Four New GTA V Screenshots - Business

By Chris | 24th Aug 2012 at 13:58 GMT in GTA V | 22 Comments

Finishing this week's GTA V screenshot special are four new screens depicting business. Enjoy!





See every screenshot released so far in our GTA V Screenshot Gallery. What do you suppose are the "businesses" being shown to us in these screenshots? Discuss in the forums.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 24th August, 2012 @ 14:16 - Permalink

Look at that Murcielago. I think the first and the third screens are related to each other, maybe a mission.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 24th August, 2012 @ 15:53 - Permalink

My eyes went straight to background details. Initially I was seeing these shots in bright sunlight and it was hard to make out that the car carrier has a opening in the rear, it looked solid being washed out in bright light, and appeared out of place. Note the wheels of the truck at odd angles, this shows true game physics versus any found in the real world, that's why it seems unrealistic. It will still be a Hyper Realistic game world, and not Photo Realistic

The exotic sports car made me think Ferrari "red" at first inspection, but it could borrow elements from both Italian supercars, I doubt it's a direct Lambo related car, but if it's the Infernus it will share more in common with that marquee. The car that's the proposed theft on the car carrier scene also has louvered rear window... Seems Rockstar like that custom look for "hot rods". The roof mounted periscope for the red car shares much in common with the first generation Lamborghini Countach, but it faced the rearward direction to allow the driver a view backwards over the engine bonnet in the rear of those cars

Chris's photo
Chris 24th August, 2012 @ 16:40 - Permalink

Definitely inspired by Lamborghini. I think amazingdude was right, most likely the Murcielago is the closest real-life counterpart.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 24th August, 2012 @ 18:22 - Permalink

Nice screenshots love the Lamborghini.

I also love the truck that can hold cars, I don't think that type of vehicle has existed before in GTA?.

The river screenshot looks too good tbh,

I am curious if these screenshots are 720p, the standard for most games?

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 24th August, 2012 @ 18:36 - Permalink








Good to see they didn't waste time making new car models and imported the ones from GTA IV.

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 24th August, 2012 @ 19:35 - Permalink

Nice screenshots love the Lamborghini.

I also love the truck that can hold cars, I don't think that type of vehicle has existed before in GTA?.

The river screenshot looks too good tbh,

I am curious if these screenshots are 720p, the standard for most games?

Yes, the "packer" from GTA SA could hold upto 3 cars at a descent speed.

EvoLuTioN's photo
EvoLuTioN 25th August, 2012 @ 01:38 - Permalink

The trailer holding the car may just be mission specific, Like the one with the cop bikes in the original SA.

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 25th August, 2012 @ 03:55 - Permalink

Notice that the character in these screenshots is not the one from the trailer? Looks like some kind of Latino guy, possibly Mexican cause it's in Los Santos..

MichaelWalker's photo
MichaelWalker 25th August, 2012 @ 13:14 - Permalink

So if every other day Rockstar is releasing new snapshots, maybe tomorrow they'll release trailer#2

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 26th August, 2012 @ 02:58 - Permalink

I joked on Rockstars news site that Killing is my Business, and Business is Good, from Megadeth's classic debut album comes to mind when I see the subject photos, and perhaps they'd make a return in the soundtrack of GTA?!? Not a bad idea at all

Well, the main question on the Supercars, exotics of GTA fame, is if the Testarossa 'Cheetah' is no more, and the Lambo [of some variety] is still in the game, what would Ferrari's car be renamed??

As for the protagonist, it's been rumored there are about 5, some say 3 different LEAD characters you will play as, this came about mid 2010 in terms of discussing GTA V, long before the trailer. Or at least several months, mid 2011 I remember for sure. People were speculating it was Vinewood based on seeing Rockstar scouting staff out that way, so I was banking on that and when the first trailer bowed, I was ecstatic to find some rumor held actual water! It's still looking that way now!!

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 26th August, 2012 @ 03:10 - Permalink

The exotic sports car made me think Ferrari "red" at first inspection, but it could borrow elements from both Italian supercars, I doubt it's a direct Lambo related car, but if it's the Infernus it will share more in common with that marquee.

What are you talking about?? That's obviously an Infernus. It's the same car from GTA IV...

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 26th August, 2012 @ 03:20 - Permalink

I doubt it is the same car, and as I said, I first thought Ferrari, I wouldn't say otherwise, it's what my first thought was, honestly! When the game comes out, then you can prove it's the same car, It's certainly in keeping with normal styling cues. Those mirrors are horrid though! UGH

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 26th August, 2012 @ 12:17 - Permalink

Well, that can be the new and improved version of infernus after IV. What about the "Infernus Turbo S"? Haha :D

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 26th August, 2012 @ 17:02 - Permalink

Wow, nobody here played GTA IV...

