Chinatown Wars HD coming to iPad next week!

By Chris | 2nd Sep 2010 at 00:10 GMT in Chinatown Wars | 2 Comments


Chinatown Wars is making its way to Apple's iPad in an upgraded HD version. Straight from the horse's mouth:

In addition to the wide range of features developed specifically for the previous App Store iterations, including intuitive Multi Touch user interface controls, adjusted difficulty levels and iTunes customizable radio station Independence Radio, Chinatown Wars HD comes to the iPad with brand new, updated high definition graphics.

The game will be priced at .99 on the App Store, and will be released on September 9th.

Husky's photo
Husky 2nd September, 2010 @ 02:05 - Permalink

It's going to be very awkward playing this game on the iPad, such a big ass screen with little ass controls.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 2nd September, 2010 @ 16:00 - Permalink

Already got it for iPhone, DS and PSP ^^

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