MTA SA Video!

By Adriaan | 16th Jun 2005 at 08:20 GMT in San Andreas | 6 Comments

<img src="" width="150" height="120" border="1" align="left"> As promised, the MTA team who is currently working on a multiplayer mod for the PC version of San Andreas updated their site today. With 2 new screens and a beta testing video!! You can go to the official website for more.

Following Tuesday′s update, the Multi Theft Auto Team has put together a short video showcasing the early stages of vehicle synchronization. It was captured while testing the race mod that is currently under construction. The video features a variety of vehicles and locations with a varying number of testers.

Please note that Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas is still at a very early stage in development. This video should not be viewed as a game content preview, but as a demonstration for our community of the potential of the technology we have developed. As always, all content is subject to change at any stage in development.

- The MTA Team

This video is a must download for all MTA lovers and for those that had some negative feelings about it. It just looks awesome and Im sure you will be just excited when you download the video! We here at The GTA Place would like to congratulate The MTA team in their excellent work and that they have done this in just a week. Great work guys!

Link :

Righty's photo
Righty 16th June, 2005 @ 12:33 - Permalink

That's awesome. Now all I got to do is get paid becuae I'm definitely buying a video card and San Andreas for the PC

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 16th June, 2005 @ 16:24 - Permalink

Cool! See you in MTA. I'm thinking about getting a TGP MTA SA server, but I cant confirm anything at this point.

Chris's photo
Chris 16th June, 2005 @ 23:24 - Permalink
Cool! See you in MTA. I'm thinking about getting a TGP MTA SA server, but I cant confirm anything at this point.

WTF did Cam talk to you about our discussion???

Hmm.. that was supposed to be a suprise for everyone but nevermind because we aren't even certain about getting one anyway. I'll have to check my ad revenue and see how we are doing in terms of money for the thing.

Quality video by the way ;)

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 16th June, 2005 @ 23:46 - Permalink

Eh... I dont even know Cam. So basicly you spoiled your surprise by yourself lol! Well it will be a cool feature to Thegtaplace. Just like the many other new features coming soon to TheGTAPlace

Sherman's photo
Sherman 17th June, 2005 @ 00:54 - Permalink

He meant Gtapimp/Cizzam.

Pyro.. you mind sending me 400 dollars? :D

Cam.'s photo
Cam. 17th June, 2005 @ 01:07 - Permalink

I only talked to MVI, Chris.

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