6 new Ballad of Gay Tony screenshots

By Chris | 3rd Oct 2009 at 12:56 GMT in GTA IV | 1 Comment

Rockstar have added 6 new screenshots to the official Ballad of Gay Tony website. Check them out below.

gtaiv-bogt-screenshot-55.jpg gtaiv-bogt-screenshot-56.jpg gtaiv-bogt-screenshot-57.jpg gtaiv-bogt-screenshot-58.jpg gtaiv-bogt-screenshot-59.jpg gtaiv-bogt-screenshot-60.jpg

Link: Ballad of Gay Tony screenshot gallery

Thomas.'s photo
Thomas. 3rd October, 2009 @ 15:18 - Permalink

These screenshots make the new expansion look amazing, it looks far better than what TLaD was - in my opinion better features such as the parachutes and better vehicles such as the Bullet and that other sports car.

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