GTAV Trailer Recreated in GTA San Andreas

By Chris | 6th Nov 2011 at 05:14 GMT in GTA V | 10 Comments

I'm sure many of you reading this will remember trailers for GTA IV being recreated in GTA: San Andreas, most notably those made by Brotha which we featured on the front page here at The GTA Place. Well, it didn't take long for GTAV's first trailer to get that same treatment, this time by YouTube user CreativityZone. Below, you can watch his recreation along with the real GTA V trailer vertically split-screen to see exactly how they compare. I think he's done a pretty amazing job.

If you want to see the recreated trailer by itself without the real GTA V comparison, you can


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Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 6th November, 2011 @ 05:31 - Permalink

Looks nice, although he should've used the IV: SA mod instead.

Dmac's photo
Dmac 6th November, 2011 @ 06:10 - Permalink

Looks nice, although he should've used the IV: SA mod instead.

I think the whole point was to show how far the game has come and compare the differences between them both :P

thedownunderkid's photo
thedownunderkid 6th November, 2011 @ 07:25 - Permalink

wow i diddent even notice till you pointed it out. amazing. was it intetional.

thedownunderkid's photo
thedownunderkid 6th November, 2011 @ 07:29 - Permalink

this is to all the people who are disapointed about the game i.e the location & so on. stop complaining.your ganna buy it regardless its a new GTA for god sake.your lucky there even asking for your imput.& to the makers gr8 job i love it cannot wait till its out.

Red_Squirrel_UK's photo
Red_Squirrel_UK 6th November, 2011 @ 15:09 - Permalink

this is to all the people who are disapointed about the game i.e the location & so on. stop complaining.your ganna buy it regardless its a new GTA for god sake.your lucky there even asking for your imput.& to the makers gr8 job i love it cannot wait till its out.

Was you drunk when you posted this? I could barley understand you

That video was awesome. It's funny how it show's the dingy instead of the jetski for san andreas version of the trailer, as there's acctually a mod for SA for a jet ski and it replace's ur dingy :D

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 6th November, 2011 @ 19:51 - Permalink

this is to all the people who are disapointed about the game i.e the location & so on. stop complaining.your ganna buy it regardless its a new GTA for god sake.your lucky there even asking for your imput.& to the makers gr8 job i love it cannot wait till its out.

Was you drunk when you posted this? I could barley understand you

That video was awesome. It's funny how it show's the dingy instead of the jetski for san andreas version of the trailer, as there's acctually a mod for SA for a jet ski and it replace's ur dingy :D

Again, I think the whole point was showing what we had in SA, and what we will have in V...... I don't think there were going for an accurate reproduction, just as close as possible with the stock game.

Chris's photo
Chris 6th November, 2011 @ 20:14 - Permalink

Yeah I think Spaz is right. Using mods would defeat the purpose of the recreation I think.

Artur's photo
Artur 6th November, 2011 @ 20:46 - Permalink

Yup, the series really has come a long way and the video really shows that. Gotta love the convertible/forklift part along with the golf scene :P

Edit: On another note, I thought this was pretty cool.

Fuzzy168's photo
Fuzzy168 8th November, 2011 @ 03:42 - Permalink

If only I had San Andreas..

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 11th November, 2011 @ 10:23 - Permalink

I'm replaying the 10 year old (birthday/anniversary) Grand Theft Auto 3, on my laptop with the keyboard! MAN, it's nearly impossible, and for GTA V, will feel like heaven! haha I assume because of the time they had between hardware and engines, they had to resort back to known maps, and there was still demand, even now, for SA and Vice City, however, Modders have been making San An on the RAGE engine, so if the map falls short, the cars are lacking?!? Just look for the PC Mod! Now, will they get the PC version of GTA 5 into players hands without a wait and more technical SNAFU??! That remains to be seen.

I downloaded what I think is the Beta for San An on Rage HD, it was 1GB and took about an hour, I'll be seeing if it will run without the San An or GTA IV disc in my computer, that I worry about, along with the video card requirements, GTA IV refuses to run or install if the GFX card is lacking

Vice followed 3 in about a year, and then San An took twice as long, if memory serves. That recreation is amazingly good, considering placing elements that didn't exist into the right spot for a direct comparison, took some work!

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