First GTA V Screenshots Released!

By Chris | 12th Jul 2012 at 15:34 GMT in GTA V | 20 Comments

Rockstar have given us a nice little surprise today with the release of the first two screenshots from Grand Theft Auto V in the latest Asked & Answered Newswire post. Check them out below and let us know your thoughts on them!

newswire_1342100433.jpg newswire_1342100464.jpg

Source: Asked and Answered

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 12th July, 2012 @ 15:42 - Permalink

Pinch me if i am dreaming but is that the Glen park?

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 12th July, 2012 @ 16:21 - Permalink

I think it is, and it looks gorgeous...

Blur's photo
Blur 12th July, 2012 @ 16:50 - Permalink

Notice the bridge in the background of the first picture, man the map must be really something else.

Also anyone else think Rockstar should change the picture on the newswire (right now it features Max), yeah I know it also says GTA V in the headline, but some people may still dismiss it, wasn't really expecting this at all. Awesome R*

MisterBombi's photo
MisterBombi 12th July, 2012 @ 17:15 - Permalink

It's about time they released some info on GTA V!

Chris's photo
Chris 12th July, 2012 @ 19:08 - Permalink

Pinch me if i am dreaming but is that the Glen park?

Yeah we're pretty sure it is.

It's about time they released some info on GTA V!

Well I think from now on we can expect to see info start trickling through more often. Maybe every few weeks we'll have something new :)

gtashaun's photo
gtashaun 12th July, 2012 @ 19:24 - Permalink

PLANES! - quote - Fear not, they are returning in what is our biggest open world game to date.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 13th July, 2012 @ 03:47 - Permalink

Notice in the first picture there is a crane in the downtown area. Could it be the same crane that was there near the hospital area of Los Santos 20 years ago? You can see the precint square and the LAPD Head quarters.

NotYouHaha's photo
NotYouHaha 13th July, 2012 @ 04:38 - Permalink

Oh my god. Pictures like the 2nd snapshot there is the reason why I can't wait. Conversely, I noticed that the 1st snapshot has a less-appetizing grey blur above the buildings like in Liberty City. Intentional or not, it fits in the "realism" front. It looks like smog, which LA is known for.

Also, as the GTA player I am, I have this itch to push those people off that dock there...

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 13th July, 2012 @ 17:26 - Permalink

I've created a topic in the GTA V section for them, didn't see this first, but I will say, add any additional released ones in my GTA V thread, all in one place as they plan to release more

I am happy we got something to study, but for me, It's SIMPLY too little, too late. Their excuse about having too much work to allow more info on it, after months and years, it's hard to swallow that. Sure it's susceptible to change, what isn't that's not released, Just issue the proper disclaimer in such cases!!

Sherman's photo
Sherman 14th July, 2012 @ 17:21 - Permalink

That is awesome, I'm getting a little excited again. The city looks so huge!

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 14th July, 2012 @ 17:46 - Permalink

However, Devil's Advocate, me being not so excited just yet... the bigger the map, the longer mission travels will be! haha Kind of a 'two way street', In terms of just sheer space, taking so long could mean that that space is not just there for the sake of a larger game, or planes validity

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 14th July, 2012 @ 17:51 - Permalink

That is awesome, I'm getting a little excited again. The city looks so huge!

i hope they will show us another trailer soon or just some more screen shots.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 14th July, 2012 @ 18:09 - Permalink

That is in Rockstar's response in A & A, new trailer and screenshots forthcoming, hence my thread I made in the V section, this is just the start!

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 14th July, 2012 @ 19:23 - Permalink

Well well well, Rockstar. Have you something worth-while to keep us waiting for? Ball's in their court, let's hope they deliver. Not that I doubt Rockstar very often, but I also don't tend to doubt Valve and those assholes WILL NOT GIVE ME HL2EP3 AND I'M GOING TO KILL THINGS SOON.

I can't handle such a low amount of tension. Up the ante, a bit, please.....

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 14th July, 2012 @ 23:12 - Permalink

Up the tension? I have to say, it's odd compared to GTA IV's promotion, anything but extended quiet since there were a number of sources getting bits of info to the fans. The problem is the bigger the effort for GTA to eclipse all that have come before it. I don't think it will take on ALL comers, that's wishful thinking, but just revisiting Los Santos was rather a let down for me, I think a completely new REALM to explore would make sense as far as keeping it under wraps for so long, but I figure that with just a bit of info, they assume too much can be determined by sleuthing fans! haha

Blur's photo
Blur 14th July, 2012 @ 23:52 - Permalink

However, Devil's Advocate, me being not so excited just yet... the bigger the map, the longer mission travels will be! haha Kind of a 'two way street', In terms of just sheer space, taking so long could mean that that space is not just there for the sake of a larger game, or planes validity

Taxies man. I for one wouldn't mind the long trips. I can see myself now listening to some psychedelic rock station while driving on the highway with the mountains in the distant. I'm really excited for what Los Santos has to offer. With Rockstar taking the approach of quality over quantity, in terms of the amount of detail they are adding to the enviornment. I feel that they will really make the city come alive like never before (the homeless people under the bridge).

Now what I am most looking forward to is news on the main character(s). Only time will tell. Also the second screenshot is the best imo.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 15th July, 2012 @ 00:05 - Permalink

Planes will likely account for more then Heli travel, I'm hoping, in terms of being a passenger on a jet versus piloting one.

As someone pointed out too, there is a rather a lack of peds or NPCs as they're known, in what we've seen of the last two shots, the trailer's OK as far as city-scenes, but I think people are expecting an AI capable of more peds at any given time. We'll see

That's sure to stress any PC requirements! haha

Jezz Torrent's photo
Jezz Torrent 15th July, 2012 @ 23:58 - Permalink

seriously rockstar? you makes us wait 8 months since the trailer and this is all you have to show for us? 2 random screenshots that pretty much show nothing? ...not impressed at all

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 16th July, 2012 @ 01:20 - Permalink

seriously rockstar? you makes us wait 8 months since the trailer and this is all you have to show for us? 2 random screenshots that pretty much show nothing? ...not impressed at all

well, thats the rockstar's way of "You can go jump off a bridge blaming us but we know when we release it, its gonna be epic"

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 16th July, 2012 @ 03:59 - Permalink

Well, I'm pleased it's THAT much, since an Asked and Answered is often somewhat evasive even given that Rockstar are presenting it, they play their cards close to their chest, it's a given, no surprise there, but what I think should be done is better questions that they'll have to answer in future installments. I get irked when I read something that someone already answered on a forum, and equates to COMMON SENSE.... Don't bother Rockstar with those queries! ha ha ha Put them in the Hot Seat instead

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