App Store - Chinatown Wars and Beaterator on special offer

By Chris | 29th Jul 2011 at 05:19 GMT in Chinatown Wars | 2 Comments

IPB ImageGood news for those of you with iPhones and iPads who don't own Chinatown Wars or Beaterator yet, Rockstar has slashed the prices of these two games for a limited time only (offer ends 11:59pm EST, Sunday, 31st July) to celebrate the summer.

GTA Chinatown Wars can now be grabbed for just .99 (£1.99 / 2,39 €) for iPhone and iPod touch, those of you dreaming a little bigger can go for the iPad version. Beaterator is even more of a steal at just {post}.99 (£0.69 / 0,79 €) for the iPhone or iPod touch.

While we're on the subject of mobile apps, you may also be interested in GTA Cheats (disclosure: an app I developed myself), which is available for both iPhone / iPad and Android OS and completely free of charge. It contains all the cheats for every GTA game on every console, that of course includes Chinatown Wars for iOS. You can grab that from the App Store or the Android Market.

Have fun!

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 3rd August, 2011 @ 09:26 - Permalink


JMDGamotia's photo
JMDGamotia 18th September, 2011 @ 14:24 - Permalink

Thanks for the first-ever duo pack from the App Store with Beaterator and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars!

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