MTA: San Andreas 1.3.1 Released

By Chris | 4th Sep 2012 at 01:40 GMT in San Andreas | 1 Comment


Eight long months after the last release, the MTA team have today updated their Multi Theft Auto mod for San Andreas. Changes made in this update include:

  • Added support for Windows 8
  • MTA:SA client installers (main and nightlies) are now digitally signed
  • Increased max players for a single server to 4096
  • New features: BASS Effects (
    ), Analog Controls States, Bullet Sync and Custom Vehicle Sirens (
  • Added ability to create pedless weapons via weapon creation (video)
  • Added ability to shoot with any weapon with jetpack (
  • Editor stability improvements and new features
  • ... and much more!

The team also boast some impressive stats on the mod's growth over the last couple of years.

Our unique player count record is now 9150 players at the same time (set on 2012 Aug Sun 26th 17:30). This July, there have been over 250,000 unique players in total, which also sets a new record (compare this to 76,290 in July 2010 and 154,800 in July 2011).

Want to get into the game, you can download MTASA 1.3.1 from our database right now. For those interested, a full change log can be found on the MTA wiki.


Sherman's photo
Sherman 7th September, 2012 @ 14:26 - Permalink

I miss playing MTA. Not good enough internet or even much devoted time to put to it anymore, these days. Awesome they're still working on it and people still play, though.

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Rockstar Network GTA-Action GTA Vision