Ballad of Gay Tony trailer coming "very soon"

By Chris | 7th Aug 2009 at 12:26 GMT in GTA IV | 4 Comments

Rockstar Games revealed on Twitter in the early hours of this morning that a trailer for The Ballad of Gay Tony is coming "very soon".

How soon is "very soon" you might ask, well big site updates and trailers are usually launched by Rockstar at the end of the week, so maybe even tonight. Next week is perhaps more likely, but we'll keep you posted on any specifics we learn of.

If you're a Twitter user yourself remember you can follow both Rockstar and The GTA Place to keep up to date with all the latest news.

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 7th August, 2009 @ 15:21 - Permalink

I'm willing to bet it's gonna premiere closer to next Friday instead of today, but I'm hoping I'm wrong.

Husky's photo
Husky 7th August, 2009 @ 18:50 - Permalink

R* is good at making trailers. :) I can't wait to see if Luis has a different appearance, and if the Tampa is his car.

Noru's photo
Noru 7th August, 2009 @ 18:56 - Permalink

I'm betting Luis will have new and more detailed clothing for this DLC. The Trailer will probably show up next week sometime, can't see it coming out today.

Blur's photo
Blur 7th August, 2009 @ 23:17 - Permalink
R* is good at making trailers. :) I can't wait to see if Luis has a different appearance, and if the Tampa is his car.

You can count on that, while I was playing IV a found a broken down and rusted Tampa in some bushes near Dwaynes apartment in Northwood. Maybe its a

hint towards the Ballad of Gay Tony!

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