Could Ned Luke be the voice of the GTA V protagonist?

By Chris | 11th Nov 2011 at 00:19 GMT in GTA V | 18 Comments

GTAForums member Dourvas has made an interesting discovery relating to the protagonist of GTA V. The first GTA V trailer is narrated very clearly, and we assume the narrator is the main character we play as. The older guy seen in the trailer is who we presume the voice belongs to. You'll notice actor Ned Luke bears an uncanny resemblance to him...


Image and news via

Not only does he have a similar physical appearance, he also sounds very similar too.

What do you think? Tell us in our forums.

UPDATE: Looks like there's even more to this than we originally thought. On 5th November, Jimmy Taenaka, apparently a friend of Luke's, made two tweets, where he gives props to his friend for landing the role. Additionally, a woman named Rebecca Halls who claims to be Luke's cousin made a series of somewhat negative tweets on 2nd November regarding his being in the trailer, if you can find them amongst her airing of personal issues. Lastly, Ned Luke himself allegedly goes by the Twitter handle @boomfatdaddy, although his account is not verified, the account does however follow @RockstarGames and even tweeted a GTA memory.

UPDATE 2: Jimmy just tweeted that it's "not official" but seems convinced that it is Ned Luke.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 11th November, 2011 @ 01:43 - Permalink

Believable, if everyone is who they say they are. And that dumb blonde bitch definitely mentions the GTA trailer, and that he was in an episode of SVU.

HartlessNZ's photo
HartlessNZ 11th November, 2011 @ 08:25 - Permalink

I reckon it's Toni Cipriani from LCS.....

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 11th November, 2011 @ 09:44 - Permalink

What is with derogatory name calling? "dumb bitch"? Please, try and find more suitable words, it just looks bad, really. As far as the actor, I wish they'd go with some bigger name talent, At least being in the USA, I still can't recall his name, and I don't normally watch cable, could be why. One problem I have is with choosing a voice actor who looks like an animated one, perhaps this is closer to the case if the same person is used for Motion capture (mocap)

The other day, looked over the YouTube channel of the character actor playing Roman Bellic to hear his comments on the trailer, and a bit of Q and A in his comments, he said that there was a joke he made about not getting residuals, but that he was well paid for his role as Roman, Watching his channel, it's actually really hilarious to hear him speak anything with GTA IV's ROMAN voice, I can't get enough, silly stuff!

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 11th November, 2011 @ 12:43 - Permalink

He wasn't even confirmed as the protagonist...

Artur's photo
Artur 11th November, 2011 @ 13:07 - Permalink

He wasn't even confirmed as the protagonist...

GTAForums member Dourvas has made an interesting discovery relating to the protagonist of GTA V. The first GTA V trailer is narrated very clearly, and we assume the narrator is the main character we play as. The older guy seen in the trailer is who we presume the voice belongs to. You'll notice actor Ned Luke bears an uncanny resemblance to him.

No one said anything was confirmed. This guy does sound quite similar to the narrator though and I found it funny that he was in that Cheerios commercial.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 11th November, 2011 @ 16:05 - Permalink

He wasn't even confirmed as the protagonist...

GTAForums member Dourvas has made an interesting discovery relating to the protagonist of GTA V. The first GTA V trailer is narrated very clearly, and we assume the narrator is the main character we play as. The older guy seen in the trailer is who we presume the voice belongs to. You'll notice actor Ned Luke bears an uncanny resemblance to him.

No one said anything was confirmed. This guy does sound quite similar to the narrator though and I found it funny that he was in that Cheerios commercial.


BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 12th November, 2011 @ 04:48 - Permalink

I don't believe I can tell he sounds the same, but I was thinking of the actor from Con Air, ....something Meaney? I want to say "Colm?, Colin? I should know this... hahaha

Wow, I remembered! He'd be totally awesome in GTA!!! ^

How about that Buffalo Bill guy? Silence of the Lambs? Yeah, Ted Levine...

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 18th November, 2011 @ 18:55 - Permalink

Why are people still suggesting that it's going to be Tommy Vercetti or Toni Cipriani? Aren't we forgetting that Rockstar said that any of the previous characters from the GTAs before GTA IV will not exist in the new GTA universe??

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 18th November, 2011 @ 21:36 - Permalink

Why are people still suggesting that it's going to be Tommy Vercetti or Toni Cipriani? Aren't we forgetting that Rockstar said that any of the previous characters from the GTAs before GTA IV will not exist in the new GTA universe??

Because they are morons mainly. Others are just over-nostalgic...

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 19th November, 2011 @ 09:01 - Permalink

Why are people still suggesting that it's going to be Tommy Vercetti or Toni Cipriani? Aren't we forgetting that Rockstar said that any of the previous characters from the GTAs before GTA IV will not exist in the new GTA universe??

Ah, but here's the kicker. They never said no one from previous eras would exist in the GTA V universe. Besides, the simple fact that the next game is GTA V is seemingly breaking one of their rules. Usually, we do not get another numbered game until we get another "world", and sometimes another engine.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 19th November, 2011 @ 10:22 - Permalink

Could be called ''GTA V'' for marketing purposes... people usually think of spin-offs in titles that aren't numbered.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 19th November, 2011 @ 11:02 - Permalink

Haha, i think they will introduce the characters from IV. Anyway i am waiting for my first copy of the game and will search for some clues about "what happened to the grove?"

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 19th November, 2011 @ 17:46 - Permalink

Could be called ''GTA V'' for marketing purposes... people usually think of spin-offs in titles that aren't numbered.

But it's MAIN audience are already established GTA fans, and they all already "get" their naming process, or did, until they went and changed it.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 19th November, 2011 @ 19:25 - Permalink

Could be called ''GTA V'' for marketing purposes... people usually think of spin-offs in titles that aren't numbered.

But it's MAIN audience are already established GTA fans, and they all already "get" their naming process, or did, until they went and changed it.

True. But the audience is constantly expanding...

I mean, GTA SA didn't sell as many copies as GTA IV now did it?

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 19th November, 2011 @ 19:37 - Permalink

Yep, it did. IV sold out 20millions where as SA sold 21.4 millions by 2010

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 20th November, 2011 @ 18:17 - Permalink

Yep, it did. IV sold out 20millions where as SA sold 21.4 millions by 2010


Yes but there's a 3 year difference between 'em... not to mention GTA SA sales jumped once it became available on Steam.

Plus there are people that bought GTA SA on Steam and never played it. Not gonna mention any names... Chris :P

(as in, never played the Steam version. hopefully i've avoided any confusions)

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 20th November, 2011 @ 18:35 - Permalink

lmao. IV was great, i mean it did great selling in the opening week everything was going great then came the real trouble, low end pc users were like " :angry: " heck, half of them even dumped their pc lol. Also remember the list of errors it had. It brought half of the latest rigs to their knees

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 21st November, 2011 @ 08:11 - Permalink

lmao. IV was great, i mean it did great selling in the opening week everything was going great then came the real trouble, low end pc users were like " :angry: " heck, half of them even dumped their pc lol. Also remember the list of errors it had. It brought half of the latest rigs to their knees

High-end and average PC users aren't very happy with it ether :P

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