Upcoming GTA IV Multiplayer Event Dates

By Chris | 12th Feb 2010 at 04:25 GMT in GTA IV | 3 Comments

Rockstar have announced a whole host of dates for Episodes from Liberty City events, mainly on PlayStation 3 and PC. Further details and specifics for each event will be posted nearer the time.

Thursday, February 18th (4-7PM EST)

Grand Theft Auto IV Multiplayer Event with Rockstar

For PC on Games for Windows LIVE

Yes, our first official PC event in this series – complete with live stream, chat and all. Let’s get that full-on up-to-32-player mayhem going.

Friday, February 26 (4-7PM EST)

Midnight Club LA Multiplayer Event with Rockstar

For Xbox 360 on Xbox LIVE

Jumping back into shredding through the streets of Los Angeles – hope to see you all for an intense three hours of racing...

Friday, March 12 (4-7PM EST)

Grand Theft Auto IV Multiplayer Event with Rockstar

For PlayStation 3 on PlayStation Network

A final Grand Theft Auto IV PS3 Multiplayer scrimmage with Rockstar before Episodes from Liberty City invades your world less than three weeks later.

Tuesday, March 23 (4-7 PM EST)

Episodes from Liberty City Multiplayer Event with Rockstar

For Xbox 360 on Xbox LIVE

Last licks for a little while for the XBL set – we’ll be spending April giving PS3 and PC gamers their due of The Ballad of Gay Tony and The Lost and Damned multiplayer love. Look for some special giveaways to be announced.

Friday, April 2 (4-7PM EST)

Episodes from Liberty City Multiplayer Event with Rockstar

For PlayStation 3 on PlayStation Network

Saturday, April 3 (2-6 PM EST)

Episodes from Liberty City Multiplayer Event with Rockstar

For PC on Games for Windows LIVE

Back to back first weekend of Episodes multiplayer events for both PS3 and PC. Let’s get it on. Planning for some of our ringers at our dev studios at North and Toronto jumping in to really show you what’s up. Make sure to take advantage of those first few days after game release to get on point.

Friday, April 16 (4-8 PM EST)

Episodes from Liberty City Multiplayer Event with Rockstar

For PlayStation 3 on PlayStation Network

Getting back on PlayStation Network for some The Ballad of Gay Tony and The Lost and Damned modes with Rockstars from across NYC, North & Toronto – look for some special giveaways as well...

Thursday, April 22 (4-7PM EST)

Episodes from Liberty City Multiplayer Event with Rockstar

For PC on Games for Windows LIVE

Up to 32-players... BASE Jumping... Free Mode... Explosive Shotgun Deathmatches... let your imagination run wild. Plus we’ll be giving away some deluxe PC gear to be announced.

omendark123's photo
omendark123 15th February, 2010 @ 19:54 - Permalink

This is great but can you please organise some more Multi-player events with the TGTAP. Can an admin host a game for the ps3 (i have a ps3) and xbox (getting one soon), so we can have more of them, as a have missed the recent ps3 one. We can say who is participating and i would certainly play this week as i am on holiday this week.

GTAsoldier's photo
GTAsoldier 12th March, 2010 @ 16:55 - Permalink

Count me in for the March 12th Event! :D

Husky's photo
Husky 12th March, 2010 @ 23:11 - Permalink

I went last time! If you go to google and type in GTA IV PS3 Recap... your gonna see my name. Too bad I can't play today though. I hope I make it to the EFLC event.

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