Take-Two CEO avoids GTA V question

By Chris | 9th Aug 2011 at 20:06 GMT in GTA V | 13 Comments

Take-Two Interactive last night revealed their financial results for fiscal year 2012. Unfortunately there was no mention of Grand Theft Auto V anywhere, however, part of the report makes mention of the company's outlook in fiscal year 2013 (April 2012 - March 2013), it reads:

"... we have a very strong pipeline of yet-to-be announced titles in development. As a result, we continue to expect to achieve substantial revenue and earnings growth, including Non-GAAP net income in excess of .00 per share." (emphasis mine).

Why is this interesting? It seems unlikely T2 would be able to achieve such a figure without the release of a new Grand Theft Auto title. The release of Red Dead Redemption saw income rise to just over per share, the last time it rose above was during Grand Theft Auto IV's release. In the Q&A session following the release of this report, James Hardiman of Longbow Research asked Zelnick if the company could achieve this figure without a new GTA title. Strauss Zelnick, CEO of T2, answered the question making reference only to already announced titles such that are building on other franchises, namely BioShock and Borderlands, and completely avoided mentioning GTA.

So, while this is obviously no confirmation, it does give us somewhat of a pointer towards GTA V's release date (between April 2012 and March 2013). My personal guess? I think we could see R* moving back to the traditional October release, so October 2012. When do you think GTA V will be released? Let us know in the comments.

On a related note, the following video, courtesy of my friend Adriaan, is a humourous dramatisation of the question and it's answer. Enjoy.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 16th August, 2011 @ 17:50 - Permalink

Fuck him.

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 16th August, 2011 @ 20:48 - Permalink

I've seen this earlier, I've actually thought we might not have any GTA for a while longer if they're so confident. Either that or some announcement is nearby and they're expecting their shares to raise like hell after a 3 year GTA absence.

MrGrandTheftAuto's photo
MrGrandTheftAuto 19th September, 2011 @ 06:24 - Permalink
Red_Squirrel_UK's photo
Red_Squirrel_UK 19th September, 2011 @ 21:14 - Permalink

Fair enuf

Jimmy-526's photo
Jimmy-526 23rd September, 2011 @ 18:35 - Permalink

Whats the problem with houser brothers?

MrGrandTheftAuto's photo
MrGrandTheftAuto 23rd September, 2011 @ 21:44 - Permalink

They're fucked up

Jimmy-526's photo
Jimmy-526 24th September, 2011 @ 16:04 - Permalink

They're fucked up

They are screwed up. So its better not to expect anything.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 9th October, 2011 @ 07:49 - Permalink

Sam has no ideas, Dan cant even think what city will he put on the next GTA.

Jimmy-526's photo
Jimmy-526 9th October, 2011 @ 15:35 - Permalink

I think the intelligent one here is Leslie.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 9th October, 2011 @ 16:22 - Permalink

R* knows how to keep people in Dark so i am expecting something new out of 'em in 2012-13.

Jimmy-526's photo
Jimmy-526 9th October, 2011 @ 16:28 - Permalink
R* knows how to keep people in Dark so i am expecting something new out of 'em in 2012-13.
Try and s**k their dick and still they won't blab anything.
amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 9th October, 2011 @ 16:48 - Permalink

R* knows how to get to the top chart so expect some fireworks from 'em.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 11th November, 2011 @ 09:47 - Permalink

Take Two was basically not saying anything about GTA gaming because Strauss Zelnick does want the business end paying attention to their other game series, however, it's no doubt, the record breaking viewing for GTA V's premier trailer shows this game should sell again, like hot-cakes, with lines around the corner at Midnight if you can get it then at Gamestops! haha

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