GTA Liberty City Stories Officially Announced

By Chris | 17th May 2005 at 23:21 GMT in Liberty City Stories | 0 Comments

Take Two have a press release officially announcing the title of the GTA game for the PSP - Liberty City Stories.

The title is to be shown behind closed doors only, so if you haven't got an invite you aren't going to see it.

"We have worked very closely with Rockstar North to bring the same integrity and production value of the previous Grand Theft Auto titles to the PSP system," said Gordon Hall, President of Rockstar Leeds. "People's expectation for a Grand Theft Auto title will always be very high, and we're confident that we can deliver a revolutionary experience. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories will be the most intense and epic title created for the PSP system, undoubtedly setting the standard for this groundbreaking platform."

Read more of the Press Release for more comments on the game.

GTA LCS is due for release this fall, after the European release of the PSP console, September 1st. We're looking forward to it.

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