New San Andreas Xbox Screenshots

By Chris | 19th May 2005 at 21:39 GMT in San Andreas | 6 Comments

Rockstar have just sent us a batch of new screenshots for the Xbox version of San Andreas. Thirteen new screenshots have now been added to the Xbox gallery.


Check out the Xbox Screenshots page.

We've also received a full version of the GTA Liberty City Stories logo from Rockstar too. Click the thumbnail below to view the full version, you can use it for whatever you want.


Legendary Vegeta's photo
Legendary Vegeta 19th May, 2005 @ 22:34 - Permalink

Wow great X-Box Screens Chris.

kingturtle2005's photo
kingturtle2005 20th May, 2005 @ 21:27 - Permalink


i thought rockstar was gonna stay with sony for this one..

i guess i was wrong..


Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 21st May, 2005 @ 00:26 - Permalink

Duh, they put the other 2 on Xbox, why not this one?

Joey Valentino's photo
Joey Valentino 21st May, 2005 @ 04:01 - Permalink

Cool. Two of the guys I brought from XGTA ^_^

Anyways, nice screens. My favorite screenshot is the one where Smoke and Ryder aare holding their Tec-9's out of the window, getting ready for a brive-by B)

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 21st May, 2005 @ 04:18 - Permalink

I like that one, and the one were Cj is shooting from his bike, pretty neat stuff.

888ball's photo
888ball 21st May, 2005 @ 11:40 - Permalink

wow nice graphics, if only i had the stregnth to carry an Xbox home from the shop

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