GTA Liberty City Stories revealed!

By Adriaan | 10th Jun 2005 at 20:55 GMT in Liberty City Stories | 5 Comments

<img src="" width="150" height="105" border="1" align="left">In the latest issue of the Official Playstation2 Magazine in the UK they have released the first info about the game. You will play as Tony Cipriani in the year 1998 in Liberty City. The game kicks of where Tony returns to the city after he laid low for a while. Below we outline some of the stuf that we know so far:

► You will be able to drive bikes in the game!

► Rockstar are unsure if they will be able to keep flight in the in game, due to technical limitations.

► You may be able to run your own MP3s off the PSP's MemoryStick Duo.

► Salvatore will be returning in the game and you will be working for him.

► Luigi's club is now run by JD O'Toole, a triad pervert.

► Hidden Packages, Stunt Jumps and Rampages will be hidden in all new locations.

► Some buildings have been altered from 2001's GTA III to better represent the era.

► It looks like Luigi's Club has been renamed to "Paulie's Revue Pad" for the new era.

► Several old faces can be seen including Misty, Joey's girlfriend from GTA3 and Salvatore.

Also we got the magazine scans! Twelve screenshots taken direct from the PSP! Click here to view them! Don't forget to check out our missions page where we already have info on 2 of the many missions featured in the game.

UPDATE: I just remembered that Tony owned a restaurant on Little Italy(which was later renamed to Saint Mark's due to the game Mafia) in GTA 3.

Related: Edgeforums,

Chris's photo
Chris 10th June, 2005 @ 21:16 - Permalink

Holy shit this is awesome I so want a PSP for my birthday now!!

Wait I Have like 0 in my greenzap account. OMG like when do they let us buy from Amazon!

Sherman's photo
Sherman 10th June, 2005 @ 21:26 - Permalink

heh.. I want a psp now too.. maybe Ill win that tourny.. :D

Or get a lot of people to reffer me for greenzap.

And I heard the PSPs were coming down to 200 in price.. not sure.

But the game looks good!

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 10th June, 2005 @ 21:27 - Permalink
► Some buildings have been altered from 2001's GTA III to better represent the era.

Was 1998 and 2001 really that differnt?

Chris's photo
Chris 10th June, 2005 @ 21:35 - Permalink
► Some buildings have been altered from 2001's GTA III to better represent the era.

Was 1998 and 2001 really that differnt?

Well no but thats 3 years of wear and tear that the buildings would have taken, so they will look slightly newer I guess in the PSP version.

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 10th June, 2005 @ 21:36 - Permalink

Dont ask me, Im trying my best as we speak to get all the info on the game. I will update everything I find out in say the next coming hours. There are rumours that the official site will be updated soon. Someone at R* said that the game looks amazing on the PSP.

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