Rockstar registering GTA V domain names?

By Chris | 25th Feb 2011 at 23:17 GMT in GTA V | 9 Comments

Seems like someone's been looking into Rockstar Games' domain purchasing history and stumbled across something that might be of interest to GTA fans. Self-proclaimed internet-sleuth @supererogatory has discovered five domains registered by Rockstar that sound like they are taking the piss out of real life companies - exactly what Rockstar are known to do in the GTA series, and all the more relevant since GTA IV introduced its own in-game internet. The links below go to the WHOIS details of each domain.

It's worth noting that Rockstar have privately registered these domains, hiding their email address and physical address, something that they have never previously chosen to do. Some people have pointed out that this could just be anyone registered the domains for fun, since anyone can put their company name as "Rockstar Games". While I concede that this does seem a little sketchy, personally, I think it's improbable that this is just some prankster...

The domains were registered at NetSol, a registrar typically used by businesses as opposed to individuals, and the registrar Rockstar now use for their domains. Domain registration costs /year at NetSol, plus an additional /year for privacy. Each domain was registered for 5 years. At the time of posting, current prices and discounts would put the total cost of this order somewhere around 0-0. Is there really someone out there willing to spend that much money on a hoax? Personally, I doubt it.

The real question is whether or not they are to do with GTA V. If we assume they are, then it does confirm one thing - the game will be set in modern day, or at the very least the mid-late 90s when the internet started to take off. That said, there is of course the possibility that even if the domains are owned by Rockstar, they may have nothing to do with the next GTA. In the end all we can say is that only time will tell.

Still, it's an interesting discovery, and one which is sure to raise interest in GTA V. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think they are owned by Rockstar? And if so, do you think they are related to GTA V?

One final note: It's worth pointing out that while Rockstar do own, the domain is owned by a domain squatter. If Rockstar go with this name for the game, they will acquire the domain from him (with relative ease), and we'll notice a change in the WHOIS details, so that's something to keep an eye on.

Credit to for passing this on.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 26th February, 2011 @ 14:43 - Permalink

Not much detail... yet if it was a prankster I think he would have registered something more important, rather than in game porn sites...

Anyway I hope it's set in the modern day so that it will still have that sexy Comet, but I'll take anything Rockstar throws at us as long as it's for PC and as long as the rumors are fake and it won't take place in France or London. Seriously what's wrong with you people.


The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 26th February, 2011 @ 18:14 - Permalink

Consoles are the priority, the PC could get a simultaneous release but I doubt it. You'll just have to buy a console to play it. I posted in another topic about this, didn't see this. Anyway, I hope it's revealed within 6 months or less, I think GTA4 was revealed around summer 2007, between June and August but can't remember. Hopefully that'll happen again this year for GTA5.

EvoLuTioN's photo
EvoLuTioN 26th February, 2011 @ 18:59 - Permalink

Ah.. Finally some news.

About time we heard something bout the next GTA. Probably gonna have to wait over a year or two after the announce it for the game to come out but atm something this minor will do fine too. So Rockstar announces its games at tech shows or do they have their own press conference? GDC 11 anyone?

and - A LifeHacker spoof?

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 27th February, 2011 @ 06:56 - Permalink

Consoles are the priority, the PC could get a simultaneous release but I doubt it. You'll just have to buy a console to play it. I posted in another topic about this, didn't see this. Anyway, I hope it's revealed within 6 months or less, I think GTA4 was revealed around summer 2007, between June and August but can't remember. Hopefully that'll happen again this year for GTA5.

GTA IV was RELEASED in shorter time than it takes for R* to announce GTA 5.

Anyway if GTA IV for PC is released later it's fine but I at least want a good game when it's released, GTA IV released like it was (poorly optimized, buggy, laggy, still addicting) was the biggest insult R* could give to the PC users...

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 28th February, 2011 @ 11:21 - Permalink

TBH I would be surprised to see this game before 2013, it takes a long time to get a living breathing city right. Although, seeing as they've got the tech now after GTA4, maybe they can make it slightly quicker, I have no idea. As for the PC version which you say sucks, the mods released make it miles better than the console versions, which is something to be happy about. Just annoying you have to DL them in the first place, but hopefully not this time round.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 28th February, 2011 @ 12:22 - Permalink

TBH I would be surprised to see this game before 2013, it takes a long time to get a living breathing city right. Although, seeing as they've got the tech now after GTA4, maybe they can make it slightly quicker, I have no idea. As for the PC version which you say sucks, the mods released make it miles better than the console versions, which is something to be happy about. Just annoying you have to DL them in the first place, but hopefully not this time round.

GTA was always better on PC, except for IV which they intentionally made it suck on Microsoft's demand.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 1st March, 2011 @ 16:52 - Permalink

Cool read. I don't follow Rockstar much so I couldn't accurately guess if it's related to GTA5 or not but I do think it's Rockstar related at least.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 21st March, 2011 @ 08:14 - Permalink

In looking for any sign of movement under the proverbial radar, Site domains are one avenue of course, however, I should remind all that when Conan O Brien joked about a website that didn't exist, the NBC lawyers at that time gave him stern reprimand over the matter, If you were lucky enough to catch that episode, NBC/GE/Universal had to buy the domain for the mentioned site, as Conan explained it was some legal requirement, so I believe it COULD be the same for Rockstar and their fictional sites. Someone should find mentioned of the legalities surrounding such matters. I believe Conando though!

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 21st March, 2011 @ 11:02 - Permalink

In looking for any sign of movement under the proverbial radar, Site domains are one avenue of course, however, I should remind all that when Conan O Brien joked about a website that didn't exist, the NBC lawyers at that time gave him stern reprimand over the matter, If you were lucky enough to catch that episode, NBC/GE/Universal had to buy the domain for the mentioned site, as Conan explained it was some legal requirement, so I believe it COULD be the same for Rockstar and their fictional sites. Someone should find mentioned of the legalities surrounding such matters. I believe Conando though!


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