First San Andreas PC Trainers

By Chris | 9th Jun 2005 at 20:48 GMT in San Andreas | 1 Comment

The first trainers have been released for San Andreas. They don't do much at the moment but they are probably quite helpful for some of you.

The +13 trainer by ReVOLVeR gives you a nice range of options to enable.

The Money trainer by ReeBSaW as the title suggest, gives you money, around 10 million dollars.

Download Links: GTASA +13 Trainer | GTASA Money Trainer

Thanks to for the news.

Plo Koon's photo
Plo Koon 9th June, 2005 @ 21:42 - Permalink

those trainers for the PC look alright so far. I might use them when i get it for the PC. I will probably only use time and money and maybe try out God Mode.

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