GTA V Trailer Remakes in GTA San Andreas

By Chris | 28th May 2012 at 15:46 GMT in GTA V | 4 Comments

Since the first GTA V trailer was initially revealed back in November, many users have attempted to recreate it using GTA San Andreas. One of the first to gain popularity was one made by CreativityZone which we posted about last year. The newest effort we have is from GTARLde, check his re-creation out below and let us know what you think.

And another one from last year which you may not have seen as we didn't post it at the time, from user coollertmb:


Tell us your thoughts in the forums and let us know if there's any other good remakes we've missed.

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 29th May, 2012 @ 01:51 - Permalink

Looks 'swell to me, reminds me of the time when some dude on YouTube recreated the IV debut trailer using only clips he found on YT.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 29th May, 2012 @ 02:57 - Permalink

I have seen the GTA V trailer being remade with GTA IV clips by beanmike206.

MartiniFK's photo
MartiniFK 17th July, 2012 @ 05:30 - Permalink

Looks good and nice.g.gif

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 17th July, 2012 @ 13:08 - Permalink

Ah, but will there be one made for the SECOND trailer??! Hmmmmm

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