GTA IV: San Andreas Beta #1 Released

By Chris | 9th Aug 2011 at 22:13 GMT in GTA IV | 22 Comments

If you've ever wanted to play San Andreas in GTA IV's RAGE engine, your wish has now come true. Sort of.

A talented team of modders have been working hard to bring the entire San Andreas map into GTA IV, and today, they've released the first beta version of their mod. The mod itself is pretty self-explanatory, it ports the entire world of San Andreas into GTA IV. In addition to the video above, you can also check out some screenshots on their website.

To start playing, you'll of course need to own GTA IV. Next, you'll need to download the rather hefty 1.11GB torrent. Full installation instructions can be found here. But remember this is a beta, there are bugs, not everything will be perfect yet.

We'll be following this awesome looking mod here at TGTAP, but you can also keep an eye on their website or follow @GTAIVSA on Twitter.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 10th August, 2011 @ 01:43 - Permalink

NICE! *downloads*

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 10th August, 2011 @ 12:42 - Permalink

Emphasis on ''sort of''.

1.1 GB? *POOF* downloaded :D

NickS's photo
NickS 10th August, 2011 @ 13:15 - Permalink

Hey shit! it's out already! Finally no more waiting... *looks at 1.11GB download size"

Whoever's got it can you let us know what it's like? Imma desperate for this shit!

And new CJ looks like he came out of Tekken 5 for some reason especially when he was holdin the katana

Chris's photo
Chris 10th August, 2011 @ 13:40 - Permalink

Emphasis on ''sort of''.

Yeah I mean it's not like it's free of bugs and you can do missions(?). Yet?

And new CJ looks like he came out of Tekken 5 for some reason especially when he was holdin the katana

Lol. Good to know I wasn't the only one who thought he looked a little like Jin.

NickS's photo
NickS 10th August, 2011 @ 13:57 - Permalink

yeah that's the guy, Jin. But when you look at his face, he looks like an Indian though.... *Indian Jin*

So we can't do missions in that mod? damn, that's what I was all excited about. I hope the team will bring that out soon.

Chris's photo
Chris 10th August, 2011 @ 14:06 - Permalink

I'm not sure, I had never even heard of the mod until recently as I sort of left the whole GTA scene. I of course read through their website before posting to get the jist of what the mod does, and it sounded to me like the things it does so far are (this list mostly from their features page):

  • Put the whole SA map into GTA IV
  • All peds
  • All vehicles
  • Increased draw distance
  • Enhanced sound and physics
  • euphoria motion
  • Replay and clip editing system

I didn't see any mention of having the storyline/missions included anywhere. That's why I assumed it was not part of the beta, I'm not sure if they are intended for the final release. If they actually get missions into the mod I think we can safely say this would be the biggest and best total conversion we've ever seen for a GTA game.

Highwire's photo
Highwire 10th August, 2011 @ 14:22 - Permalink

lol, is that supposed to be CJ? Looks like some dude from Central/South America. The mods looks pretty cool still. I'd download it if I was able to run GTA 4 on my computer.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 10th August, 2011 @ 19:46 - Permalink

Umm Christ what kind of torrent is that? Doesn't seem to be recognized by uTorrent.

EDIT: Nvm it works, just can't be opened directly from Firefox.

Anyway wish it would keep the original IV vehicles...

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 11th August, 2011 @ 02:25 - Permalink

Umm Christ what kind of torrent is that? Doesn't seem to be recognized by uTorrent.

EDIT: Nvm it works, just can't be opened directly from Firefox.

Anyway wish it would keep the original IV vehicles...

There's an option for you to keep the IV vehicles afaik.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 11th August, 2011 @ 05:35 - Permalink

Sorry for the double-post, but here's my gameplay video:

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 11th August, 2011 @ 21:14 - Permalink

Vito Scaletta driving a Karen Dilledante in San Andreas and listening to Liberty City radios. Your argument is invalid.

I knew it was just a map but... no traffic? No cops? Basically just driving?

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 12th August, 2011 @ 08:14 - Permalink

WTF... piece of shit removed my saved games, and I had just finished the game 100% after re-formating. What retard made this anyway?

And of course it doesn't work ether... why would it work...

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 12th August, 2011 @ 14:45 - Permalink

WTF... piece of shit removed my saved games, and I had just finished the game 100% after re-formatting. What retard made this anyway?

And of course it doesn't work ether... why would it work...

You obviously forgot to back up your saves.

Vito Scaletta driving a Karen Dilledante in San Andreas and listening to Liberty City radios. Your argument is invalid.


I knew it was just a map but... no traffic? No cops? Basically just driving?

Unfortunately, yes. Paths are still yet to be laid out, other than the trains. Simply demanding the team to populate the place would be madness.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 12th August, 2011 @ 15:12 - Permalink

Yes I didn't backup my saves. Why? Because at the beginning of the install the game told me that IT had moved my saves to a so called safe location. I abandoned the install so I can let the Windows install it's stupid updates and bam! Next thing I know my save games have been completely wiped out from the PC.

Any way I can enable a downloaded save without xliveless? I have no intention in killing all 200 pigeons again...

Sherman's photo
Sherman 14th August, 2011 @ 16:55 - Permalink

This conversion is cool as fuck. Makes me want a PC :P

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 15th August, 2011 @ 17:32 - Permalink

I followed this topic on the site it origined from, I think the mod got cancelled for the lack of tools for IV such as traffic path makers and mission scripters, I think this is all we're going to get. Nonetheless, I got it here installed, not bad.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 25th September, 2011 @ 15:01 - Permalink

I would buy the game but am concerned at all the 1 star reviews about the game crashing etc. My PC can handle it definitely, but it's a big but about the game.

Jimmy-526's photo
Jimmy-526 25th September, 2011 @ 15:24 - Permalink

My friend Johnathan & GTARandom are the part of the designing team of this mod. I'll ask them to make their Mod Topic in here.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 27th September, 2011 @ 12:53 - Permalink

You're the same guy who got banned on GTAF for posting this, right?

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 27th September, 2011 @ 13:49 - Permalink

your youtube videos looks awesome but i would wait for the final version of the mod (if the modders wont run away) lol *holding the 5 years record for a bug free pc*

Red_Squirrel_UK's photo
Red_Squirrel_UK 27th September, 2011 @ 16:34 - Permalink

Without the ped's and ped vechicle's its kinda pointless to me.. Might as well just go play SA lol

Still, its a fuckin awesome looking mod.. Must of took ALOT of work

Jimmy-526's photo
Jimmy-526 27th September, 2011 @ 16:44 - Permalink
Without the ped's and ped vechicle's its kinda pointless to me.. Might as well just go play SA lol

Still, its a fuckin awesome looking mod.. Must of took ALOT of work

well I know how hard Johnathan and other guys work. They keep themselves sticked to facebook while modding. They hardly take a break.

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