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 26th August, 2012 @ 17:19 - Permalink

Wow, nobody here played GTA IV...

Trust me, the game is gonna be 10x better than IV.

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 26th August, 2012 @ 18:07 - Permalink

Wow, nobody here played GTA IV...

Trust me, the game is gonna be 10x better than IV.

Ten times more hyped maybe... anyway that's not what I was implying. Nobody here except Victor_Vance recognized the Infernus from GTA IV. It even has the same low poly model from GTA IV for fuck's sake! Some genius even compared it to a Ferrari... wtf. It's based mainly off the Lamborghini Diablo. though it has influences from the first Lamborghini Murcielago (probably to make it look more modern) and Pagani Zonda C12 (the rear looks almost identhical, also the sound seems to be taken from a Zonda).

That's one of IV's signature cars, you get one as a reward at some point and it's seen at least 10 times along the story. that's why it's evident nobody here played it. It looks identhical to the one from IV except for the rims.

Anyway it looks like they are focusing too much on the enviornment and not enough on the vehicles and guns... those models are awful. Still, they changed a bit since the first trailer so who knows...

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 26th August, 2012 @ 18:32 - Permalink

Yeah, they just basically modified a few old ones but the blue car driven by the expected protagonist? Thats a new one. (could be a stinger or a feltzer)

Red_91's photo
Red_91 26th August, 2012 @ 18:59 - Permalink

Wow, nobody here played GTA IV...

Trust me, the game is gonna be 10x better than IV.

Ten times more hyped maybe... anyway that's not what I was implying. Nobody here except Victor_Vance recognized the Infernus from GTA IV. It even has the same low poly model from GTA IV for fuck's sake! Some genius even compared it to a Ferrari... wtf. It's based mainly off the Lamborghini Diablo. though it has influences from the first Lamborghini Murcielago (probably to make it look more modern) and Pagani Zonda C12 (the rear looks almost identhical, also the sound seems to be taken from a Zonda).

That's one of IV's signature cars, you get one as a reward at some point and it's seen at least 10 times along the story. that's why it's evident nobody here played it. It looks identhical to the one from IV except for the rims.

Anyway it looks like they are focusing too much on the enviornment and not enough on the vehicles and guns... those models are awful. Still, they changed a bit since the first trailer so who knows...

People may not remember IV, I haven't played GTA in a good while. But its good what you picked up.

I am awaiting some interior building screenshots, not enough emphasis on any of the GTAs on this part.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 26th August, 2012 @ 19:59 - Permalink

I'll compare what looks like a MODERN Ferrari to one, if it's been shown to us, the current CHEETAH, and that's what's on my mind. If it's the Infernus and actually looks like the Lambo variant, then I stand corrected, lets not go calling one another names, M'kay? Settle the F' down, is what I say

Don't hang me on my first impressions. I do play GTA IV but even I took a break from it to work on PC electronic projects, and I'd been playing Red Dead Redemption more because so far, it's the best game out there, period. GTA IV has a lot of progress, but as much if not more, room for improvement. I'm certainly on the same page when it comes to interiors, There must be a change from the past GTA games in this regard, one of the factors taking so long is making a larger map with more inclusive elements... the only way you can logically justify borrowing (MP3?!) or reusing assets, as Rockstar modders so expertly unearth

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 28th August, 2012 @ 02:38 - Permalink

Well, it's obviously an Infernus which is a Lamborghini in real life. But anyway, anyone else notice that is not Ned Luke in the pictures? It's some other guy, could it be that Ned Luke isn't going to be the main character in the game?

amazingdude's photo
amazingdude 28th August, 2012 @ 09:19 - Permalink

Maybe... Maybe not. The protagonist has to be the guy in the F-18 who resumes to be more like him.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 2nd September, 2012 @ 19:51 - Permalink

Obviously been rumored of more then one playable character, and people shooting down the idea already forgot that RDR and GTA IV incorporated that and multiple story lines as's entirely possible that's why it's a rumor that as long as it's standing without rebut from Rockstar, could be the case.

As far as associating the Infernus with Lambo, that was my idea when looking at the Cheetah again, but also consider that the Ferrari Testarossa has long been a car featured in video games, gave the classic OUTRUN coin op it's fan base, me thinks!!

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