IGN Xbox Weekend Updates

By Adriaan | 27th May 2005 at 13:57 GMT in San Andreas | 7 Comments

We've just recieved word from Rockstar that IGN will have a series of San Andreas updates this weekend. IGN recently updated their Xbox gallery with 8 new screenshots to kick the weekend off.


We will be updating our galleries as soon as we recieve the unwatermarked screenshots and will also keep you updated on the IGN previews.

Update 1: IGN published it's first part off GTA SA:Life in the Hood

Update 2:IGN released their second batch of screenshots. It features car modification, clothing, dating, spray tags and pool.

Plo Koon's photo
Plo Koon 27th May, 2005 @ 14:43 - Permalink

nice more screenshots. the game is looking better each time they release more screenshots.

Airashii's photo
Airashii 27th May, 2005 @ 18:03 - Permalink

Looks pretty much identical to the PS2 version of the game to me.

They still look quite cool I guess.

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 28th May, 2005 @ 00:01 - Permalink

Well you can see the difference between PS2 version and Xbox version by downloading the Xbox Trailer for it.

Greeny341's photo
Greeny341 28th May, 2005 @ 00:22 - Permalink

The only known difference between Xbox & PS2 versions is the graphics, what else does this version have?

Plo Koon's photo
Plo Koon 28th May, 2005 @ 00:30 - Permalink

yah the graphics will be alittle different but the overall game i suppose will be the same.

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 28th May, 2005 @ 00:39 - Permalink
The only known difference between Xbox & PS2 versions is the graphics, what else does this version have?

As far as gameplay goes, its the same. Graphics of course is improved. The only "extra" thing is where you can import your own music and customize your own radio station.

Plo Koon's photo
Plo Koon 28th May, 2005 @ 00:48 - Permalink

nice you can import your own music and customize your own radio station that is going to be something really good :D

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