San Andreas Place Manager & +10 Trainer

By Chris | 10th Jun 2005 at 10:56 GMT in San Andreas | 0 Comments

I found this in my email this morning, unfortunately the person who it was from was not the creator of the trainer and there is nothing that says who the creator is so for now this is made by an unknown person. If you are the maker or know who the maker is please let us know.

So far this trainer has the most options in it than the other 2 we posted yesterday, you can see from the screenshot what they are.

The second tool we have added is the San Andreas Place Manager, this tool made by Jacob and Racer_s allows you to teleport yourself to different parts of San Andreas absed on the co-ordinates. You are able to save certain places for quick teleporting. You must load up San Andreas before using this, then Alt-Tab out of it.

Links: GTASA +10 Trainer, San Andreas Place Manager

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