First EFLC PC Screenshots

By Chris | 2nd Apr 2010 at 15:34 GMT in GTA IV | 5 Comments

The first screenshots from the PC version of Episodes From Liberty City were released today. The game is released on 13th April in North America, and 16th April in Europe.

episodesfromlibertycity_pcscreen001.jpg episodesfromlibertycity_pcscreen002.jpg

episodesfromlibertycity_pcscreen003.jpg episodesfromlibertycity_pcscreen004.jpg

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 3rd April, 2010 @ 02:18 - Permalink

Those look beautiful. Wish I had an awesome PC.

Husky's photo
Husky 3rd April, 2010 @ 06:01 - Permalink

Awesome. I just hope that the PC/PS3 versions of the game are much different from the XB version.

Ivan's photo
Ivan 3rd April, 2010 @ 22:48 - Permalink

What do you mean by very different?

Chris's photo
Chris 3rd April, 2010 @ 23:45 - Permalink

They're gonna be pretty much the same, apart from the PC version which will have the obvious graphical enhancements, and presumably the video editor too.

Greensabre13.'s photo
Greensabre13. 4th April, 2010 @ 00:21 - Permalink

It's all looking pretty good to me!

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