4:30 A.M. Well, the upgrade went very smoothly. We took a little longer than expected getting it all configured how we wanted it and implementing a few other changes. For the most part it's pretty much done now.
Please head over to the upgrade topic which gives details of the upgrade itself and various changes we've made to various aspects of the forum. You should definitely read that.
If you're not already a member of our ever-growing forum, now would be a great time to join our community! Being a member has many benefits, being able to post topics and chat with other users being an obvious advantage, and you'll also be able to upload mods to our downloads database, among other things. If this sounds like something you might be interested, go ahead and sign up, it only takes a few moments!
I mentioned on our Twitter feed earlier this week that today we would most likely be looking to upgrade our forums. This is now going to happen at 1:30 A.M (UK time) when our traffic levels have dropped.
Obviously our forums will be offline for the duration of the upgrade, and some parts of the website will be non-functional until it is completed, such as the user area of the downloads database. Our upgraded forums will have many new useful features that IPB3 introduces, and will bring us greater capabilities for expanding in the future. There will be a pinned topic detailing new features and explaining some other changes we will be making, and this news post will be updated with all relevant links once the process is complete.
The forums will remain online for the next few hours until we're ready to upgrade. Any questions/concerns can be posted in the comments.
Excellent. Hope it'll get us more members and activity.
It'll be weird to see a change in the forums, it's been the same here since I first joined. But this is obviously good news, hopefully it'll give us an increased positive vibe, and all will go smoothly. In Chris we trust.
Me too. I'll TRY to be up at 1/2am.
Using this one for now, but it maybe we make a lot of changes to it depending on how people feel about.
Closing this news post now. Please continue any further discussion here.