it will be a good game. I won't be buying it yet though, I need to buy the first DLC before I buy this one when it is released.

To be honest, I'm really disappointed with the new character, it's not the type I like but eh, I guess the dlc could still be good.

I agree with you on that one. I would've preffered it if it was someone with a lot more involvement in the game such as Packie and the fact that some people are taking it far too seriously.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 27th May, 2009 @ 17:38 - Permalink
It sounds like it will be a good game. I won't be buying it yet though, I need to buy the first DLC before I buy this one when it is released.

Definitely worth the money (TLAD), if it's any indication of what to expect than TBoGT should be a good one.

As for characters, Johnny K was the first GTA character I could really identify with.

Drix's photo
Drix 27th May, 2009 @ 19:24 - Permalink
:ph34r: and xbox strikes again, poooown, god i'm angry now because ps3 didn't get any dlc :(( my congrats to xbox and ms
Blur's photo
Blur 27th May, 2009 @ 21:17 - Permalink

I wonder will Rockstar invite all the webmasters somewhere to show of the game (like they did with TLAD)?

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 30th May, 2009 @ 05:36 - Permalink

LOL... The Ballad of gay tony?? I would've never expected rockstar to give the 2nd dlc that name... and Luis Lopez is my exact real name... so wierd to have a gta character with the same name as me...

vicsrealms's photo
vicsrealms 30th May, 2009 @ 15:07 - Permalink

Now all they need to do is setup a PC version of both DLC's and I will be at least some what interested in these. While GTA4 is an ok game, its still doesn't feel up to the other GTA's like VC and III. Oh well, wait and see I guess.

Husky's photo
Husky 30th May, 2009 @ 17:02 - Permalink
LOL... The Ballad of gay tony?? I would've never expected rockstar to give the 2nd dlc that name... and Luis Lopez is my exact real name... so wierd to have a gta character with the same name as me...

Shut the hell up. If your name is Luis Fernando Lopez then you have the stupidest name in the world. Luis Lopez? Come on it sounds real stupid like Victor Vance.

Chris's photo
Chris 30th May, 2009 @ 17:17 - Permalink

Well both are insanely common Hispanic names so I don't see how it's weird. Look at all the famous Hispanic/Latino whatever you wanna call it actors, so many of them are Lopez, Fernandez, Cortez or Rodriguez.

Husky's photo
Husky 30th May, 2009 @ 17:30 - Permalink

Rodriugez Swavez Pac MckMendez. Doesn't get any spanish than this!

Btw when I was cruising Liberty City one day I found graffiti that says in memory of Jose. Its in the website here too for proof:

The wierdest thing is it has Luis's name on it.

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 30th May, 2009 @ 17:37 - Permalink
Well both are insanely common Hispanic names so I don't see how it's weird. Look at all the famous Hispanic/Latino whatever you wanna call it actors, so many of them are Lopez, Fernandez, Cortez or Rodriguez.

While they are pretty common names I know that... but I never thought a GTA main character would have my name.... and what's up with you Husky, while are you being an such an ass lately?

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 30th May, 2009 @ 17:40 - Permalink

That's awesome that you have the same name as a GTA character :P

Husky's photo
Husky 30th May, 2009 @ 18:02 - Permalink

My real name is actual Carl Johnson.

lol but thats unbelievable though. I don't doubt it though. But really? Wow thats cool. You know one of the Characters of Grand Theft Auto IV has my last name:

Anthony Prince (Gay Tony)

Noru's photo
Noru 30th May, 2009 @ 18:06 - Permalink

That would be kinda weird having the same name as a GTA Protagonist. But anyways, I am looking forward to this DLC. I'm guessing the Health bar for Luis would be Purple or Pink, Johnny had White and Niko had Green.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 31st May, 2009 @ 16:13 - Permalink

When San Andreas came out, I wanted to name the girlfriend's grandson Thomas Carl.

They went w/ Damian. Turns out to be a much better fit.

Any word yet on new vehicles or music? I expect exclusive tracks from Gangstalicious.

Blur's photo
Blur 31st May, 2009 @ 18:23 - Permalink

Well the Tampa from San Andreas might make an apperance.

"Lopez is affiliated with the Northwood Dominican Drug Dealers, who operate out of the Northern tip of Algonquin, while Gay Tony's empire operated across

the South Eastern area of the island, suggesting that, as Alderney was the heart of The Lost and The Damned, Algonquin will form the focus of many of the

adventures in The Ballad of Gay Tony.Lopez will likely be bringing some of his own hardware with him as well, and the Tampa muscle car that made an all-too fleeting and sadly unplayable appearance in The Lost and Damned will most probably feature as his vehicle of choice. Based on the Chevy Corvair of

the late sixties, it's the kind of vehicle that would be seen driven by the Latin hotheads of San Andreas – and if it does feature, we're optimistic that the car

modding features of that game could make a return, playing to the customisation culture such vehicles embody."

Thomas.'s photo
Thomas. 31st May, 2009 @ 19:32 - Permalink

The Tampa was in TLaD.

