SA-MP screenshots

By Adriaan | 27th Jun 2005 at 12:30 GMT in San Andreas | 5 Comments

The SA-MP team recently updated their website with screenshots from their beta testing of their multiplayer mod called SA-MP(San Andreas Multiplayer). Also that can be noticed is that they changed the "Current Development Version" from Vice to version 0.1 of San Andreas MP, stating that it is 20% complete.

There will be alot going on around multiplayer mods for San Andreas this week. Check back soon where TheGTAPlace will post a exclusive video of another multiplayer mod that we got to test.

Link: SA-MP Media Page

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 27th June, 2005 @ 19:17 - Permalink

All i can say is that SA-MP makes MTA look like even crappier than before.

Eversince they release the VC MP video, i knew this MP mod will be the pwnage!

Sherman's photo
Sherman 28th June, 2005 @ 00:36 - Permalink

Wow, that looks good. I like how that parking lot was done.. random cars in spaces.

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 28th June, 2005 @ 09:36 - Permalink

Was probally just spawned there for the beta testing.

mr_Vercetti's photo
mr_Vercetti 12th July, 2005 @ 01:47 - Permalink

well i cant wait it looks fun and it dont look bad i like that you can be all dif ppl like mafia from gta3

Dave1's photo
Dave1 12th July, 2005 @ 01:56 - Permalink

This sucks ass in so many ways.

My computer cant play gta san for pc ugh :'(

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