So it'll probably come back again.

There are no new vehicles confirmed for it though.

Noru's photo
Noru 31st May, 2009 @ 20:08 - Permalink

The Tampa was in the Games code but never actually appeared in Lost and Damned expect for when you see it in the opening scene. You can see it when the lost drive by the Pay n Spray, its the car that had its hood up.

Husky's photo
Husky 31st May, 2009 @ 22:03 - Permalink

The only thing that bothers me about The Ballad of Gay Tony is I wonder what happens at the Bank Hiest.

lmao " Press LT to lay down on the floor." Press A to tell the other victim to be quiet"

Ivan's photo
Ivan 31st May, 2009 @ 22:06 - Permalink
The only thing that bothers me about The Ballad of Gay Tony is I wonder what happens at the Bank Hiest.

lmao " Press LT to lay down on the floor." Press A to tell the other victim to be quiet"

Would be interesting to play that mission on a different perspective, there wouldn't be much to do but still.

Husky's photo
Husky 31st May, 2009 @ 22:08 - Permalink

Yeah it would be cool to drive the Tampa around (If possible). I also would like to see if this Dominican had to do with Rodislav's disapearance.

Blur's photo
Blur 31st May, 2009 @ 22:10 - Permalink

It is possible to kill Luis during the bank heist.

So wouldnt the Ballad of Gay Tony take place before that mission. Then again there are

many other missions where Luis makes an apperance that take place after Three Leaf Clover.

Husky's photo
Husky 31st May, 2009 @ 22:13 - Permalink

It is possible to kill Luis during the bank heist.

So wouldnt the Ballad of Gay Tony take place before that mission. Then again there are

many other missions where Luis makes an apperance that take place after Three Leaf Clover.

... - Diamonds are a girl's best friend

- Three Leaf Clover

- Museum Piece

- Diamonds in the Rough

- Museum Piece (tlad)

So yeah The Ballad of Gay Tony should have a Vice City feel with a few little new fancy guns. And new vehicles which will probably be sports cars, and new limo's.

Shynkai's photo
Shynkai 1st June, 2009 @ 11:06 - Permalink

hahah, Gay Tony :P

waited for the in-game screenshot nih :D

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 1st June, 2009 @ 20:17 - Permalink
The only thing that bothers me about The Ballad of Gay Tony is I wonder what happens at the Bank Hiest.

lmao " Press LT to lay down on the floor." Press A to tell the other victim to be quiet"

lol, yeah but no it'll most probably be that Tony send Luis out to cash a check or something... Then the bank robbery happens and after Niko and the rest of the guys are gone, he'll probably get the money... Remember that Niko said that there still was cash left in the safe but they didn't have time and they left... I think Luis is gonna get that cash to help out tony... and i think since luis is domincan there will probably be more of San Juan's music....

Blur's photo
Blur 1st June, 2009 @ 21:07 - Permalink

I expect K109 The Studio to have some new tracks. Disco party!

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 2nd June, 2009 @ 11:31 - Permalink

Village People forever!!!

Husky's photo
Husky 2nd June, 2009 @ 13:23 - Permalink

Oh yeah I forgot another finding, remember that in Memory graffiti on the wall in North Holland, Algonquin? It says "In Loving Memory... (Names) Luis. But its talking about Jose. Hmm who is Jose?

Do you guys remember the mission Undress to Kill? That man that is in the front room counting the money is Jose. You shoot him with that Auto-Shotgun in IV.

Anyway that is when he is running the Strip Club, which has to deal with The Ballad of Gay Tony because it has nightlife in it. So we would expect more: The Vibe , San Juan , KStudio , and some new cars.

I hope that the Tampa is Luis's unique car just like Johnny's Hexer and Niko's Esperanto(Roman's Taxi) .

dew1911's photo
dew1911 7th June, 2009 @ 20:44 - Permalink

Like the sound of both DLCs on disk - Any ideas how much in the UK?

silverballer95's photo
silverballer95 29th June, 2009 @ 00:45 - Permalink

I'd like to congradulate Husky for guessing the player correctly a while ago. When I heard you were gonna play as Louise, the first thing I thought about was Husky's thread. lol so congrats!

TNF's photo
TNF 2nd July, 2009 @ 13:19 - Permalink
Oh yeah I forgot another finding, remember that in Memory graffiti on the wall in North Holland, Algonquin? It says "In Loving Memory... (Names) Luis. But its talking about Jose. Hmm who is Jose?

Do you know exactly which street of North Holland has this graffiti? I have looked all around North Holland and Northwood but haven't found it yet.

Edit: Never mind, I found it, it's in Bohan, just one street ahead and left of the Bohan safehouse.

Anyone remember Teddy Benavidez from the mission A Long Way To Fall? He will definetely be an aqquintance of Luis for a while. I have a feeling he will be TBOGT's version of Jason Michaels from TLAD - he will be an important character early in the story, but gets killed early because of Niko.

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